“我爸妈说赶紧找个女朋友吧”:中国数百万孤独的“剩男们” [英国媒体]


When Liu returned to his childhood village to celebrate Chinese New Year, his parents had arranged a familiar and depressing task for him: a series of speed dates. Over a week back in rural Jiangxi province, he met half a dozen potential wives in encounters he says felt more like job interviews. He expects to go through the same process next year, without much hope of success.


For Jin, who works with Liu in the factories of China’s Pearl River Delta, the cajoling matchmaker was his second cousin. “My cousin brought [the date] to meet me in a public square in the village, then left us together,” Jin recalls. “A few minutes in, this girl made it clear that owning an apartment would be essential, but she could wait till later for a car. And she’d be OK if the apartment wasn’t in the centre of the
town, but I had to have a deposit of at least 200,000 yuan [about £22,500].”


In recent years, the patriarchal Chinese state has launched campaigns warning unmarried urban females over the age of 27 of the perils of becoming “leftover women”. But in reality – due to sex-selective abortions, a traditional preference for sons and the country’s one-child policy – there’s a far larger cohort of “leftover men”.


Official state media put the male-to-female ratio at 136:100 among unmarried people born since the 1980s. Professor Jin Tiankui, an influential sociologist in China’s policy-making circle, predicts that by 2020 there will be 30 million more men than women in the 24–40 age bracket.


Liu and Jin blame their lack of romantic success on their low social status as migrant workers from rural provinces. The state says there are about 278 million others like them, the backbone of the country’s wildly successful manufacturing, construction and service industries. They embody the nation’s most intractable problems of inequality – loneliness included.


In 2010, the main state-endorsed union surveyed thousands of rural migrants in 10 cities across the country, concluding that “the defining aspect of the migrant experience” is a sense of loneliness due to a lack of romantic prospects. A separate survey found that more than 70% of construction workers (almost exclusively rural migrants) reported emotional loneliness as the most painful aspect of their lives.


Liu is 33 and lonely. As a teenager he left school to help his parents on their farm, but soon ventured south to Shenzhen on the border with Hong Kong, hoping to make more money. When I first met him he was working 12 hours a day, six days a week assembling iPhones at one of the Foxconn plants where Jin now works.


Without advanced education, Liu is only qualified for insecure, low-skilled jobs. The long hours and low pay make the practicalities of dating more daunting. “It’s not because I’m a shy person. I just don’t have enough money to feel confident,” he tells me. “When a man has money, every woman feels destined to be his girlfriend.”


When Liu is not worrying about his own loneliness, he’s feeling guilty about letting his parents down. “They sacrificed so much to bring me up, and all they want to see is that I’m married. But I’m not able to give them that,” he tells me. “They try not to put too much pressure on me, but I know they’re under a lot of pressure from neighbours and relatives. I have two sisters and I’m their only son.” The tradition of continuing the family lineage is strong in China; many rural parents would consider it a terrible failure if their sons did not find a wife.


By various metrics, China is ranked as one of the most unequal societies in the world. The architecture of this inequality is the system of hukou or household registration. Since the 1950s, hukou has cleaved the population into urban and rural categories, allowing China’s ruling elite to better control the lives of the country’s vast rural population in a planned economy. Today much of China’s economic life has been transformed, but key elements of hukou remain. This means that rural migrants who have lived and worked in a city for many years, contributing enormously to its prosperity, do not have the same access to employment, housing, education and healthcare as officially registered urban residents.


Roughly two-thirds of the migrant workforce is aged under 35. I’ve interviewed dozens of men like Liu and Jin in Shenzhen, and most have little interest in rural life in villages that have been left behind by China’s economic boom. But their prospects for settling in big cities are little better than those of previous generations. They’re unlikely to earn enough to own a home or even a car, prerequisites to be considered marriage material by the urban middle class. Access to the tertiary education which can unlock better paying jobs is restricted by fiercely competitive entrance exams, where many young rural men are unsurprisingly outshone by their well-resourced urban counterparts.


Increasingly, even workers in their late teens and early 20s are feeling the pressure.


“These days, the only reason my parents call me is to tell me to hurry up and find a girlfriend. I’ve stopped answering their calls,” says Jiang, a 22-year-old Foxconn worker from Sichuan province.


Lacking financial independence, young rural migrants rely on their parents for emotional and practical support more than their urban educated counterparts. They’re less likely to object to their parents arranging speed dates, or ultimately choosing them a partner and negotiating the caili (dowry payment).


This old tradition, banned in the era of Mao, has made a comeback in rural China. There are a number of reasons: the embrace of capitalist and entrepreneurial values; the imbalanced ratio of men to women, which drives a sellers market; and the persistence of patriarchal values which consider women to be properties, owned first by their parents and then their husband. The bride’s family would be seen to be getting a raw deal – losing both face and a rare opportunity for considerable economic gain – if a fee was not part of the bargain. The amount could range from the equivalent of a few thousand to tens of thousands of pounds, and often proves to be a deal breaker in these negotiations.


Even if a match is made, things don’t always end well. Hasty weddings can lead to hasty divorces; in one county in Henan province, up to 85% of all divorces in the period from 2013 to 2015 involved rural migrant couples. The government has signalled its concern about high divorce rates and “temporary couples” – made up of individuals who marry in their villages and then return to cities to form separate romantic relationships there.


In a one-party state that values social stability above all, this growing cohort of millions of disaffected and sexually frustrated young men is an unwelcome development. In a rare move, the Chinese Communist Party used an official policy document to declare its intention to “step up efforts to solve the problems facing second-generation rural migrant workers”.


