小流氓!菲律宾某男孩抢尽风头,在新郎新娘面前抓住女花童夺吻 [英国媒体]




No bride likes to have the attention stolen from her on her wedding day - but perhaps this is the exception that proves the rule.


Heartwarming footage captured the moment a cheeky page boy leaned in to kiss a flower girl at a wedding in the Philippines as the newlyweds locked lips behind them.


Alfred Lu had just married partner Jamaica in the capital of Manila when photographer John Clegg invited them to stand in front of the church for a picture.

阿尔弗雷德·卢(Alfred Lu)和伴侣Jamaica在马尼拉首都刚结完婚,当时摄影师约翰·克莱格(John Clegg)正让大家在教堂前站好准备拍照。

Alfred Lu had just married partner Jamaica in a ceremony in the Philippines when they were invited on to the steps of the church for a photo

Clegg said: ''It was an epic wedding moment. Really kids today are totally different.


''It was a very cute moment and everybody found it very very funny. It was all very innocent and perfect timing from the boy to steal the show.''


Photographer John Clegg encourages everyone to step closer together before telling the bride and groom to 'kiss' prompting page boy Mayco Pestano to make his move



Shortie Somewhere United Kingdom 17 hours ago
They all laugh until he's a teenager then he's called an abuser.


De24 Somewhere in SA South Africa 15 hours ago
And when she's middle-aged she'll make a big story out of it.


Childe London 14 hours ago
Aww! Her very first MeToo moment.


De24 Somewhere in SA South Africa 15 hours ago
My immediate thought! She needs to make a note of the time date and place though so that she can go to the media in 30 years time and make a huge big deal of it.


chimneysweep london United Kingdom 16 hours ago
look forward to this story re-surfacing when he's nominated to the supreme court in 30 years or so.


RolloFudge Toronto Canada 15 hours ago
MeToo is already after him. They will stalk him relentlessly labeling him an assaulter demanding he be jailed.In their opinionyou are never too young to be considered an abuser of women.


Fake_New5 Americans are Dreamers too United States 15 hours ago
Well this kid just blew any chance he ever had at being a Supreme Court Justice.



SoNotSorry Nunya United States 13 hours ago
In America women will call for his death now.


My Name Is Bob New York United States 14 hours ago
Hey kid that's not cute. Today that's considered a sexual assault.


worldweary Heavens Gate United Kingdom 11 hours ago
He could regret that in 40 years...


Yes you did A very strange place United Kingdom 12 hours ago
In 20 years he will be in court


onesmartbird City of London 15 hours ago
YUK he is so creepy


De24 Somewhere in SA South Africa 15 hours ago
Keep the video safely locked away for the next 30+ years ... just in case. She's terrified poor girl. He needs a huge slap!


funkywankER london United Kingdom 7 hours ago
little sexual predator no one should laugh at his antics he might think it is okay to kiss a girl who doesn't want to be kissed
