赵薇、戴立忍被中国民族主义者炮轰 [日本媒体]


Vicky Zhao, Leon Dai Under Fire From China Nationalists


作者:Patrick Frater
JULY 8, 2016 | 03:24AM PT

Nationalist forces have turned on Zhao Wei, one of China’s most popular actresses and leading directors, due to the inclusion of Taiwan’s Leon Dai in her upcoming film.


The Communist Youth League has used its own website and social media to criticize Zhao (aka Vicky Zhao) over Dai’s alleged support for Taiwanese independence. Its posting on Weibo appears to call for an online boycott of the Zhao-directed “No Other Love” and other films involving Dai.


“No Other Love” is now in post-production. It is partly-backed by Alibaba Pictures Group, the film making arm of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba. Other companies credited as producers include China Film Group, Cheerland Entertainment and Pulin Production.


With lengthy text and multiple pictures, the Youth League accuses the veteran Dai (“The Assassin,” “Betelnut Beauty”) has shown his support for Taiwan’s ‘Sunflower’ movement, for universal suffrage and for the Occupy Central mass protest that closed Hong Kong streets for nearly two months in 2014 ahead of a decision on democratic elections in the Special Administrative Region.


Taiwan has been self-ruled since 1949, when millions fled the mainland where the Communist party forces were winning a civil war. Mainland China (officially, the People’s Republic of China) today regards Taiwan (the Republic of China) as a rebel province with which it will be reunited by force if necessary.


Tensions between the two sides are currently running high since the arrival in May of Tsai Ing-wen as Taiwan’s President. The accidental firing of a missile from Taiwan last month added to the antagonistic climate.


Contacted by Variety, Alibaba Pictures said only that it is an investor in the project, not its producer. “We are not involved in the content or making of the movie,” a spokesman said. Local media have reported that both Zhao and Dai have previously issued statements denying any political agenda or support for an independent Taiwan.


Chinese policy can have sometimes dramatic impact on movies and stars. Massive 2015 hit movie had to be substantially reshot after Taiwanese actor Kai Ko was banned, after being caught alongside Jaycee Chan, in a Beijing drugs bust. Ko’s scenes were also cut out of “Tiny Times 4.”


The next steps for “No Other Love” and Alibaba Pictures are unclear. While it may be a minority investor in “No Other Love” Alibaba Pictures has significant relationship with Zhao. She is set to direct Alibaba Pictures’ “My Fair Princess” an animated feature version of the TV series that made her a star in the 1990s.


Also, reported to be a close friend of Alibaba founder Jack Ma, Zhao was an early investor in Alibaba Pictures Group. Together with her husband, Huang Yulong, she holds 1.93 billion shares in the company, worth US$460 million (HK$3.43 billion) at current prices.


Zhao has been the star of hit movies including “Shaolin Soccer,” “Painted Skin” and “Red Cliff.” As a pop musician she has released seven albums. She was also a judge on the 5th season of reality show “China’s Got Talent.”


After Zhao graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 2012, her feature directing debut “So Young” was one of the biggest hits of 2013. She has been no stranger to controversy. In 2001 she was forced to repeatedly apologize for wearing a dress that appeared to replicate a Japanese military flag.


Ronan S says:
July 8, 2016 at 8:17 pm
Come on, stop talking about democracy, Americans! You’re the least qualified to say this word, given the number of civilians killed by your country since WWII. How do you justify your democracy and justice when facing the fact that hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including women and children, were killed as a result of your just wars?


Tuan Nguyen says:
July 8, 2016 at 7:15 pm
This to show that there is no freedom of expression in China.
When it comes to art, it should be apolitical


afsafsaf24214 says:
July 8, 2016 at 6:40 pm
Most of the leaders in the free world show support for Taiwan’s ‘Sunflower’ movement, for universal suffrage and for the Occupy Central mass protest. Can China block out the whole world?


Freedom says:
July 8, 2016 at 6:22 pm
The communist youth league are all the sad losers of mainland China who think they can get a good job from supporting fascism.


susuan says:
July 8, 2016 at 5:20 pm
Her movie is no longer catching audience.


susuan says:
July 8, 2016 at 4:49 pm
Zhao has committed the worst mistake of one can make


jon pak says:
July 8, 2016 at 4:46 pm
Honestly, I don’t believe that the chinese people were ever okay with Zhao Wei.
Not as popular as the article claims.
She is very successful, but never been very popular.


tcchen says:
July 8, 2016 at 4:11 pm
According to Chinese tradition, anyone who advocates separation is a traitor. Taiwan current administration, not only seeks separation, but also brainwash Taiwan youngsters with faked and twisted historical facts, in additional to denigrating Chinese culture.


Tily Chao says:
July 8, 2016 at 8:24 pm
Agree 100%


John says:
July 8, 2016 at 2:39 pm
The fact that Chinese citizens get SO upset about actors and singers from Taiwan just shows how INSECURE, petty and jealous they are. If Chinese people had enough to be proud of in their own country, then they wouldn’t get upset about successful Taiwanese.
Chinese also know that they are ALLOWED (and encouraged) to express anger re. Taiwan, USA, Japan, etc. but NOT re. the lack of civil rights and democracy INSIDE their OWN country. Pathetic!


Charlie Hepdu says:
July 8, 2016 at 1:01 pm
me thing Taiiwanese – true aboriginal austronesians – should separate and kick out ALL people with chinois DNA .


Axis Mundi says:
July 8, 2016 at 3:18 pm
It is a stupid idea. By the same logic, All North Americans of on-Indian origin should get out; so should Aussies and New Zealanders of non-aboriginal origin. Luckily, people like you are in the tiny minority with zero power.


amon says:
July 8, 2016 at 10:37 am
Jane Fonda has gone through the same attacks and still vilified by American nationalists for standing up to the US govt during the Vietnam war.


junyo chen says:
July 8, 2016 at 10:24 am
That’s the brain washed commies for you, trying to control everyone and their thoughts in china. Vicky Zhao and Leon Dai are always welcome to move to the country of Taiwan and enjoy the freedom of speech and the liberty to vote.


rick teng says:
July 8, 2016 at 9:24 am
Sick and tired of these ultra-nationalists from all over the world. China, US, Europe, Australia, what is the difference?


Joe Dang says:
July 8, 2016 at 7:47 am
The CCP brainwashes the Chinese population starting with little children aged 6-14 which are called Young Pioneers of China. YPC is controlled by the Communist Youth League and CYL is controlled by the CCP.


will says:
July 8, 2016 at 7:16 am
Americans love to promote others who hate their countries while the US doing anything to destroy those who hate America.
