日本和欧盟签署大规模贸易协议以消除几乎所有关税 [日本媒体]


TOKYO - The European Union and Japan signed a landmark deal on Tuesday that will eliminate nearly all tariffs on products they trade.


The ambitious pact signed in Tokyo runs counter to President Donald Trump's moves to hike tariffs on imports from many U.S. trading partners. It covers a third of the global economy and markets of more than 600 million people.

在东京签署的雄心勃勃的协议与美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提高从许多美国贸易伙伴进口商品的关税的举措背道而驰。它覆盖了全球经济和6亿多人口的市场的三分之一。

"The EU and Japan showed an undeterred determination to lead the world as flag-bearers for free trade," Abe said at a joint news conference with European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

安倍在与欧盟理事会(EuropeanCouncil)主席唐纳德·图斯克(Donald Tusk)和欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席让-克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)举行的联合新闻发布会上表示:“欧盟和日本毫不动摇地决定引领世界作为自由贸易的旗手”。

Tusk praised the deal as "the largest bilateral trade deal ever." He said the partnership is being strengthened in various other areas, including defense, climate change and human exchange, and is "sending a clear message" against protectionism.


The leaders did not mention Trump by name, but they did little to mask what was on their minds — highlighting how Europe and Japan have been pushed closer by Trump's actions.


The agreement was largely reached late last year. The ceremonial signing was delayed from earlier this month because Abe canceled going to Brussels over a disaster in southwestern Japan, caused by extremely heavy rainfall. More than 200 people died from flooding and landslides.


The measures won't kick in right away and still require legislative approval. But they will bring Japanese consumers lower prices for European wines, pork, handbags and pharmaceuticals. Japanese machinery parts, tea and fish will become cheaper in Europe.


The imported wine and cheese could hurt sales by Japanese wineries and dairies, but Japanese consumers have historically coveted such European products.


The major step toward liberalizing trade has been discussed since 2013.


Apart from its deal with the EU, Japan is working on other trade agreements, including a far-reaching trans-Pacific deal. The partnership includes Australia, Mexico, Vietnam and other nations, although the U.S. has withdrawn.


Abe praised the deal with the EU for helping his "Abenomics" policies, designed to wrest the economy out of stagnation despite a shrinking population and cautious spending. Japan's growth remains heavily dependent on exports.


thepersoniamnow July18 06:47 am JST
This seems more transparent than TPP.Maybe in the end its better.


SaikoPhysco July18 06:52 am JST
99% for Japan, 94% for the EU. Youwatch.... nothing, zero, nil, from the EU will change. You will still be payingextra. Want the best cheese, pay more. Want a nice Audi, pay up. Handbags....pay up. Do really think that Japan is just going to reduce prices. Youwatch..... an Audi R8 will still cost 30% more to buy in Japan that it does inthe USA.


econstats July18 06:56 am JST
A major accomplishment by the Abegovernment. Well done!


Yubaru July18 07:02 am JST
Overall, European farmers will benefit,Juncker said, though European consumers will be able to more easily buyluscious Kobe beef and famous Yubari melons.
Cripes! Do the people who write this stuffget kickbacks from JA?


Dango bong July 18 07:25 am JST
just in time for the big consumption taxhike!


IronBeard July 18 07:26 am JST


thepersoniamnow July 18 07:52 am JST
3 big absentees however. China, England,and the USA.
Not to mention that the EU really has afew years that will he make or break. Italy not wanting to be in the EU couldbe the break...


Cricky July 18 08:06 am JST
Please mercy parcels, definatly cheese,butter, potatoes and everything else JA can't produce.


extanker July 18 08:09 am JST
The agreement was largely reached latelast year.
So this deal literally has nothing to do with Trump's tariffs, despitewhat the tone of the article would have you believe.
I was actually impressed when I was underthe impression they had somehow pushed this amazing deal through in a matterweeks.


mike1492 July 18 08:13 am JST
Where does government make up loss ofincome?


Blacklabel July 18 08:16 am JST
Yeah I was thinking this was in directresponse to Trump’sso called trade war too. I doubt prices to the consumer will decrease onanything imported, they never do. Time for a new “fee” or something to cover the difference im tariffs.


maybeperhapsyes July 18 08:18 am JST
Remind me...how's this Brexit thing goingagain?
My country is going down the toilet.They've missed the boat on this deal.


Reckless July 18 09:02 am JST
If this is so great then why is the US GNPper capita so much higher than these two mighty economies?


SaikoPhysco July 18 09:06 am JST
Maybe it is time to open a specialtycheese store.

