在迪拜, 一名据称被性侵的英国游客, 在警察指控她"婚外性行为"后, 可能会被监禁, 并且需要支付2万4千英镑的法律诉讼费用。她目前已经缴纳了保释金, 但不准离开迪拜, 据说因为担心坐监已经被 "彻底吓坏"。
British tourist 'gang-raped' in Dubai faces jail for having sex outside marriage
英国游客在迪拜被轮奸候后面临"婚外性行为"的指控, 可能被判入狱.
The woman, aged 25, was reportedly charged after going to police about the alleged attack by two Britons in Dubai
据报道, 这名25岁的女士在告诉警察她被性侵后已经被提控.
Danny Boyle
16 NOVEMBER 2016 • 8:58AM
A British tourist allegedly gang-raped in Dubai faces a prison sentence and needs £24,000 for legal fees after police accused her of having "extra-marital sex".
在迪拜, 一名据称被性侵的英国游客, 在警察指控她"婚外性行为"后, 可能会被监禁, 并且需要支付2万4千英镑的法律诉讼费用.
The 25-year-old woman was reportedly arrested and charged after going to the authorities about the alleged attack by two Britons last month.
据报道, 这名25岁的女士在告诉警察她被另外两名英国人性侵后已经被提控.
She is now on bail, but is not allowed to leave the country and is said to be "absolutely terrified" of being imprisoned for breaching strict laws on sex.
她目前已经缴纳了保释金, 但不准离开迪拜, 据说因为担心坐监已经被 "彻底吓坏".
The woman, who cannot be identified, was on holiday in Dubai when her ordeal unfolded, The Sun reported.
根据<太阳报>报道, 这位身份不能透露的女士在迪拜度假时, 遭遇了这场噩梦.
She went to the police as the victim of one of the worst ordeals imaginable, but she is being treated as the criminal
family friend of alleged victim
她经历了难以想象的两场遭遇后, 前往报警, 但却被当成了 "罪犯的同谋".
She is said to have been lured into a hotel room by two British men, who are alleged to have both raped her while filming the attack.
据称, 她被另外两名英国男性骗至一酒店房间后轮奸, 并且拍摄了视频.
The woman's family claimed the men flew home to Britain just hours later.
受害者家属声称, 这两名男性数小时后逃离了酒店.
When she reported the attack to police, the alleged victim was then herself charged with having sex outside marriage.
当她将此事报到给警方时, 她作为受害者反而被控婚外性行为.
In the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is the most populated city, it is illegal for married couples to have sex outside of wedlock.
迪拜是阿联酋最大的城市. 在这个国家, 已婚人士和伴侣以外的人发生性行为是违法的.
It is also against the law for a single person to have sex with someone who is married.
同样, 一名单身人士同已婚认识发生性行为也是违法的.
The alleged victim has been released by police on bail, but her family said she needs £24,000 for legal fees.
受害者在缴纳保释金后已经被警方释放, 但她的家人说, 她仍然需要支付24,000英镑的诉讼费用.
"They have taken her passport as lawyers thrash it out," a family friend told the newspaper. "She is staying with an English family, but she is absolutely terrified.
"当律师把她赶出来时, 他们夺走了她的护照." 受害者家庭的一位朋友说. "她目前和一英国家庭同住, 但她完全惊慌失措."
"She went to the police as the victim of one of the worst ordeals imaginable, but she is being treated as the criminal."
"她投奔警察时是一名两起性侵犯事件的受害者, 但现在完全被当成了罪犯对待."
The Foreign Office said it was working to support the woman and her family.
Dubai is popular with British holidaymakers, but has strict rules about sex and alcohol.
迪拜是英国度假者的胜地, 但这里法律对于性和饮酒异常严苛.
The Foreign Office has previously said that Britons are proportionately more likely to be arrested in the United Arab Emirates than any other country in the world.
外交部曾经说过, 英国人在迪拜被逮捕的可能性比全世界其他任何国家都高.
Although its laws on alcohol and dress codes are more liberal than neighbouring “dry” states such as Saudi Arabia, all displays of public affection between men and women are banned and touching members of the opposite sex in public is severely frowned upon.
尽管迪拜对于饮酒和着装的法律比起周围其他阿拉伯国家, 比如沙特, 已经放宽不少, 但公共场合依然不允许任何暴露男女隐私, 同时在公共场合接触异性身体也是严格禁止之列.
Most famously, two Britons accused of having sex on Jumeirah Beach in Dubai were jailed for three months in 2008, although the sentence was later suspended. They denied the charge.
最知名的案例是2008年两名在迪拜Jumeirah海滩发生性行为的英国人被囚禁了3个月之久, 尽管最后因为他们拒绝认罪导致指控撤销.
A number of couples have also been jailed or threatened with prison for adultery or having sex while unmarried, including a woman in 2010 who had gone to police to allege she had been raped. Eventually, she dropped the rape charges and produced a marriage certificate. She and her fiancé were allowed to go back to Britain.
数对夫妻也被监禁或被威胁投入监狱, 因为他们发生性关系时尚未结婚. 一位妇女因强奸在2010年向警察报案, 但最终她不得不撤销强奸指控, 并被迫提供了一张结婚证书, 她和她未婚夫才被允许返回英国.
Alcohol must be consumed in restaurants and bars attached to four or five-star hotels, or bought by non-Muslim residents who have a special alcohol licence from a small number of shops.
在迪拜, 酒精只能在四星或五星级酒店里引用. 只有持有特许饮酒许可的非穆斯林才可以在为数不多的商店里购买酒类饮料.
The city has also tried to tighten up its dress code, which insists that, apart from on the beach or by swimming pools, shoulders and legs above the knee should be covered for men and women.
这个城市也试图加强着衣规范. 它要求无论男女在海滩或泳池意外的地方必须将肩膀和膝盖以上的身体牢牢遮在衣服里.