安倍要求文在寅在韩朝首脑会议之前访日 [日本媒体]

日本政府消息人士周二表示,日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)已要求韩国总统Moon Jae在计划于4月底举行的朝鲜和韩国峰会之前访问日本。

Abe asks Moon to visit Japan before inter-Korean summit


TOKYO - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has asked South Korean President Moon Jae In to visit Japan before the planned summit between North and South Korea in late April, Japanese government sources said Tuesday.

东京——日本政府消息人士周二表示,日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)已要求韩国总统Moon Jae在计划于4月底举行的朝鲜和韩国峰会之前访问日本。

He made the request during phone talks with Moon on March 16, but South Korea has yet to respond, and Moon may find it difficult to make time for a visit to Japan amid his preparations for the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on April 27, the sources said.


Abe wants to get Moon to raise with Kim the issue of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals in the 1970s and 1980s.


Abe has said resolving the abduction issue is one of his government's top priorities. Tokyo officially lists 17 citizens as having been abducted by North Korea, and suspects the country's involvement in other disappearances.


Five of the 17 were repatriated in October 2002 when Abe accompanied then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to North Korea as a deputy chief Cabinet secretary.

这17人中有5人在2002年10月被遣返,当时安倍正陪同日本首相小泉纯一郎(Junichiro Koizumi)担任副内阁官房长官。

Tokyo seeks as well to deepen trilateral cooperation with the United States before President Donald Trump meets with Kim by the end of May.

在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统于5月底与金正恩会面之前,东京方面也在寻求深化与美国三方合作的机会。

At present, Moon is expected to visit Japan in May for a meeting of the leaders of Japan, China, and South Korea.


Another option under consideration is for Moon to visit Japan on a different occasion from the trilateral summit and ahead of the U.S.-North Korea summit scheduled to be held before the end of May, the sources said.


Abe's invitation for Moon to come to Japan follows his own visit to South Korea in February for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.


South Korea's Foreign Ministry has said the two countries have agreed to work toward arranging a trip by Moon separate from the trilateral summit.


In the meantime, according to government sources, Foreign Minister Taro Kono plans to meet Moon in South Korea next week and ask him to raise the abduction issue with Kim.

与此同时,据政府消息人士称,日本外务大臣河野太郎(Taro Kono)计划下周在韩国会晤文在寅,并要求他与金正恩一起提出绑架问题。

During talks with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung Wha in Washington in March, Kono requested that South Korea raise the abduction issue during the inter-Korean summit.

今年3月,在与韩国外交部长康庆华(Kang Kyung Wha)在华盛顿举行的会谈中,科诺要求韩国在韩朝峰会期间提出绑架问题。

Japan has been calling for maximizing pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear and missile programs.
