安全带问题迫使英国陆军限用路虎 [英国媒体]


Ministry of Defence pulls the brakes on army Land Rovers over inadequate seatbelts



SOLDIERS have been banned from travelling in the back of the British Army’s most widely used vehicle, even during military exercises, until they are fitted with proper seat belts.


The Ministry of Defence is facing a £15million refit bill for 6,000 Land Rover Wolf vehicles, pictured right, after a series of accidents on Britain’s motorways in which soldiers travelling in the back were killed or seriously injured. 


Now a directive has been issued by the office of General Sir Nick Carter, head of the British Army, banning passengers from the rear of the vehicles due to fears that the “lap belts” currently used do not provide adequate protection. 

由于担心腰部安全带不能提供足够的保护,英国陆军总司令Nick Carter下令禁止士兵坐在后座。

Unlike modern troop transporters which have specially-fitted safety seats, similar safety upgrades have not been made to the 6,100 Wolfs in service across frontline Army battalions.


In their first year of service 311 accidents were reported involving the Wolf, prompting former Conservative MP for Salisbury, Robert Key, to raise the issue in the House of Commons. 

在第一年便提交了有关Wolf的311起事故报告后,前索尔兹伯里保守党议员Robert Key在下议院提出了这个问题。

A senior source at Army HQ said: “We cannot put people in the back of the Wolf and the modification is currently estimated at £15million. 
“In the meantime, we are spending a not inconsiderable sum to hire replacement vehicles.”


Back in the early fifties, we drove American jeeps, no seat belts? they did not even have any doors. The Bedford three tonners we had, did not have any seats, it was more comfortable to stand up across rough ground.


With "6100 in service across front line battalions" you would think that it would be unnecessary for any troops to ride in the back at all...do we have that many front line troops?


Robert De Savaloy
One wonders why so many accidents, are the drivers of these vehicles out of control or just stupid.  Or is there a technical problem (unlikely).


Poor old Squaddies trapped under fire in the back of a landie cos they wearing their seat belts.


Land-rovers are logistical vehicles, they are not supposed to be used at the front near action,,,,,,,but...as we have seen, they used them under fire in Belfast, the Middle East etc...only because the useless MOD had no suitable other, armoured vehicle....not the case now...but too late for many soldiers.


What the f......., when I was in the army (1978-82) the only seatbelts fitted were in the front, which never used. In the back we simply sat on benches and that was it. If there were too many, you sat on the floor. The army seems to have gone not only PC crazy but health & safety crazy too. Seatbelts in the back? Only thing I can say to this is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...............


Wooden, slatted benches at that - 3 tonners.


So no money for equipment and ammunition but prioritisation for seatbelts. 

