枪杀俘虏的英国士兵之妻希望丈夫能回家过圣诞节 [英国媒体]


Wife of jailed ‘Marine A’ hopes he could be home for Christmas


THE wife of a Royal Marine jailed for murdering a mortally wounded Taliban fighter yesterday told of her hope he could be home for Christmas.


Sergeant Alexander Blackman, known as Marine A, was convicted of murdering the Afghan captive in Helmand province in September 2011. On Friday he will have a bail hearing because the case is set to return to court following the presentation of new evidence. 

This follows a decision to refer his conviction to the Courts Martial Appeal Court. 

Alexander Blackman中士 — 众所周知的海军陆战队员A,因在2011年九月于赫尔曼德省谋杀了一名阿富汗俘虏而被判有罪。而在周五他将有一场保释听证会,这是因为收到新证据后此案又发回法院,同时军事法庭上诉法院还将作出罪行判决。

Wife Claire said there is a “real chance” his murder conviction could be “overturned with a view to manslaughter – but that’s all still to be argued”. 


She told Forces TV she was “trying hard not to get excited” about Friday’s hearing. 

她告诉Forces TV她对于周五的听证会难以抑制一颗赛艇(激动)之情。

“We’ve still got to get the yes from the judge,” she said. “We think we’ve got a strong application for bail and we’re hopeful. It would be amazing, but one step at a time.” 


Blackman was found guilty of murder at a court martial in 2013 and sentenced to a minimum jail term of 10 years. 


The presentation of new evidence relating to his mental health at the time of the death in Helmand – particularly the strain of a gruelling tour – means the case will return to court. 

新证据是在赫尔曼德省死亡事件时他的精神健康状态 — 尤其是疲劳状态下的压力情况,这意味着案件会重新发回法院。

Judges will consider whether to quash his conviction, commute the sentence to one for manslaughter or order a retrial. The appeal is expected next year but on Friday Blackman’s legal team will ask a military court to release him on bail for Christmas. 


Blackman, of Taunton, Somerset, who was serving with Plymouth-based 42 Commando, shot his victim – who had been seriously injured – in the chest at close range with a pistol. Footage from a marine’s helmet camera showed Blackman shooting the prisoner, telling him: “Shuffle off this mortal coil, you ****. It’s nothing you wouldn’t do to us.”
He then turned to comrades and said: “Obviously this doesn’t go anywhere, fellas. I just broke the Geneva Convention.”



He denied murder, saying he believed the victim was already dead and he was taking out his anger on a corpse.


vencedor 23 hours ago
not fair; had he been an American soldier he could have murdered an entire village and still be cleared afterwards...


Bob Bobbington 1 day ago
Disgrace to send these young men to a modern war zone against barbaric savages and then desert them in the courts when the armchair do gooders cry foul. The commanding officers should be in court answering any questions and you'd be guaranteed none would be imprisoned.


Gordon Scott 2 days ago
Hope so God Bless this Man for doing hes Duty .


josh kellaway 2 days ago
He should never have been prosecuted, in war things we don't like or understand happen all the time; this hero suffers because a spineless government failed it's duty of care. 


jbird65 2 days ago
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them .
