环保人士称中国“灭绝的”江豚或许已回长江 [英国媒体]



Chinese conservationists believe they may have caught a rare glimpse of a freshwater dolphin that was declared functionally extinct a decade ago having graced the Yangtze river for 20 million years.


Scientists and environmentalists had appeared to abandon hope that China’s baiji or white dolphin could survive as a species after they failed to find a single animal during a fruitless six-week hunt along the 6300-km (3915-mile) waterway in 2006.


But a team of amateur conservationists now claims it spotted the so-called “goddess of the Yangtze” last week on a stretch of Asia’s longest river near the city of Wuhu in Anhui province.



“No other creature could jump out of the Yangtze like that” Song Qi the leader of that expedition told Sixth Tone a government-backed news website. “All the eyewitnesses – which include fishermen – felt certain that it was a baiji.”

“在长江,只有白鳍豚才会那样跳出江面”  探险队的领队宋其(音译)这样告诉澎湃新闻国际版第六音“所有的目击者,包括渔民在内,都觉得那肯定是白鳍豚”。

Song told the Guardian the unconfirmed sighting occurred during a seven-day search mission down the Yangtze that began in the city of Anqing on 30 September.



LouSmorels 3m ago
What do they taste like?


Cant wait to get to a fish restaurant in Wuhan to try....


An 1 7m ago
It would be nice if true but has similarities to many "Loch Ness Monster" claims. The article highlights the other aspect of pollution and contamination of unfettered industrialisation.


Contanimation of land and water in China is as serious as air pollution one example is the eating lake and river fish over a period of time puts one in serious danger of heavy metal poisoning. I always avoided this as recommended by Chinese friends in the meducal field but many friends / colleagues I know has tested positive for heavy metal contamination and several with serious health complications.


Karolusmagnus 26m ago
Good news. Let′s see for how long. Probably we won′t fail this time and they will be extinguished. I wish to be wrong



LadybirdFarenheit 31m ago
Yangtze MacYangtzface


Banoonoo 38m ago
Poor beautiful things. Is causing the extinction the same as genocide? Nature is as nature does I suppose. Still very sad though.


elaar 46m ago
"Song said he hoped his team’s unconfirmed baiji sighting would prompt renewed efforts to save the species"
Unlikely unfortunately.


43bikeguy 47m ago
Not as pretty or as marketable as the Panda. I'm sure it delicious though and can cure Cancer and Aids.


LadybirdFarenheit  43bikeguy 30m ago
Onion baiji then the rhino horn please


Hero Jig 48m ago
Yangtze finless porwhich? Do you mean Yangtze finless porpoise?


Aquarius9 1h ago
More research needs to be done to establish if it is a Baiji this is / was a beautiful animal and if there are some in the river then they need to be protected. As for all the chemical firms polluting the Yangtze that will also endanger other animals the Chinese government needs to ensure this stops as a matter of urgency. Man has done much and continues to do much to damage the earth and the environment and has much to answer for.



Hero Jig 1h ago
Great news thx! I live in Nepal and sighted one here almost 15 years ago. Jane Goodall is here now looking to see if any are still left... hope she also spots some.

真是好消息,我住尼泊尔,曾在15年前见过一只,现在Jane Goodall 也在这里找寻,看看还有没有幸存的。。。。。希望她也能找到

ecommpro 1h ago
Excellent news.


My fear now is that residents will be back there to hunt it to total extinction because *its fin contains the secret of everlasting life* or *enables you to breathe underwater* or something.

但是 恐怕那些当地居民也许因为白鳍豚的鳍(鱼翅)能让他们长生不老,或者能在水下自由呼吸什么乱七八糟的理由去继续捕捞白鳍豚,直至它们一条不剩

shanshuitianqi  ecommpro 1h ago
Ending a sentence with "or something" sums up the racist stereotype perfectly.


JavaZee  ecommpro 52m ago
Even in sophisticated Hong Kong black furred dogs are slaughtered as their meat is considered the best cure for the common cold.......


ecommpro  shanshuitianqi 43m ago
Yes because alternative medicine is an exact science and doesn't need such vague expressions ;)

是的, 替代医学也是精确的科学,不需要模糊表达


Magic omnibus7 1h ago
In his book about the baiji’s plight Witness to Extinction biologist Samuel Turvey described how thousands of years of human activity had decimated the Yangtze basin a bio-diverse area once regarded as the Amazon of the East


1) Thousands of years of human activity decimated the Yangtze basin


2) It was once regard Amazon of the East




Either it was un-decimated recently enough that someone who had known of the Brazilian Amazon's existence could call it that (maximum 500 years) or Ancient Chinese people discovered the Americans thousands of years ago.Or some journalist made it up.


nomdplume  Magic omnibus7 43m ago
I have heard Manchester referred to as the 'Venice of the North'. The Yangtse basin being regarded as the Amazon of the East isnot much more of a stretch.



aci20G  Magic omnibus7 35m ago
I like your pedantry but you failed to spot the mis-use of "decimated" which means the killing (or more loosely the destruction or removal) of one in ten particularly to make an example.

只是你没发现有个词用错了么,decimated意思是十个里面死一个,额,词义不那么狭隘时可表示毁坏 移除。(怎么我的词典告诉我是死大部分,这哥们让我晕了)

Mygasheater 1h ago
For the species to survive it's gonna take more than one and one of the opposite sex.


Jonathan Shearer 2h ago
What an obscene amount of racist garbage there is in these comments!


ecommpro  Jonathan Shearer 1h ago
Yes badly-expressed comments. You don't need to be racist ever and especially not when there are well-supported facts about the cultural habits of certain peoples and their contribution to the demise of certain wild animals.
However it needs to be said these peoples are recognising their role in the situation and making efforts to turn things around.
"China has the highest seizure rates of illegally traded wildlife in Asia."

不过这群人已经意识到他们该做什么了 正在努力扭转
亚洲非法野生动物交易 中国的扣押没收率最高


JavaZee  Jonathan Shearer 1h ago
Its badly and offensively phrased but I'm sorry many Chinese do not have a high regard for conservation or animal welfare. Added to that superstitious folk remedies involving bits of rare flora and fauna are still popular....and some very corrupt and stupid people like to "demonstrate" their power and influence by flaunting the law - and the easiest way to do that is slaughter rare and protected animals.

话可能不好听,有些冒犯,不过我真觉得大多中国人没什么保护动物,重视动物权利的意识,此外,很多人迷信偏方,认为一些珍惜动植物的某一部分具有奇效。。。还有一些非常腐败愚蠢的人想炫耀自己的权力和影响,证明自己哪怕犯法了也没什么事儿,最简单的方式就是屠杀珍惜保护动物。(可惜 这位讲的是实情。。。)

Jonathan Shearer 2h ago
"Goddess of the Yangtze"? "Amazon of the East"?
Who comes up with this shite?

扬子江女神? 东方亚马逊?
什么狗屎 谁提的

xiaodarshan  Jonathan Shearer 1h ago
I believe fishermen and boatmen on the Yangtze "came up with that shite"many thousands of years ago.

我猜  长江渔民船夫们几千年前提的

shanshuitianqi  Jonathan Shearer 1h ago
You apparently potty mouth.


Will Kelsall 2h ago
Oh dear - the fate of one dolphin in the hands of the Chinese authorities........catch and kill? - that will make the problem go away....can't have people reminded of China's dismal conservation record.

