安倍发誓让日本成为世界上最安全的国家 [日本媒体]


JaymannDEC. 09, 2015 - 06:57AM JST
and he plans to this this by erodingrights, militarising and destroying the economy? ahh yeah, right mate!


commanteerDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:02AM JST
At first I wondered what on earth he wastalking about. Japanis already one of the world's safest countries, so what kind of pledge is that?Then I read it. So he is whipping up fear about something that may happen andusing that fear to take more power away from the people so he and his croniescan abuse it.
Seems par for the course these days. Let'ssee if the Japanese are as gullible as the Americans, who have already happilysurrendered most of their rights.


sillygirlDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:06AM JST
Considering death threats against Koreans,mutilated cats around Tokyo ( pre-curser to serial killer), earhquakes,tsunamis, inept companies and government that put us all in harms way (thinkair bags, faked maintence records for nuclear reactors, etc.) plus the onlyterrorist attacks in Japan have been perpetrated by Japanese, this is indeed atall order.


gokai_wo_manekuDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:16AM JST
Japan isalready the safest country in the world. Or, that does he mean by"safe"? Safe for him and his nationalist front?


TrevorPeaceDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:23AM JST
Good one, @sillygirl! I really don't think Japan is at anyserious risk of terrorist attacks, except those that are home-grown. Islamistsdon't have the access to Japanthey enjoy with other countries. This is when we should stop complaining aboutbeing finger-printed or eye-scanned at airports and other points of ingress.Sometimes I have to give my head a shake about the nonsense Abe and others likehim throw out to impress the rest of the fearmongers. Pfft!


AsianGaijinYesWeExistDEC. 09, 2015 -07:25AM JST
"...have highlighted the vulnerabilityof Japanese people abroad."
Citizens of which countries are NOTvulnerable? So what the Americans have the mightiest military in the world,their citizens get beheaded by ISIS just thesame.


sf2kDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:40AM JST
Stop being USA's arms dealer


DisillusionedDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:44AM JST
The great leader making more ridiculousproclamations! It's all well and good to proclaim that Japan is safe from international threats, butwhat is he doing to save Japanfrom itself?


garfield1275DEC. 09, 2015 - 07:48AM JST
duh..Japan was always one of the safestcountry anyways, what is this vow suppose to mean?
Abenomics was a disaster. Now Abe isthrowing a new bait to distract the mass.


ThePBotDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:49AM JST
Abe vows to make Japan world's safest country
Isn't it already?


DeDe MiuraDEC. 09, 2015 - 07:49AM JST
Hmmmm... safe like North Korea?Put Japanin a bubble of protection like before? Keep out the foreign troublemakers...okay...here we go...


japan4lifeDEC. 09, 2015 - 08:08AM JST
Seems like the biggest threat to the safetyof Japanis Shinzo Abe himself.


SenseNotSoCommonDEC. 09, 2015 - 08:17AM JST
Abe vows to make Japan world's safest country
by scaring, then fleecing, taxpayers.


Jonathan PrinDEC. 09, 2015 - 08:29AM JST
Just political propaganda. Are there goodJapanese politicians with "honest" background ?

