44岁已是4个孩子母亲的她透露说自己裸身在孩子们(包括其21岁的儿子)面前走动,是为教孩子们要引以为豪自己的身体(即使她“晃动的胸部”让他们感到尴尬) [英国媒体]

已是四个孩子的母亲.....通过在家里一丝不挂到处走动,教导其孩子们要“为自己的身体感到自豪”。44岁的前教师黛博拉·霍奇(Deborah Hodge)说,她在家经常不穿衣服,甚至在裸体的状态下去开前门。


mother-of-four is trying to teach her children to be ‘proud of their bodies’…by walking around naked at home.


Former teacher Deborah Hodge 44 says she often doesn’t bother with clothes at home and has even opened the front door while nude.

44岁的前教师黛博拉·霍奇(Deborah Hodge)说,她在家经常不穿衣服,甚至在裸体的状态下去开前门。

But she admitted her children including son Felix 21 and daughter Ella 15 are often ‘mortified’ by her actions particularly when they have friends around.


Ms Hodge of Sidcup Kent said she was trying to set a good example over body image to her children including younger daughters Issy 11 and Amelia four.


Deborah Hodge pictured said she walks around naked at home to teach her children about 'positive body image'        Ms Hodge added she liked to tease her children by pointing out who 'caused which stretch mark'

The mother-of-four pictured with daughters (from left) Ella 15 Issy 11 and Amelia four said she is concerned about the impact bullies and social media have on youngsters when it comes to body shaming

She told The Sun school bullies commenting on a child’s weight or shape can be ‘devastating’ with social media sites including Instagram leaving youngsters with a ‘ridiculous’ expectation of a ‘perfect body’.


Ms Hodge said: ‘If a parent is too ashamed of their own body to walk around naked then they should expect their child to end up with possible body issues and low self-esteem.’


The mother said she wants her own children to grow up feeling comfortable with their bodies thus her decision to shed her clothes at home.


This includes when she cleans and vacuums does the washing and makes cups of tea.


But she added her children often tell her to put clothes back on when they have company and that their friends ‘don’t want to see your floppy boobs’.


Ms Hodge said her methods work as her children ‘have a very positive body image’ and are happy to ask ‘awkward questions’.


Ms Hodge pictured says she cleans naked      The mother added she sometimes answers the door naked

But her children warn their friends about her and tell their mother 'they don't want to see your floppy boobs'

But eldest daughter Ella told The Sun: ‘I think my mum should understand there is such thing as too much nakedness.’


Middle child Issy added: ‘If I bring friends over I have to make them wait while I go inside and check if mum’s naked or not.’



But son Felix is ‘more relaxed’ and quipped his mother was ‘growing old disgracefully’ particularly as she ‘likes to point out which stretch marks her children are responsible for’.


As reported by MailOnline Ms Hodge who is on benefits previously admitted splashing out £2045 on a makeover including six different haircuts at £60 each.


The former teacher made the decision after breaking up with her much younger lover Daniel who is 15 years her junior in 2016.


She piled on weight after the split but said she had no qualms about using her benefits to 'feel good' and said it was 'just as important as paying bills'. 


She said: 'My mental attitude is critical and as part of that treating myself to makeover and feeling good about my body is just as important as paying the power or gas bill.


'Self-esteem is closely lixed to depression and anxiety and I won’t be a victim.'


Ms Hodge previously revealed she spent £2000 of her benefits cash on a makeover after splitting up with former boyfriend Daniel pictured who was 15 years her junior and is the father of her youngest daughter

【Ms Hodge previously revealed she spent £2000 of her benefits cash on a makeover after splitting up with former boyfriend Daniel pictured who was 15 years her junior and is the father of her youngest daughter】


She was previously blasted by This Morning viewers after she appeared on the show to discuss her lavish family Christmas.


She revealed how she'd splashed out £28000 on gifts such as puppies and iPads for her children and spent the £10 Christmas bonus all benefits recipients are given on Prosecco.


Viewers were enraged to hear how she'd raised her glass of fizz and said 'Cheers to the taxpayer.'


Her other recent extravagance involved spending £1000 on Botox haircuts facials and mani pedis as well as gym membership and weight loss supplements to help her slim down.


She receives £20000 in state handouts a year and insisted that splashing out £1000 of that on her new look was money well spent. 



chybil Lugano Switzerland 1 day ago
How do you call it in English?....oh right-DISGUSTING!!!


jimbob atleastihaveajob United Kingdom 1 day ago
Thats the polite version.


I owe - i owe Narnia United Kingdom 1 day ago
Eeeek! the poor kids.


Girlonabus Glasgow United Kingdom 1 day ago
She isn't teaching them positive body image..she's just embarrassing them and setting them up for ridicule from other kids.


Pipeman Baccytown United Kingdom 1 day ago
Sorry for the body shaming but she's a total mess. Being proud of your body is one thing but you should at least have a body worth being proud of.


Ilovebritain Johannesburg South Africa 1 day ago
This is certainly not normal.


Jean Taylor Port Charlotte United States 1 day ago
Those poor children. Can they ever have friends over?!


Patrick Miami 1 day ago
Couldn't she just do it once? Do her 21 year-old son and 15 year-old daughter still need that lesson taught to them daily?


Drewsonny Portsmouth United Kingdom 1 day ago
These kids will need therapy !


Motormouth Up North United Kingdom 1 day ago
If your adult son and teenage daughter are uncomfortable with this they would respect you more if you take their opinions seriously. To walk around naked in front of their friends is just not on! Sounds more like an exhibitionist than a caring Mum promoting body positivity.


unruhe Hell United Kingdom 1 day ago
Nobody child or adult should be forcibly exposed to this view. Traumatizing.
