

India's GDP to contract 16.5% in Apr-June quarter: SBI report印度国家银行报告:印度4月-6月的国内生产总值(GDP)萎缩16.5%Stat

再回首 2020-08-29 阅读(364)


GDP to grow 1.6% in FY21: Goldman高盛:印度GDP增长率将降至1.6%NEW DELHI: India’s GDP growth is estimated

爱情 2020-04-12 阅读(73)


Moody's slashes India GDP growth in 2020 to 2.5%穆迪将印度2020年的GDP增速下调至2.5%NEW DELHI: Moody's Investors

爱情 2020-04-02 阅读(99)


Real GDP growth 2.5% lower than official: Ex-CEA Subramanian印度前首席经济顾问表示:印度GDP实际增速比官方数据低2.5% India's

山河永慕 2019-06-14 阅读(347)


GDP growth falls to 5.8% in January-March quarter, falls below China印度第4季度GDP增速降至5.8%,低于中国注:印度财年为每年

月光傾城 2019-06-03 阅读(767)


Need to fix GDP data issues, says IMF chief economist Gita GopinathIMF首席经济学家吉塔·戈皮纳特表示:需要修正GD

江山如画 2019-04-15 阅读(260)


India's GDP expected to expand 7.5% in 2019-20: World Bank世界银行预测,印度GDP在2019- 2020年将增长7.5% WASHINGTO

爱情 2019-04-10 阅读(229)


GDP growth falls to 6.6% in Q3, slowest in five quarters印度第三季度GDP增长率降至6.6%,为五个季度以来最低NEW DELHI: The c

不回头 2019-03-03 阅读(196)


Why is everyone cutting India's GDP growth forecast?为何每家机构都下调印度的GDP增长预测? NEW DELHI: Fitch Ratings sl

舍得放手 2019-01-01 阅读(209)


How soon would India's GDP cross 10 Trillion USD and India's Per Capita Income cross the 10,000 USD

你身后 2018-12-12 阅读(184)

Quora: 印度人是否高估了本国GDP增长率

Are Indians overestimating the country’s GDP growth rate?印度人是否高估了本国的GDP增长率? Quora评论翻译:外文:https

爱好美 2018-11-02 阅读(220)

quora: 印度GDP将在2050年超过美国GDP? 美国会阻止这种情况发生吗?

It is predicted that India’s GDP will overtake USA’s GDP in the year 2050? Are there an

爱你无解 2018-09-02 阅读(227)

印网友评: 印度2018年第二季度GDP增速为8.2%

GDP growth accelerates to over 2-year high of 8.2% in Q1第二季度GDP增速为8.2%,达到两年来最高水平 (注:印度财年并不是1月1日到12月3

曾经蜡笔 2018-09-02 阅读(175)

quora: 印度人均GDP什么时候能达到中国现在的水平?

When will India achieve China's current GDP per Capita?印度人均GDP什么时候能达到中国现在的水平?quora读者评论:Chris Chen, A

山河永慕 2018-09-01 阅读(221)


PM Modi seeks double-digit GDP growth to get into $5 trillion economy club莫迪希望GDP两位数速度增长,从而迈入5万亿美元经济

五毛网 2018-06-23 阅读(174)


At 7.7% in Q4, GDP posts sharpest rise since demonetisation第四季度GDP达到7.7%,取得废钞令之后最大涨幅NEW DELHI: The e

五毛网 2018-06-03 阅读(78)


Will lack of wealth hit India's GDP growth?缺少财富,会影响印度GDP增速吗?A country’s wealth is measured as

五毛网 2018-05-02 阅读(81)

世界银行预测2019年印度GDP增速达7.3%,印网友吐槽: 能有3%就幸运了

NEW DELHI: The World Bank on Wednesday projected India's GDP growth at 7.3 per cent for the next fi

五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(44)


Beijing sends conciliatory signals after Doval's first meeting with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jie

五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(43)


GDP growth slows to 6.1% in Jan-March1月-3月,印度GDP增速放缓至6.1%NEW DELHI: The Indian economy slowed sharp

五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(51)


New Delhi trailing Beijing by 13 years: China中国:新德里落后北京13年NEW DELHI: Lack of a favorable growth and

五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(49)