TOKYO —Japan plans to offer a voluntary contribution worth 770 million yen ($7.5 million) to UNESCO this year while continuing to withhold paying its obligatory dues of around 3.85 billion yen a senior Japanese Foreign Ministry official told a ruling party meeting Wednesday.
The voluntary contribution will be used for projects such as restoring ancient ruins.
Japan said in mid-October that it was withholding this year’s obligatory financial contributions to the U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Although Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said it was a “comprehensive” decision Tokyo has been urging the U.N. body to improve its heritage program’s screening process after Chinese documents relating to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre were listed as a Memory of the World last year.
No lawmaker at the Liberal Democratic Party meeting expressed opposition to the government’s plan to provide the voluntary contribution.
The government plans to make the final decision on whether to disburse the mandatory dues after reviewing the U.N. body’s response regarding the screening process.
Japan is responsible for 9.6% of this year’s UNESCO budget second largest after the United States’ 22%.
Japan has been the top UNESCO funder in recent years with the United States having frozen its payments since 2011 due to its opposition to Palestinian membership.
A UNESCO member state loses its right to vote in the U.N. body’s general conference if it does not pay its dues for two years.
The Chinese documents on the Nanjing Massacre submitted by Beijing in 2014 concerned the widespread killings of Chinese citizens and soldiers following the 1937 capture of Nanjing by the Japanese military. Tokyo disputes the number of Chinese civilians and soldiers killed in the incident.
Tokyo has claimed UNESCO “unilaterally” registered the documents without allowing Japan to access them for verification slamming the U.N. body as lacking fairness and transparency.
YubaruNOV. 10 2016 - 07:50AM JST
A UNESCO member state loses its right to vote in the U.N. body’s general conference if it does not pay its dues for two years.
Interesting rule. I for one would like to see how Japan plays this one out. Seems to me that they are playing games with UNESCO.
klausdorthNOV. 10 2016 - 07:56AM JST
How generous! (sarcasm mode of course!!)
ThePBotNOV. 10 2016 - 10:07AM JST
Seems to me that they are playing games with UNESCO.
...and UNESCO will gladly play back by taking the money while removing Japan's voting power.
ScroteNOV. 10 2016 - 11:24AM JST
A UNESCO member state loses its right to vote in the U.N. body’s general conference if it does not pay its dues for two years.
Does this mean the US has no voting rights at the general conference? I'm sure they still vote.
wtfjapanNOV. 10 2016 - 11:36AM JST
Is the voluntary contribution just to make sure current Japanese sites are not struck off the UNESCO list? LOL yeah just thinking the same thing just say any member that doesn't want to pay there dues will have their sites taken off the list!! blackmailing UNESCO because you dont approve of another countries listing is just plain childish.
dcog9065NOV. 10 2016 - 11:36AM JST
UNESCO is a farce as proven by the possibly fraudulent Chinese documents as well as the snub on Israel. The organization can't surivive without the American and Japanese contributions so they are scrambling to get back in line
wtfjapanNOV. 10 2016 - 11:40AM JST
The organization can't surivive without the American and Japanese contributions so they are scrambling to get back in line LOL and what are they going to do take Chinas listing down because Japan doesnt approve. Im sure China will be happy to pay UNESCO double their fees to keep it there. China can easliy do the reverse to have Japanese listing taken down also. Japan just has to live with the fact that Chinas listing is there to stay.
marcelitoNOV. 10 2016 - 11:42AM JST
Of course listing the kamikaze pilots letters is just fine and uncontroversial.
smithinjapanNOV. 10 2016 - 12:08PM JST
Hypocrites. They just want to be able to pat themselves on the back and try to ensure Japan can continue its push to have the entire archipelago listed while still "being strong" -- ie. moronic -- on their view about how nothing other than Japan's version of history should be listed. I hope the Kamikazi pilots letters ARE listed though; under "The Root of the Modern Suicide Bomber". How they can glorify such history is beyond me and absolutely disgusting while denying anything Japan ever did to foreign nations happened and in this case using plain old blackmail.
Kick Japan out and delist ALL sites and cultural heritage appointments until they pay their dues.
Ricky KaminskiNOV. 10 2016 - 12:08PM JST
You play we play. Kids in a sandbox fighting about who's daddy is tougher