超市奶粉被售往中国,每人限定买4罐 [英国媒体]


Supermarket imposes four-can limit on babyformula after shoppers strip shelves bare to on-sell the product for profit inChina 


Families are struggling to feed theirchildren as the demand for baby milk formula in Chinahas left Australia’sshelves bare.


A Perth Coles has placed a four-can perperson limit for the formula, stating the new limitations on warning signs inEnglish and Mandarin Chinese, according to Perth Now.


‘Due to supply issues that we areexperiencing in the short term with Infant Formula, and to ensure formula isavailable to all customers, sales quantities are limited to 4 units percustomer. We will endeavour to be back in full supply as soon as possible,’ thesign said.


Supermarket chain IGA reported people trying to buy upto 180 tins of formula, which would retail in Australiafor $5,000 but would earn around $20,000 in China.


Happy chappie, down there, Australia, 1day ago
Makes no difference. All that happens isthat each family member walks in separately, they all walk about with formula.Then onto the next supermarket, chemist etc. Sick of the greedy chinesestripping Australiabare.


PersonOfInterest, Brisbane, Australia,15 hours ago
Greedy and Chinese go hand in hand.


Getaneducation, Mid Levels, Hong Kong, 9 hours ago
I'm Chinese and I agree. With most Chinese,cheapskate and greedy go hand in hand.


poshhightea, Melbourne, 1 day ago
When are Australians going to realise thatChinese have voracious appetites for everything. Real estate, farming,education, minerals, luxury goods, luxury cars. Nothing is off limits. They arein desperate need of more space. They are now a very wealthy nation, obviously,and we should not be mugs and give China Aid.


Deesighfa, Logan City, Australia,22 hours ago
There's 1,372,930,000+ Chinese persons.That's s hell of a big community to support. They'll deplete us dry soonenough. Imagine the volumes of garbage from all of those consumers. My mindboggles.


Sus168, Melbourne Au, 1 day ago
They take the good stuff out, sending backtheir garbage, which we do have to buy as there's no choice, only "made inChina"rubbish.


justxia, Hangzhou, China,23 hours ago
No they don't. They manufacture as cheaplyas Western society demands. They cut as many corners as they can under theunscrupulous direction and guidance of Western importers and wholesalers. Theyfudge as many chemical tests as deemed necessary under the illogical demands ofpeople who have chosen to exploit China for it's cheap labour andresources for many years.


Imda_Princesse, Jylland, Denmark,1 day ago
There's a huge trade in diapers from Norway. You canonly buy 3 packs in some stores..


Seranda, Adelaide, Australia,1 day ago
Make then show Australian citizenshipbefore selling them the goods. If they cant... they don't get it. Simple asthat.


null, 23 hours ago
This is really getting ridiculous.Especially when I have to go to 4 different shops just to get formula for mychild because the first 3 are out!


Chicky11, Melbourne, Australia,23 hours ago
Well that would explain why I miss out atleast once a month now!!!!! Never used to have this problem with the firstchild, but sometimes all stores run out and we are put into a frenzy ofpanic!!!!! Thank you china


null, 22 hours ago
Crazy, go my to my store 9 days in a rowand still no formula. This has to be stopped, don't know how though.


JOHN RICH, Sydney, Australia,14 hours ago
Don't laugh but Chinawill be the end of Australia.


RebeccaOfSunnyBrook-, Farm. Parish of Westminster., United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
Is this mad rush in China because everyone can have twobabies now ?

