中国将削减钢铁和煤炭部门180万就业岗位 [英国媒体]

中国预计在钢铁和煤炭产业裁员180万,抑或15%的员工数量,作为一种减少产能过剩的手段。中国所给出的这组数据首次强调了其在应对经济放缓和国企肿胀中所面临的艰巨任务。英国网友: 如果这不曾发生,那么将会产生大新闻,他们不得不削减煤炭使用量,为什么要储存钢材直到世界末日?


China expects to lay off 1.8 million workers in the coal and steel industries, or about 15% of the workforce, as part of efforts to reduce industrial overcapacity.


It was the first time China gave figures that underlining the magnitude of its task in dealing with slowing growth and bloated state enterprises.


Yin Weimin, the minister for human resources and social security, told a news conference on Monday that 1.3 million workers in the coal sector could lose their jobs, plus 500,000 from the steel sector.



Xlbfan 9h ago
Potential trouble for local governments having to foot some of the bill, if I'm reading correctly.
hmorgansr 10h ago
More economic pressure for China.
Bad news for the world.
KarlBC 12h ago
The article I read on Reuters on the same topic, include China government allocating RMB 10 billions for retraining and helping those steel and coal workers get other jobs.
All those are from outdated mills and mines, hence would their export fall?
The guardian journalists are not giving us the full story.



Herindur 14h ago
Re the formulation "China's stability obsessed government" somebody should dig up Julius Reuter and give him a sl@p. Am I allowed to say that?


Herindur 14h ago
The big story would have been if this hadn't happened. They got to cut coal use. Why stockpile steel till doomsday?


haruspicio 14h ago
Now that's what I call a recession…1,8 million jobs gone in the blink of an eye. Never mind someone somewhere made a fortune.

现在那就是我所说的经济衰退。180万工作岗位眨眼间就没了。 别介意某些人在某些地方大发横财。

AshTian 15h ago
China’s stability obsessed government
Yes, indeed.



soundofthesuburbs 15h ago
Today's nonsense economics does not allow China to make the necessary reforms.


Western savings rates have approached zero due to the welfare state safety net.


Western consumers can spend nearly everything they earn.


China has high savings rates because there is almost no welfare state and they need to save for a rainy day.


Chinese consumption is impacted by high inequality, low wages and no welfare state.


The wealthy Chinese are out blowing top end property bubbles in major cities around the world.


This does nothing for China.


Using the old economics .......


High taxes on the wealthy to provide a welfare state for those lower down the scale would have boosted China's economy.



markiebrokeboy 16h ago
In 2009 Jim Chanos now well known as a China Bear, discovered at that point that China was building 5.6 billion Sqm of residential and commercial buildings, enough assuming only half was commercial for all China's 1.3 billion population to have their own small office each! China poured more concrete in 5 years than America did in 100 years. What follows is astronomical debt and social unrest and of course nonsense GDP figures from the land of empty buildings.

(吉姆·查诺斯(Jim Chanos),全球最大的空头基金公司尼克斯联合基金公司(Kynikos Associates)的创始人及掌门人,管理着60亿美元资金。2001年他因为卖空安然而闻名世界,目前因为看空中国而再度成为媒体焦点.。)
quarrytone  markiebrokeboy 15h ago 
I see, so 300 million + people have not in fact migrated to 200 new cities bursting at the seems with well over a million people in each in the world's biggest and fastest urbanisation in human history.


Got it. 


Clearly you have never been to China.



markiebrokeboy  quarrytone 14h ago
Very good, I see. The fastest growth in unsustainable debt in human history you say?


quarrytone  markiebrokeboy 14h ago
No, the debunked Peston report says.


It's an open question about both the US and China about sustainability of increasing debt. The US has a bankrupt state, China local governments. In China much credit comes from the shadow banks, which are technically illegal. They could be allowed to fail. The state banks are all within bounds and the state surplus can sustain them. So the scare stories tend to be over egged.


What's going to hurt is the big slowdown, waiting for the slack in overcapacity to tauten up again. An authoritarian gangster state can just say what shadow banks.


But there's going to be another crash, no question.



TibetanExistence 16h ago
And steelworkers of Europe and North America raise a wry smile in schadenfreude.
Floppy1000  TibetanExistence 16h ago
Go forth and seek inner peace, evil thoughts are not the path to enlightenment and only result in spreading conflict.
Peace, prosperity and harmony to every and anyone is key, not only those that his holiness wishes ill will to.

quarrytone  TibetanExistence 15h ago
Nicely and strangely unpolitical post from you there.
Remember the words of Rock music's most eloquent and profound song:
"lay off your well learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste."
Contemplate inner peace, tolerance and forgiveness.



NWObserver  TibetanExistence 14h ago
And steelworkers of Europe and North America raise a wry smile in schadenfreude.
In envy, perhaps, because the Chinese government is actually allocating resources to relocate these laid off coal and steel workers and to reemploy them in other sectors while the laid off workers in Europe and North America are expected to do that themselves?
johnwallis42 17h ago
This is how the Industrial Revolution ends, you cannot make it to the Digital Revolution unless you free speech since that is all the digital world consists of in one form or another. China is at an economic dead end unless it liberalizes internal rights of expression and socializes care of the aging. The CPC would have to trust the people for that to happen.



quarrytone  johnwallis42 16h ago
The internet genie's well out the bottle in China. here a quote from the latest academic study from a US university into weibo and censorship with surprising results :
"Censorship in China is used to muzzle those outside government who attempt to spur the creation of crowds for any reason—in opposition to, in support of, or unrelated to the government. The government allows the Chinese people to say whatever they like about the state, its leaders, or their policies, because talk about any subject unconnected to collective action is not censored. The value that Chinese leaders find in allowing and then measuring criticism by hundreds of millions of Chinese people creates actionable information for them and, as a result, also for academic scholars and public policy analysts.”

