树之城:中国打造出世界第一座“森林之城”,那里所有的建筑物都被绿植覆盖以应对全球变暖和空气污染问题 [英国媒体]



China is constructing the world's first forest city where all buildings are covered in plants and trees to tackle global warming and air pollution.


The Liuzhou Forest City will be home to 30000 people once completed in a few years' time.


Offices houses hotels hospitals and schools will be entirely covered by a total of 40000 trees and 1million plants of 100 species.


They will absorb almost 10000 tons of CO2 and 57 tons of pollutants per year and produce around 900 tons of oxygen. 


The city will be built in the north of Liuzhou in the mountainous area of Guangxi south China in an area that covers 175 hectares along the Liujiang river. 


It will connect to Liuzhou with a fast rail line and roads for electric cars.


There will be various residential areas commercial and recreational spaces two schools and a hospital.


Houses will have air-conditioning powered by geothermal energy and solar-panelled roofs. 


The project commissioned by Liuzhou Municipality Urban Planning has been designed by architects Stefano Boeri Architetti.

这个项目由柳州市城市规划局委任,由斯丹法诺·博埃里(Stefano Boeri)建筑事务所设计。

The company says the plants and trees will decrease the average air temperature create noise barriers and improve biodiversity by providing homes for birds insects and small animals. Building begins in 2020.



Kagey3, Yorky at heart, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago
China just seems to get on and do it !! They seem to be trying harder to help reduce global warning while we say we try and stop straws and carrier bags in 50yrs !!


Xaccers, Milton Keynes, 15 hours ago
It helps having a totalitarian government, but they're on the right track, ditching coal fuelled power stations for renewables, and large scale adoption of electric vehicles. Time to start teaching our kids Mandarin perhaps?


Kagey3, Yorky at heart, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
They're trying very hard in a fast developing country . We all know terrible things still happen there . But there's a willingness to try d change things quickly rather than in the UK of just sitting on the fence or pushing it into the future 50yrs


LilleyBeau, Worksop, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
Unfortunately, China are playing catch up because they have received worldwide condemnation for the levels of pollution in the country. This idea is a drop in the ocean to what needs to happen in order to reduce pollution in China.


Ren85, Stockport, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Well to be honest they're the ones causing most of it so it's only right they do the most to try and stop it!


Steven, Saaaaaf Lundun, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
Yes, but the pollution is caused by manufacturing cheap goods for western companies to make big profits. But that's an inconvenient truth for people like you.


null, 10 hours ago
Where possible more trees should be planted, not chopped down. Trees absorb Co2 from the atmosphere and help stop landslides and flooding when planted on hillsides. Good for China, hope it helps their pollution problem.



Grazzer Oxford United Kingdom 12 hours ago
So beautiful. Love it.


Youknowitstrue Bedford United Kingdom 12 hours ago
You hear some wonderful things about China sometimes.


reallynotawaitress Liverpool United Kingdom 10 hours ago
like the dog meat trade. and political imprisonment. and firing squads.


mythologyqueen Surrey United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Ive lived in china and going back soon - it is an amazing place. Has it¿s bad points but the good stuff is amazing


Just saying... E Sussex United Kingdom 11 hours ago
Nice idea but to make a REAL diff they need to shut down al ltheir coal fired powered stations for a start!


Jennifer195sheffield Sheffield United Kingdom 14 hours ago
We should all be doing this it's wonderful.


Le Rat malaga Spain 12 hours ago
wonderfuluplifting in contrast to USA stance on pollution.


Nedly Mandingo III Igloo Antarctica 8 hours ago
Ummm have you been to China? It's always smoggy. They have a real problem with burning coal over there.


LADWP Trust Fund Los Angeles United States 4 hours ago
I¿ll believe it when it happens....
