

This could be a perfect reason why you should not look at your phone while driving.骑车别玩手机,以下教训再深刻不过了

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(64)


(译者:cnbsmt)Moment Miami's 950-ton 'Instant Bridge' collapsed during 'stress testing' killing at leas

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(78)

BBC网友评论: 中国无炮架发射火箭弹技能油土鳖评论

Chinese soldiers fire shells with their bare hands without using any parts of a cannon中国士兵在不使用火炮的情况下

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(139)


A farmer in China has found a rare spider with a disk attached to its abdomen, according to Chinese

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(123)


£100bn tech deal blocked by Trump over China links... yet UK takeovers keep being waved through特朗普由于

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(99)

英国网民评: 中国共享单车巨头在英国展开扩张计划

-------------译者:willdemon-Dockless bike providers Mobike and Ofo will dramatically expand their oper

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(64)


'She hasn't aged a day!' Chinese weather girl stuns internet with her incredibly youthful looks aft

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(155)


(译者:卡思)Girls of any age can marry if they arepregnant under current law根据现行法律,任何年龄的女孩如果怀孕了都可以结婚More

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(50)


浙江杭州天都城,埃菲尔铁塔、拉斐尔城堡等欧式建筑、雕像装饰一应俱全,仿佛让人来到了巴黎。有游客表示,来了这里就不用去巴黎了。While millions of Chinese people are m

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(85)

英国网友评论: 中国25岁单身美女与爷爷拍下感人“婚纱照”

------------译者:浮生^有幸-This might be the most romantic gift anyone could give to their grandparents: a

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(86)


Could investing in India's growth spurt turbo charge your Isa? The economy is expanding faster than

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(105)


China has announced it is building the world's fastest wind tunnel to develop a new generation of s

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(62)


A Chinese baby born with three legs due to an extremely rare fault in pregnancy has had the extra li

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(69)


A dedicated teacher has touched the hearts of millions after giving lessons at a micro-school in ru

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(73)


A monkey with 'a man's face' has wowed social media users in China these days.这些天,一只长着“人脸&rdqu

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(87)


Top nuclear commander says Russia and China are developing high-speed hypersonic weapons and America

五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(75)
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