《花花公子》杂志将停止出版裸体女性照片 [英国媒体]


Playboy magazine to stop publishingpictures of naked women


Playboy magazine will stop publishingpictures of fully nude women because the ubiquity of internet pornography hasmade such images “passé”, the company’s chief executive has revealed.


In an interviewwith the New York Times, CEO Scott Flanders said founder Hugh Hefner, 89,had agreed with a proposal to stop publishing images of naked women from March2016.

在接受《纽约时报》采访时,CEOScott Flanders称现年89岁的创始人 休 · 海夫纳(Hugh Hefner)同意接受从2016年3月份开始停止出版女性裸体照片的建议。

The redesigned Playboy, 62 years after itwas launched by Hefner, will still feature a Playmate of the Month and provocativepictures of women, but they will be rated PG-13 (a rating that cautions thatmaterial may be inappropriate for children under 13).


matr77 2h ago
Hugh Hefner is passé, never mind hismagazine.

Hugh Hefner也过时了,他的杂志也不重要了。

Nad Gough 7h ago
What next? National Grographic?


FairportFan Nad Gough 4h ago
Nah - Rupert Murdoch bought NatGeo.
I shudder to think.


gnorblitz 8h ago
As a kid, while masturbating, I also got toread Sartre, Bellows, Mailer, Celine, Barth, Grass, Castro, Fuller, Vonnegut,Borges and more. Playboy helped to give me a literary and intellectual hard onthat I continue to enjoy decades later. Many thanks, Hugh.

在我还是小孩并手淫时,我在这本杂志上阅读了萨特, 贝洛斯, 梅勒, 赛琳, 巴斯, 格拉斯, 卡斯特罗, 富勒, 冯内古特和博格斯等人的作品。《花花公子》在文学和知识上给于我巨大的帮助,让我受益终生。谢谢你,海夫纳。

finalcurtain  gnorblitz 6h ago
Well now you can stop !


Stuart Matthews 9h ago
Playboy magazine reached it's peak aboutten years ago. The only solution to saving it was to change it to a realmagazine rather than just catering to base human emotions.


Vladimir Makarenko 12h ago
Is this a news from the Onion?


durable13 13h ago
Fully nude shots have become passe in aporn mag because the editor in chief is 195 years old.


supertoyslast 13h ago
Strange that internet porn seems to hit thesofter adult magazines (Nuts, Zoo, Loaded, Playboy, even Page 3)more than the harder porn mags. I thought the anonymity of the internet woulddo away with anyone buying a porn mag.
But that should create a niche for morestylish and quality erotica, especially when glamour and burlesque are infashion right now. The fact that this hasn't happened makes this feel like abackwards step. In a way, it's a shame that anything overtly sexual is beingsent back into the shadows.

奇怪的是网络色情对软成人杂志(Nuts,Zoo, Loaded, Playboy, 甚至是 Page 3)的冲击比对硬成人杂志的冲击来得大。我还以为网络的匿名特性会让色情杂志无法生存下去。

Andu68 13h ago
good news. from now on I will be able toread Playboy for the articles without being distracted by the nude pictures


LitchiMango2 14h ago
Is Porn Really Destroying 500,000 MarriagesAnnually?


vampire76 LitchiMango2 13h ago
Well I know it's only a personal point ofview but I've been married 12 years and with my partner for over 20 years, Iwatch porn, I've yet to have it influence any behaviour to the detriment of mypartner.
I'm sure it has a detrimental effect onsome though, as does chocolate, alcohol, sugar ect, ect.
Sounds like the article has an agenda.


Nick Hansen 14h ago
All the porn is on the internet and thepseudo feminist are protesting naked to say don't objectify women these days .


vampire76 14h ago
I wouldn't even consider playboy porn bytoday's standards, it's very tame. Having said that, it's not known for itsother content, without arty nudes, it's nothing.


goatrider 15h ago
Will miss it--as a teenaged boy I reallyenjoyed the articles.


ConBrio 15h ago
In the world of cultural "whitebread" the cachet "playboy of a twilight world" similarlyapplies to Shakespeare, Jazz, Bach, Cole Porter, Mark Twain and the like,resented because it takes a bit of sophistication to appreciate them.


Koblabab 15h ago
At least it wasn't changed in order to bemore politically correct