Of course, loneliness affects migrant women and men alike, and women suffer in myriad ways from broken relationships and disintegrated families. But it’s the image of sexually deprived migrant men that figures prominently in the state’s anxious imagination. There’s an obvious link between angry young men and social unrest, and history points to a connection between frustrated marital aspirations and upheaval, such as the tension caused by the demonisation of poor unmarried men by the Qing dynasty ruling class.


The abolition of hukou is crucial to bridging the rural-urban divide. Both central and local governments have tinkered with the system, but further reform is unlikely. That’s because increasing opportunity for rural migrants necessarily means increasing competition for the established urban middle class - themselves seen as a key stabilising social force in society. Unelected and perennially insecure, Communist Party leaders feel they can’t afford to risk instability by adopting meaningful redistributive social policies.


Meanwhile, for millions like Liu and Jin, the search for love and intimacy – and with it dignity and social worth – goes on.


Fouquieria 18h ago
What an utter, despicable tragedy. Left to its own devices, nature is pretty good at balancing the sexes. Bureaucrats, social pressure and sex-selective abortion conspire to sentence millions upon millions of men to a lifetime without partnership. The human race never fails to take an opportunity to create misery.


theoldManxman  Fouquieria 18h ago
Actually nature usually provides a slight surplus of boys (about 105 to every 100 girls) which traditionally counteracts a slightly higher natural male mortality rate. But in the case of China it's now looking as if quite a lot of the the 'missing' girls were there all along . What seems to have happened (especially in rural areas) is that female births weren't registered because parents wanted to try for a second child. The 'missing' girls had to be registered eventually - when they went to secondary school or even later on marriage - and so are reappearing in the records. Since the one child policy was dropped in 2015, this is easier of course.


There has been some criticism that Kennedy and Yaojiang's work overstates the number of girls who have 'reappeared', but it does look as if the demographic problem isn't as bad as had been feared.


What this article makes clear is that at least as big a problem is the economic one caused by economic inequality and insecure employment. Those are problems not restricted to China, though they are particularly strong there.


Traditionalme  Fouquieria 16h ago
Think of the business opportunity that emerges here for sex robots.


spoofed  Fouquieria 16h ago
*sex-selective abortion conspire to sentence millions upon millions of men to a lifetime without partnership*


Funny how the systematic abortion and infanticide of girls only really becomes a problem when it is realised that there may be negative consequences for men...


Fortescue99  Fouquieria 16h ago
What about a woman's right to choose?


Billy Gerant  Fortescue99 15h ago
From reading the headline I would say they have exercised that right in earnest!


Fouquieria  Traditionalme 15h ago
Think of the business opportunity that emerges here for sex robots.


Even if sexbots become indistinguishable from humans, these men would be the ones assembling them but on wages too low to buy them.


swanpride  theoldManxman 15h ago
Huh...I always though that nature provides slightly more females to counteract the fact that women have a higher mortality rate due to giving birth being a really dangerous task. At least in the past, the average live expectation of women was considerably lower compared to men...naturally that changed once giving birth became less dangerous, and now it is the women who have a higher live expectation.


farabundovive  spoofed 13h ago
Funny how the systematic abortion and infanticide of girls only really becomes a problem when it is realised that there may be negative consequences for men...


If you have a daughter or two to sell... er... marry off, and can expect a fat dowry in return, the consequences won't be quite so negative.
Can't have it both ways.


zz9pluralzalpha 18h ago
Can't end well. I can't imagine a life working like a slave with no realistic prospect of a meaningful relationship. Why would you bother?


Traditionalme  zz9pluralzalpha 16h ago
In China perhaps women shall have two men.


250022  Traditionalme 16h ago
64% of them can't.


paulchristo 15h ago
Hanging around an abondoned sofa with your belly out is probably not a good strategy for meeting women.


SAMcG 16h ago
I've never understood why some cultures reject daughters. Who do they think their sons will marry? Who will have their grandchildren? It is it totally illogical.


jakeleehutch  SAMcG 16h ago
First of all, most of the undeveloped societies are terribly patriarchal. Secondly, in many such societies, you have to fork up a hell of a lot of money to marry your daughter off.


QueenofWonderland  SAMcG 16h ago
This is clearly because you haven't looked into other cultures. Often it is as simple as who will support them in old age. The son's and their wives look after their parents in old age while daughters look after their husbands parents. If you only have daughters then you will not have any security in your old age. Then on top of this if you have to pay another family to look after your daughter then it is an extra cost.


Lime83  jakeleehutch 15h ago
"Most of the u developed societies are terribly patriarchal"


I know people like to think that it is only those poor, u civilised countries that are terrible, but marital rape was legal until the 80s in the uk. Women only got the right to have a bank account in the late seventies in France.
Etc, etc.


Patriarchy is found everywhere one finds men. And men are everywhere. So....


QueenofWonderland  xxyx 15h ago
Given the times when you post I assume you live in Europe or at least the west. Traditional western countries yes often daughters do look after parents. That is not the case in other countries. IN china daughters are expected to look after their in-laws, traditionally specking. Baring in mind if you are talking about the communist country 30 years ago. Girls born today may experience a different life but that wont impact the gender imbalance for a couple of decades.


Lynne James 17h ago
This was always going to happen with the traditional preference for boy children and the one-child per family policy. At least now young women have a market value that they never had before and can pick and choose their mates. Misogyny just got slapped.


reluctanttorontonian  Lynne James 16h ago
Or, young women are being sold to the highest bidder by their parents. Dowries don't equal liberation.

