报告推测,到2030年将不会有全职雇员 [日本媒体]

东京——Shukan Asahi表示:“20年内,全职员工将不复存在。”这条新闻是好是坏?这是灾难还是机遇?日本网友:世界一直都在变化,但是有一件事情是永恒不变的,就是——如果你不准备好改变,你就准备着失败。

By 2030,there will be no full-time employees, report speculates


TOKYO —Within 20 years, says Shukan Asahi (Oct. 7), “the full-time employee will havedisappeared.”

东京——Shukan Asahi表示:“20年内,全职员工将不复存在。”

Is thisgood news or bad? Calamity or opportunity?


“Working Conditions in 2035” is thetitle of a labor ministry report released in August. Among its 30 pages areseveral imagined “case histories.” The ones Shukan Asahi summarizes are prettysunny. “A-san” (as we’ll call her) is 50 now, a company accountant. “Fifteenyears ago” – which is to say, in 2020 – she lost her job to an artificiallyintelligent robot. But she’d known it was coming and prepared accordingly. Sheacquired qualifications as a health counselor and “now” – in 2035, aged 69 –works at a hospital, assisted by (you guessed it) an AI robot.

劳动部8月发布的报告题为《2035年的工作条件》。在30页的报告里是一些想象的“案例记录”。Shukan Asahi摘录的人都很快活乐观。“A女士(我们这么叫她)”现在已经50岁了,是一个公司会计。“15年之前(也就是说2020年)她的工作被一个人工智能机器人夺走了。但是她知道这一刻迟早会到来,已经做好了相应的准备。她获得了健康咨询顾问的资格。现在(2035年)她69岁了,在一家医院工作,助手是(是的你猜对了)一个人工智能机器人。”

Thenthere’s “B-san,” an automaker employee who’s 36 now but (in the report’sscenario) will soon leave to start a company manufacturing driverless “guardmachines” to scare intruders away from private property. By 2035, age 55, he’sfilling orders from “more than 50 countries.”


A newworld is being born as the old one dies. The cost of failure to adapt will beredundancy – and with life as long as it has become, that could mean a verylong twilight. Imagine, on the other hand, a full and productive life free ofoffice routine, office hours, office infringement on your private life.


“With smartphones and Skype andother communications devices,” says Tokyo University economist NoriyukiYanagawa, “work can be set free of time and space. Full-time attendance at theoffice will be unnecessary, making it easier (for example) to combine work withchild care and nursing.”

东京大学经济学者Noriyuki Yanagawa说:“有了智能手机、Skype和其他通讯设备,工作可以不受时间和空间控制。在办公室出全勤没有必要,(工作时间自由)使得大家更有时间照顾孩子、护理长辈。”

Youngpeople in 2035 will be astonished to hear that once upon a distant time peoplejoined companies out of college and, if possible, stayed for life. There willstill be companies, but not as we know them now and have long known them. Theoffice will be a base for the setting of goals and the launching of projects.The project once launched, you’re on your own – come back when it’s finished.And when it is, that as likely as not will terminate your involvement with thatparticular “employer.” It’ll be on to the next project – with another employer.


That’sone scenario; there are myriad others of course. Some companies even now arevisibly on their way to 2035 – Shukan Asahi cites the software developer Cybozuas an example. Its employees have nine work formats to choose from. How many ofyour work hours do you want to spend at home, and how many at the office?Choose the format that fits your lifestyle. If it fails to satisfy, you canadjust it next month. And if you want to take on a side job, you are free to doso – the one proviso that your outside work not be to Cybozu’s detriment.You’re not even obliged to report it to your boss.

这是一种场景。当然还有无数的场景。甚至现在已经有一些公司已经很明显在迈向2035年的先进方式。Shukan Asahi以软件开发商Cybozu为例,它的雇员有九种工作模式选择。你希望多少工时在家,多少在公司?选择符合你生活方式的模式。如果无法满足你,你下个月可以调整。如果你想做兼职,你不受限制。——唯一的限制是你的兼职不损害Cybozu的利益。你甚至不用汇报给你领导。

This is aforetaste and a model of things to come. Freedom to change implies anobligation to change – fast. For some it will be too fast. The old lifetimeemployment has no future, Shukan Asahi makes clear. It was secure but stifling.The air is fresher now, and will be fresher still in 20 years. As for security– “What’s that?” we can imagine a youngster asking in 2035.

这是一个预兆,是即将到来的实物的模型。改变的自由意味着改变的义务——快。对某些人来说太快了。过去的雇佣方式没有未来,Shukan Asahi明确到。旧有的雇佣方式是安全的,但是令人窒息。现在的空间更清新了,在未来20年内还会一直清新。至于安全——“那是什么?”我们可以想象,2035年的年轻人会问这个问题,

The worldis always changing, but there's one thing that's always a constant, and that is"if you don't prepare to change, you're preparing to lose".


Icertainly think it's a great way to approach work for the future and i wouldlove that to be the norm. But I just don't see a world without sweatshops andother low paid workers who need to work +40hours/week to make ends meet.
I thinkthe model described in this article can work in some industries and somecompanies but not for all. In all cases, i reckon it's always and will alwaysbe the market that decides, not the workers.


Whatabout managers, directors, executives? Put them on zero hour contracts andpart-time status?
Anothermajor issue is companies losing their institutional memory of contacts, pastbusiness relationships and knowledge of completed projects, as staff all come,go and leave, taking their memories with them.


But theway the world's going they won't "leave" with their memories, they'll"upload" them to a central computer or,eventually, directly to theirreplacements' brains.


In sometown halls, none of the new recruits are employed on the old conditions. Someevidence points to public workers being casualized faster than the privatesector. My town keeps putting out job adverts for p/t workers on 800 yen anhour.
Seehttp://synodos.jp/politics/16217. Search the page for "割合"
As forthis article, it's sensational, but the general trend is right.


don'tever forget the power of the people to revolt and take what they want by forcefrom the elites,,,


Change isgood, but not all change. There has to be a fine line between rapid automationand jobs. It's fine to automate manufacturing, but if it is done too much, youdisplace workers. Displaced workers who are only temp employees will have lessdisposable income to buy luxury items or basic items too. So no one will bebuying, or the price will be too high to afford them even though they areeasier to make because there isn't enough of a demand.


This is aproblem, and one that the education system needs to accommodate. Most futureworkers will most likely be looking at multiple career changes throughout theirlives and constant training and education to stay competitive. A living wagewill also need to be introduced to avoid mass poverty


JapanVioletOCT. 03, 2016 - 12:41PM JST
Bla blabla. They tried to make everyone contract workers in North America years ago,it failed. Look at the state of policing and tell me contract workers are agood idea. Predictions of the future should be based on data, this is based onstupid.


LeighIvan Quintellio Wighton
Lifetimeemployment has been a pipe dream for quite some time. I'm almost 40 and I'd sayit all but died with my grandparents' generation. I don't think the"full-time employee" system need die. What does need to die here isthe notion that full-time equals cannot be fired or rid of. The employmentsystem in Japan that has been entrenched since the post war boom is basicallyjust an extension of the welfare system. There's no reward for workingefficiently, and there's no punishment for not doing so.


I thinkthis news for the average japanese salaryman would create more suicides. a lotof them don't know what to do with the free time given to them to spend it withthe family, other than going to kyabakura and drinking.


[email protected]
Changingfor GOOD IS ONE THING, changing for unhappiness and uncertainity is another. Wehave to consider, Why had the human world come to this ???.

