中国安徽省将给经期女性提供“生理假” [英国媒体]


Chinese province set to offer women'menstrual leave' during their period


A province in east China is set to givewomen, who suffer from painful menstrual cramps, time off work.


According to government officials in Anhui,starting from March, the province will offer between one to two days leave amonth for women who are the victims of painful periods, the People's Daily Online reports.


The new rule was decided during the 67thannual meeting of the Anhui provincial government held in January.


null, 1 day ago
If men had periods this would beinternational standard by now and actively used, I genuinely believe that!


Megan, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Very very few women would use this, thesame way most of us (male and female) rarely use sick leave because we feelforced to come to the office. A better idea would be for more companies (and Irealise not all jobs can do this) is to allow people to work from home. Howmany of us when we feel ill in some waycould probably work quite easily fromhome without the added stress of a commute and then infecting our colleagues?


rgj_, Fife, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I know I sound like a whiney child when Isay this, but I honestly believe that this should be done everywhere. My periodpains used to be so bad that I was in and out of hospital because they thoughtmy pain could be related to something else. I was on very high pain killers (thatare usually used to treat arthritis) and I couldn't go to school as I couldpass out from the pain. I couldn't eat, sleep, or concentrate on anything. Inow work full time and have been forced to use the contraceptive injection sothat I do not get my periods at all, although I still feel some pain when myperiod would be due. Many woman however may play up on this, but I for one havebeen signed off SCHOOL with a doctors note for my pain. Oh, and I have a highpain tolerance. Four tattoos and haven't felt any pain from them lol.


Mango, Belfast Northern Ireland, UnitedKingdom, 1 day ago
All places should do this.


FictionFighter, The Funny Farm, UnitedKingdom, 16 hours ago
Typical female, socialist by nature.


P Armstrong, London, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
@ZedDeadBed - No just whiny women!


Ktkat1949, Victoria BC Canada, 1 day ago
P. Armstrong: I suggest that you get awoman to kick you in the testicles for three days every month for a year andsee if you change your mind about this sick leave.


Mrs. Rocker, Strawberry Farm, UnitedKingdom, 1 day ago
The pain can be so painful! This kind ofleave will be very welcomed and long awaited for.


eg247, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
The way companies are run now we are allexpected to be superhuman mutants. #Slave workforce.


Beckstopher, Bristol, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
I wish we had this here so much


Gill, UK, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
When I started work in 1966 we were told byour supervisor that we weren't to take any time off work because of ourperiods. I suffered very badly so most months, I rang him saying I had aheadache. It would have been so great to be allowed a couple of days offbecause I used to feel awful, almost flu like symptoms for a couple of days !


yve, UK, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
This used to be perfectly okay in Britainuntil the 70's . Everyone understood and sympathised. The Pill often stoppedthe agony and that's maybe why sickness leave became less necessary.


sophiebrad, scotland, 1 day ago
I wouldn't do this as I wouldn't wantanyone to know when I had my period... Imagine your colleagues saying 'where isX' and your boss replying 'she is off on her period'!!


Evie, Amsterdam, Faroe Islands, 1 day ago
you men don't get, the horrible cramps,backache, nausea not to forget the almost fainting from the pain, this doesn'tinclude the fear of leaking through your pants


Jonathan Frame, Fairfax, United States, 1day ago
I get all of those it's just not due tomenstruation.


iqu, London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Good idea! It will reduce arguments in theworkplace!


LilyRo, London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Let's face it, men get a cold and they'redying. Imagine a period every four weeks! This is no equivalent for men. It's ashame most of them can't acknowledge that.

