中国首位航天员称被太空上的神秘敲击声吓到 [英国媒体]


China's first astronaut reveals mysterious knocking on his capsule left him 'spooked' while in orbit


The sound of a 'hammer hitting an iron bucket' left China's first astronaut feeling nervous and worried during his maiden voyage into space.


Astronaut Yang Liwei make the revelations in a recent interview while talking about the strange noises while aboard the Shenzhen 5 spaceship during a 21 hour mission in 2003.


Although Liwei said he didn't hear the mysterious sound after returning to Earth, other astronauts aboard the Shenzhou 6 and Shenzhou 7 have also reported hearing a similar, if not the same, banging.


Muscles Nuclear, highland, United States, 1 hour ago
Sum ting wong.


NYtoFla, WesternNYS, United States, 1 hour ago
Student loan people. Find you anywhere.


Girly89, Orlando, United States, 2 hours ago
You've got to be dumb to think we're all alone in this universe.


John Dee6, Shizuoka, Japan, 2 hours ago
It was the Mormon missionaries, they are everywhere.


Michelle, Long-Beach_CA_USA, 2 hours ago
I didn't think sound can travel in a vacuum?!


null, United States, 2 hours ago
Not a vacuum in the capsule. Are we blond?


theborg026, Swansea, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
Probably a cold caller selling double glazing.......


Teamwall, Greenville, United States, 1 hour ago
"Excuse me, Mr. astronaut, do you have a moment to learn about our Lord and Savior?"


username, Los Angeles, United States, 2 hours ago
knock, knock. Who's there? The Creator.


Matt, Houston, 1 hour ago
Probably a loose part. Hyper intelligent beings shouldn't be playing knock knock to communicate.


JJamkos, Deer Hollow Park, United States, 1 hour ago
It was an American on a Bicycle delivering food!


Danferg, Virginia, United States, 2 hours ago
Another Chinese dude outside the capsule trying to steal tech secrets before realizing its his own


The Earl of Sammich, Olde London, United States, 2 hours ago
Made in China. Nuff said.


Gp, Sydney, Australia, 23 minutes ago
Darn Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere.

靠,耶和华见证会(19世纪末在美国创建的一个基督教派,认为“世界末日”即将来临,上帝之国就要到来) 到处都是。

Texan78730, Austin Texas USA, 1 hour ago
Banging would be frightening enough. But imagine footsteps and heavy breathing.


Kevin M, Scottsdale, United States, 1 hour ago
Chinese food delivery?


Blue-Nation, London, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
Clearly was Sandra Bullock, she needed a ride home.


pll, United States, United States, 1 hour ago
Interesting.. I wonder what the knocking noise was. I wish someone can do more investigating.


Out there, Aspen, 2 hours ago
There's a lot of debris up there.

