中国江豚重新安置促进该物种生存的希望 [英国媒体]



Conservationists are celebrating after a successful relocation of endangered finless porpoise in China marked another milestone in the journey to save the species from extinction.


There are estimated to be only around 1,000 0f the species remaining in the wild – making it rarer than China’s giant panda – and numbers are thought to be declining by more than 12% a year.



ubtropics 8h ago
..............And Meanwhile the Hong Kong. SAR China Government will be building a mega incinerator on reclaimed land connected to the Island of Shek Kwu Chau south of Lantau Island which happens to be on an important hotspot for the endangered finless porpoises even after an environmental Impact Assessment drew attention to this crucially important detail.
On the north of Lantau Island the local population of near threatened (IUCN List) Pink Dolphins have nearly been pushed into extinction by the presently ongoing construction of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau bridge (HKZMB) in Hong Kong waters and just to make sure the Dolphins are finished off, the proposed Hong Kong's Third runway will know doubt ensure they become extinct by reclaiming more land on more of their limited remaining unique specialised habitat.
Its the Hong Kong pro establishment China backed government that vote for these environmentally destructive projects i.e the unnecessary and wanton local extinction of two cetaceans.



subtropics  subtropics 8h ago
Just to clear up any confusion with finless porpoise mentioned in the article:-
The finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) sometimes know as the Indo-pacific finless porpoise found in restricted habitat in Hong Kong waters.
The Pink dolphin is a variety of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin (Sousa chinensis and also known locally in Hong Kong as the Chinese white dolphin.

wtfbollos 10h ago
i wish them good luck! :)


TimBukTeef 12h ago
Can they talk? Ask them if they'd rather be in..... Finland....♫ ♪♫ ♪
So sadly neglected, Finland has it all ♫ ♪♫


Tom1982 13h ago
I'd be a lot more willing to give the Chinese credit if they weren't engaging in the wholesale destruction of coral reefs in the South China Sea.
China's economic rise is the worst thing that's ever happened to the natural world.



ClaireJillPritchard  Tom1982 12h ago
I so agree, last night's BBC news was heartbreaking. I never understood why people were so excited by China's rise. I lived in Hong Kong for a few years in the 80's and was horrified and the lack of respect for the environment and animal curelty.
Why is the world standing by and letting China do what it wants? I think it's going to end badly.

我非常赞同, 昨晚bbc的新闻很让人伤心。我从来不理解为什么人们对中国的崛起如此激动,80年代我在香港住过几年,很恐怖,且缺乏对环境和动物的尊重。

Francosmonkeyman  Tom1982 9h ago
You mean other than the western rise dickhead


Tom1982  Francosmonkeyman 9h ago
I think they're rivalling us for commitment to species extinction despite their late start.


Can you imagine any contemporary Western country smothering irreplaceable coral reefs with sand and concrete, as the Chinese are currently doing.



HorseCart  Tom1982 8h ago
If China does not contain its criminals or its trashy nouveau riche, then we must step in and do it. Its method of turning a blind eye to what its citizens are doing in off-shore commerce is equivalent to how Britain turned a blind-eye to the East India Company. The difference is that with modern technology and machines, China can destroy as much in 1 year as Britain did in 10 years.
And if the humanitarians don't see that this is even more urgent than what's going on in the Middle East, and that they need to get on side, they better look forward to a build-up to nuclear war.


Roger Higgins  Tom1982 6h ago
The Roman Empire didn't do the ecology of North Africa any favours.



Tom1982  Roger Higgins 6h ago
Nope. They pretty much emptied it of megafauna for slaughter in the amphitheatres.


canbeanybody  Tom1982 5h ago
The destruction is caused by those foreign poaches; and Chinese are in fact defending islands inside 9-dashed line.
Tom1982  canbeanybody 5h ago
The destruction is caused by Chinese poachers.
However, this destruction pales in comparison to the devastation to coral reefs by Chinese Government land reclamation projects at place like Subi and Mischief Reef. Dumping sand and concrete on these precious ecosystems is inexcusable.
Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, Pangolins, and now this. Does the Chinese Government have an ideological commitment to ecocide?
