机上产子的台湾籍女子被遣返,孩子被留在美国(在美国 境内的飞机上出生的拥有美国籍),在这个看起来是一个温暖人心的故事里面,这名女子或将面临超过30000美元的罚款。
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-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
The heartwarming story of a woman who gave birth on a U.S.-bound flight has since soured after she was deported back to Taiwan without her child and warned she could face a fine of more than $30,000.
机上产子的台湾籍女子被遣返,孩子被留在美国(在美国 境内的飞机上出生的拥有美国籍),在这个看起来是一个温暖人心的故事里面,这名女子或将面临超过30000美元的罚款。
Earlier this month amazing footage emerged of the mother, known only by her surname Jian, giving birth to a 'premature' child at 30,000ft, six hours into a 19 hour journey from Bali to Los Angeles on a China Airline flight.
Jian claimed upon boarding to be 32 weeks pregnant, the latest date expectant mothers are still free to fly without a fit-to-travel certificate from a doctor under Taiwanese aviation regulations. But she reportedly gave birth at 36 weeks.
-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
According to China.com.cn, the mother refused to lay flat to give birth and kept asking 'are we in America yet?'
Eventually she gave birth above Alaska 30 minutes before the airplane conducted an emergency landing into thestate's Anchorage Airport.
Jian w
as separated from her child on Saturday after the newborn was awarded U.S. citizenship, a news site claims.
The child remains in Alaska with a family friend as she is too young to fly.
-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Prunella E, Erehwon, United States, 14 hours ago
Prunella E, Erehwon, 美国,14小时前发表。
US should change the law because a lot of people come here just to give birth. Instant citizenship. And then they can make a case to stay here because of US citizen baby. Particularly unfair for those who apply to come to US and have to wait YEARS to even get an approval. Then you have someone that does something illegal and just "jumps the line".
jac, TN, United States, 11 hours ago
jac, TN,美国,11小时前发表。
The birthright citizenship law was written, and intended by the framers of it, for slaves who were freed. US birthright citizenship applied, and rightfully so. Today, laws are dissected by courts and lawyers into what it could mean to suit a position. It was never intended for what it is today.
crcharley, Williamsville New York, United States, 10 hours ago
If Barry or Hillary have their way 12 million will jump the line.
Lynne, Amersham, 14 hours ago
Lynne, 阿默舍姆,英国,14小时前发表
She obviously flew later than she should in order to get into America. This will send the message that it doesn't work. She brought this on herself.
-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Yirmin, Boston, United States, 1 hour ago
To deter anyone they need to revoke her parental rights and put the baby up for adoption so she never sees it again. That would send a message. Otherwise she has won what she wanted even if it does cost her more than the plane ticket.
FL Living, Emerald Coast, United States, 1 hour ago
FL Living, Emerald Coast,美国,1小时前发表。
It does work and it happens all the time but only if you are Mexican. If she was Mexican she could have gotten a driver's license, welfare, subsidized housing, etc. That's the problem. While Euopeans often wait years for citizenship, Mexicans are waltzed right in. It's very much biased and unfair, the way a government system should not be. Special rules for some but the rest have to play by the rules? Wrong. That's discrimination.
Moi, NY, United States, 14 hours ago
Moi, 纽约,美国,14小时前发表。
Of course she did everything on purpose. She lied about how far along she was, and was obviously more interested in where she was giving birth rather than the baby's safety. The baby should not have been awarded citizenship, and the mother should be held responsible for ALL costs incurred because of her actions.
Momof3girls, la habra, United States, 11 hours ago
Jack she could afford a plane ticket, so she must have some money.
herenowtherelater, later, United States, 8 hours ago
Jack, she said she paid thousands of dollars and planned it well... she is not a poverty case.
wobbly1, USA, 15 hours ago
It's not ok to split them up so send the both of them packing. Easy.
Cyndee, Indiana, United States, 14 hours ago
No, they said the baby has American citizenship. Means the baby can stay, right?
Melissa in NorCal, San Francisco, United States, 14 hours ago
Yes. Baby can stay, but mom cannot come back.
Kyayuna, USA, 14 hours ago
Maybe deny the kid US citizenship as punishment to the mother?
