诺贝尔和平奖让哥伦比亚的和平进程恢复希望 [英国媒体]


Nobel peace prize revives hopes of Colombia's peace process with Farc


Colombia’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, has been awarded the Nobel peace prize for his work on a peace deal that was defeated in a referendum this week, in a surprise move that could breathe new life into flailing efforts to end the 52-year war with Farc rebels.


“I receive this recognition … as a mandate to continue to work without rest for peace for all Colombians,” Santos said in an early morning address after receiving news of the prize.


“I accept it not on my behalf but on behalf of all Colombians, especially the millions of victims of this conflict that we have suffered for more than 50 years,” he said.


More than 220,000 people have died and six million have been internally displaced by the war that began in 1964 as an uprising of a small group of peasants. After four years of intense talks in Havana, government and Farc negotiators finalized a deal in August , which Barack Obama called a “historic achievement”. But the whole process was thrown into turmoil this week after Colombians narrowly voted to reject the deal in a national plebiscite.


Haytop 4h ago
Considering Obama holds the exact same prize, I'd simply refuse the dumb thing


HorsesDark 7h ago
My knowledge of the Colombian situation/experience is extremely limited, so my question is just that - a question:
If Pres.Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work negotiating a peace with FARC, why weren't those negotiating representing the other sides to end the long hostilities sharing in this award/recognition?
Nobody negotiates alone, after all.


Kholrabi 9h ago
The explanation for awarding this crook is simple.
Colunbia is a staunch ally of the U.S. and Santos wants to join Nato,
Just as the "White Hats," another body pushed for the "Nobel" by the U.S. is, on plentiful evidence, a propaganda body embedded in the Syria Jihadists and head choppers to create false propaganda films against Assad put on our screens, funded to the tune od hundreds of millions by the U.S. and, surprise, surprise, Britain.
The Nobel awards, like the University ratings, are fabricate4d to support the three or four countries that make up the "West," comically referred to as the "International community by the governments, steeped in lies,of these solitary three or four lands of unwitting numbskulls and terrorists.
I would go for the Confucius prize. It has more integrity and intelligence intertwined in it than the sham called Nobel.


Kholrabi  Kholrabi 9h ago
The majority of Colombians, the heart of the country, are at one with FARC.
They couldn't bring themselves to line up with Santos and the U.S. inspired misery they have endured. So, they voted against Santos' plan, the only way to rid themselves of him and his foreign friends and give the vast and rich country of Colombia back to its people.
This pattern is repeating itself more and more around the world.


onthemap  Kholrabi 6h ago
"The majority of Colombians, the heart of the country, are at one with FARC.""
62% didn't vote and those that voted yes didn't vote to express their solidarity with FARC, If they could they'd exterminate these murderers and rapists in a heartbeat.


EtoileBrilliant 9h ago
There was a time when the Peace Prize tried to reflect public opinion. Now it just tried to shape it. Fail


Roraima19 10h ago
Oh well, if the give the Peace Nobel to Obama, Kissinger, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres for that failed peace agreement... I suppose they can give Santos one, too.


William Fresno 10h ago
How can they award the Nobel Peace Prize to the president of a country that produces cocaine and enriches itself with the blood profits that are produced from cocaine? This illicit drug has caused the deaths of MILLIONS worldwide and the destruction of human life. If Juan Manuel Santos worked to destroy the cocaine in his country, then I would approve of him getting that award. Otherwise, he deserves to be inside a jail cell.
