印度经济增速不如预期?去年第四季度经济增速放缓! [英国媒体]


India's economic growth slows momentum inlate 2018


NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India’s economy lostmomentum in the approach to a general election, with the annual growth rateslipping to 6.6 percent in the October-December quarter, dragged down by weakerconsumer demand.


A Reuters poll of economists had forecastgrowth of 6.9 percent for the latest quarter, compared with a downwardlyrevised 7.0 percent in July-September.


The growth pace in October-December wasstill faster than China’s 6.4 percent, but India’s economy has decelerated fromthe more than two-year high of 8.2 percent growth in April-June 2018.


“The number is disappointing,” said AnitaGandhi, director at Arihant Capital Markets, adding the GDP growth could beseen by voters as a report card on the government.

印度阿里汉特资本市场(Arihant Capital Markets)的董事安妮塔•甘地(Anita Gandhi)表示,“这个数字令人失望,选民会将GDP的增长视为本届政府交出的成绩单。”

“People will see it on a year-to-yearbasis, not just a quarter and this could have an impact given elections arenear,” she said.


Growing signs of weakness in the economy,most alarmingly in rural communities where incomes have been hit by fallingfarm prices, forced Modi this month to increase state spending, and make directcash transfers to farmers.


Shashikant Patel
They have surpassed france in gdp but francepopulation is 67 million and india 1335 million


Abhishek Singh
As for your second point we ranked 6 in the world for foreignexchange reserves as of march 2018. With china on the top with reservesof3161.5 billion dollar whereas we are at 6 with 397.2 billion dollars.

你的第2个观点提到,2018年3月,印度的外汇储备全球第6. 中国的外汇储备是31,615亿美元,排名世界第一,而我们是3972亿美元,世界第6。