Austin, Cincinnati, United States, 14 hours ago
Time for a new amendment then. This is pathetic. "Are we in America yet?" As if she wants to make sure she holds it in until she can give birth to an American citizen. Absolutely pathetic. New amendment ASAP.
NapoleonDyno, Dublin, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
You mean punishment for the newborn baby, right?
figaro0314, Nowhere, 14 hours ago
I think I love the flight attendant that took to social media. The person is spot on about how the selfish woman really disrupted everybody's lives on that flight and any passengers that were due to use that plane afterwards at its original destination. The woman is a c oo nt of the highest order.
LoveTai, San Francisco, United States, 14 hours ago
....do not give the baby citizenship, this is getting really old...Trump 2016 will put a stop to this..
One_of_Many, Tulsa, United States, 9 hours ago
Listen fools at the time the constitution was written it was for freed slaves! The Supreme Court upheld Obowel care too that still doesn't mean it constitutional they are subverting the constitution. Their socialist, communists, Marxist and progressive who subverts our laws!
annestreet, Philadelphia, United States, 8 hours ago
If you don't believe that people have been doing this for years, then you should take a look at your own ancestry. I looked at mine and was surprised to find 2 relatives that were born in NY this way a little over 100 years ago. If you believe the Constitution should be changed, then agree to have it changed retroactive back to your own ancestors.
thetom, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
She'd have put a cork in flying over Syria
Neese, USA, United States, 13 hours ago
Mavrick, Boston MA, 13 hours ago
Cancel that US citizenship while your at it! Time to put a stop to this nonsense! She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.
Marijoy, sterling heights, United States, 13 hours ago
Well, yeah...that's been established.
patbutcherearrings, utopia, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
Now if that was a British flight and into Blighty she would have a house and a pay out by now ! USA know how to do it
Eii, Rochdale, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Wordsworthbloke, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Oh please, get a grip will you. You pathetic cry-babies are more of a problem to Britain than anyone else. Stop inventing your own future
MyTake345, Charlotte, United States, 12 hours ago
Time to change this law! There is no reason a child born of non-citizens born in America should automatically be granted citizenship. Children should only become citizens if one or both of their parents are citizens.
Corn Fed, Arch City O-H-I-O, United States, 12 hours ago
The law reads a bit weird (with the exclusion of diplomats), and I've always thought it should be for children of citizens,
green card holders, and perm residents. Also known as tax payers.
Corn Fed,俄亥俄州,美国,发表于12小时前
no joke, Boise, United States, 12 hours ago
The law is there but hard to enforce or catch everyone. So the enforcement needs to be revamped.
no joke,博伊西,美国,发表于12小时前
man4allseasons, Washington DC, United States, 12 hours ago
This is one reason Trump is resonating with average Americans. China has these birth vacations to America so their unborn children can be
American or anchored babies. Someday these rug rats will sponsor their elder parents to this land to receive social security even though these elders
didn't put a dime into the system!
icecreamcake99, de queen, United States, 12 hours ago
The law was changed, unless you work 40 quarters and put into the system, you cannot claim Social Security.
Chicago Kid, Chicago, United States, 11 hours ago
Oh PLEASE! If you are old and broke you are given everything free. They don't call it S.S. , just another name. Trump in 2016.
(s.s=social security,美国政府的公共福利计划)
Tuxedocat, Spalding, 13 hours ago
The baby should never have been given US citizenship and the pair of them shipped back off to wherever immediately without having left the airport.
Ice31, Somewhere, United States, 12 hours ago
I agree. Though it is law that if born within a 12 mile radius, you are granted US citizenship.
Eiffle Tower, Central Florida, United States, 11 hours ago
Isn't it amazing that America is looked down upon but yet they still come
MdhmMary, Long Island, United States, 13 hours ago
Proof of what these illegals are doing to scam the system.
Not Fooled, New York, United States, 12 hours ago
We need to update the law to account for such situations. Instant citizenship, for the children of non-citizens is just stupid. The law needs to be re-though and re-worked.
no joke, Boise, United States, 12 hours ago
Our government needs to be more aggressive on this to keep these people from pulling this stunt to have US benefits.This is the philosophy from Oriental countries and it is common practice. IT NEEDS TO STOP !!. I am sick and tired of working to support this behavior when US citizens can't get benefits because the money is being dished out to these ingrates,.