软银CEO会见川普,承诺对美投资500亿美元 [日本媒体]

纽约 -美国总统当选人唐纳德·特朗普星期二说, 日本电信和互联网公司SoftBank集团公司计划在美国投资500亿美元用于商业领域并且将创造5万新的工作机会。日本网友:天选之人当选人尚未上任,已经是把事情搞得越来越遭。本来是一个好消息,却被你说得那么糟糕。 不如休息一下? 我很肯定孙正义不是沼泽的一部分。


NEW YORK —Japanese telecoms and internet firm SoftBank Group Corp plans to invest $50 billion in the United States in businesses and create 50000 new jobs U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Tuesday.

纽约 -美国总统当选人唐纳德·特朗普星期二说, 日本电信和互联网公司SoftBank集团公司计划在美国投资500亿美元用于商业领域并且将创造5万新的工作机会。

The money would come from a $100 billion investment fund that SoftBank Chief Executive Masayoshi Son is setting up with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund and other potential partners according to the Wall Street Journal.


Trump made the announcement in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan where he met with the head of SoftBank a diverse company that holds stakes in U.S. carrier Sprint Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and other firms.



“Ladies and gentlemen this is Masa from SoftBank of Japan and he’s just agreed to invest $50 billion in the United States and 50000 jobs” Trump said.


“He would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!” Trump later Tweeted.


Son told reporters his company would create jobs by investing in start-up companies in the United States.



lationzDEC. 07 2016 - 07:24AM JST
Masayoshi Son seems like a pretty good guy he's not your typical Japanese businessman. Good on him hope this works out well for everyone!


PTownsendDEC. 07 2016 - 07:28AM JST
$100 billion investment fund that SoftBank Chief Executive Masayoshi Son is setting up with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund and other potential partners according to the Wall Street Journal.
Curious that Rupert Murdoch's (global elitist and media mogul) Wall Street Journal is reporting this. I remember hearing the Trump cultists claiming he was going to take on the global elitists but I guess y'all meant he was using take on in the sense of including them in his global power grab.
The anointed one-elect is not yet in office and already the swamp's getting bigger.



ModeratorDEC. 07 2016 - 07:30AM JST
Readers please refrain from using expressions like "the annointed one." Such meaningless drivel lowers the level of discussion.

读者请不要使用“天选之人”这样的表达。 这种无意义的胡扯降低了讨论的水平。

VincehwrDEC. 07 2016 - 08:33AM JST
The anointed one-elect is not yet in office and already the swamp's getting bigger.
It's getting sad that you have to spin the positive story to fit your narrative. How about giving it a break? I'm pretty sure Masayoshi San is not part of the swamp.

本来是一个好消息,却被你说得那么糟糕。 不如休息一下? 我很肯定孙正义不是沼泽的一部分。

Fred WallaceDEC. 07 2016 - 08:37AM JST
The anointed one-elect is not yet in office and already the swamp's getting bigger
Damned if you do damned if you don't!!
Believe it or not at this point in our lives the swamp is impossible to drain. Best anyone can hope for is for him to wear boots as he treads through the murk!!

不管你信不信,沼泽是不可能消失的。 人民最好希望能穿上靴子,依靠踏板挺过这黑暗!


LizzDEC. 07 2016 - 08:51AM JST
How are tech start up jobs in San Francisco or New York part of the swamp or global elites ? You need money to make money and in this case because he loves Trump it isn't going to China.


wontondDEC. 07 2016 - 09:21AM JST
“I just came to celebrate his new job. We were talking about it. Then I said I would like to celebrate his presidential job and commit because he would do a lot of deregulation. I said this is great. The United States would become great again” Son said.
Sounds a little dodgy to me. Usually when deregulation is good for business it's at the expense of the consumer.



LagunaDEC. 07 2016 - 09:29AM JST
Antitrust decisions in the US are under the purview of the FEC not the president. Though not stated directly it may be inferred that Son is conditioning his investment on his subsidiary Sprint's permission to acquire T-Mobile - something the FEC was leaning against as it would leave many markets with a single cellphone carrier - the definition of a monopoly.
The FEC is staffed with professionals economists and lawyers who spend much effort analyzing data and deliberating over recommendations. Perhaps this has all been done by one Tweet by il duce.
Another step towards corporate fascism.

美国的反垄断决策是由FEC而非总统作出的。尽管没有明说,但是我们可以推测孙正义此次投资美国的前提条件是其子公司Sprint获得许可收购 T-Mobile,而这正是FEC所反对的,因为这将在电话市场形成垄断。


sangetsu03DEC. 07 2016 - 12:01PM JST
Usually when deregulation is good for business it's at the expense of the consumer.
How many new factories have opened in America in recent years? How many new car companies have been founded? How many new motorcycle factories? How many new factories for refrigerators washing machines kitchen stoves or anything else?
The reason that no new factories or manufacturing industries have been created is because regulation makes the costs far too high. A century ago new car motorcycle and other factories were opening on a monthly basis. There were many car manufacturers and countless makers of other goods.
By-and-large regulations have nothing at all to do with protecting consumers. What they do is make it impossible for anything but established companies to do business. Ford and GM have the means to live with the regulations (and are good at getting exemptions and deductions for much of the costs) but if you or I want to start a new large-scale manufacturing company it simply isn't going to happen.
The only new large businesses created in America now are in the tech industry. But technology employs far fewer people than manufacturing and has none of the materiasl and transportation infrastructures which employ many more indirectly. And the tech industry is mainly entertainment and advertising neither of which are good foundations for a national economy.



fxgaiDEC. 07 2016 - 01:37PM JST
Why not invest it in Japan instead?
No Abenomics third arrow reforms in Japan.
Opportunities currently look far more likely to come in the US under the new admin. Abe and team Japan ought to take note - I doubt they will.


ThePBotDEC. 07 2016 - 02:01PM JST
Opportunities currently look far more likely to come in the US under the new admin. Abe and team Japan ought to take note - I doubt they will.
Japan badly needs these types of investments. Besides Abenomics already allows opportunities for companies in Japan to not raise wages or salaries (even though they get asked to) while inflating profits. If the US can beat that kind of opportunity then he'll never make America great again.

