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TAIPEI —Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said on Sunday it was important to remember the good things Japan did for the island while not forgetting the bad, as he marked 70 years since Japan gave up control of Taiwan at the end of World War Two.
Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895-1945 and the then-Nationalist government of China took over rule of the island after Japan lost the war. Japan had gained control of the island from imperial China.
turbotsatOCT. 26, 2015 - 07:17AM JST
Ma said it was true Japan’s invasion of China killed millions and issues like the “comfort women” ... “But Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan also bought construction, like the Chianan Irrigation system and Wusanto Reservoir,” ... “This benefitted farmers in Taiwan, and we should naturally affirm it,”
There's a silver lining in every cloud.
YubaruOCT. 26, 2015 - 07:17AM JST
Now I suppose there will be those in Japan, (the right-wing-nuts) who will look at this and believe that this is how all countries that were under Japanese rule should view the history of the war.
I give the guy credit for being diplomatic about it.
shallotsOCT. 26, 2015 - 07:31AM JST
Should we call this the "autobahn argument"?
AlexNoaburgOCT. 26, 2015 - 07:45AM JST
it's not because taiwan is special but japan needed them to believe they were to gain a buffer
mtuffiziOCT. 26, 2015 - 07:49AM JST
nice comment about japan, finally
GarthgoyleOCT. 26, 2015 - 08:13AM JST
Yeah. I'm not sure if this is a nice or good comment about Japan. Like Yubaru said, right wings would love to hear every invaded nation talking like this. When I read the title of the article I thought they were talking about Japan was bad but after the war the pursued a peace path or something like that.
Chinese people have a “sacred mission” to ensure Taiwan is always considered part of China.
Sacred. Ha! There's nothing "sacred" about that and more on "brainwashing."
DisillusionedOCT. 26, 2015 - 08:17AM JST
Wow! Finally, a voice of reason and maturity coming from an Asian leader! Awesome!
shonanbbOCT. 26, 2015 - 08:20AM JST
If you talk to old people in Taiwan, they all have good things to say about Japan during the occupation.
tinawatanabeOCT. 26, 2015 - 08:41AM JST
If you talk to old people in Taiwan, they all have good things to say about Japan during the occupation.
Even some old Koreans are saying nice things about Japan.
JeffLeeOCT. 26, 2015 - 09:44AM JST
Quite a few elderly Norwegians say the same thing about their Nazi occupiers.
SchopenhauerOCT. 26, 2015 - 09:49AM JST
Okinawans should also think about positive things American occupation and bases and Japanese rulings brought to them.
OssanAmericaOCT. 26, 2015 - 09:57AM JST
"Japan’s rule brought progress to an undeveloped, largely agricultural island."
That's exactly what happened in Korea too from 1910 to 1945 but those people are so biased they can't see straight.
YubaruOct. 26, 2015 - 07:17AM JST Now I suppose there will be those in Japan, (the right-wing-nuts)
This article has absolutely nothing to do with such people. I think J-haters are just as nuts.
Victory NipponOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:01AM JST
President Ma Ying Jeou guess what Japan did the same thing for Korea during the Occupation they built roads schools and bridges but The Koreans actually fought back unlike Taiwan who just sit back and do nothing that's why more Koreans died during the Occupation.
praackOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:32AM JST
in reality Germany and Japan both did horrific things during the war-- but so did the US with internment camps used for citizens of Japanese heritage, post war the British and the US kept the Nazi's in power as they needed bureaucrats and prison guards- the british were especially keen to place jewish people back into prison camps with german guards in the run up to the establishment of the state of israel.
and of course there are the 2 Atomic Bombs -
what all of us should have taken away from this was that war is not a good thing- instead you see a country (Japan) that REALLY wishes to stay in the peaceful world it has been in post Pacific War but everyone - and I mean the whole world - seems H%ll bent on forcing them to either re- militarize or capitulate to their neighbors.
we never learn anything from our painful history on this planet do we
TriringOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:37AM JST
In hind site more Korean would have died without Japan's occupation with very low life expectancy rate, low agricultural productivity, bad irrigation, virtually no modern medicine, etc.
Polar CitiesOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:39AM JST
victory japan, read yr history books. in fact many taiwanese fought back against the japanese occupiers and died in doing so. many incidents. but its true, taiwanese people much more forgiving than koreans. btw, president ma made one mistake referring to the taiwanese people as "chinese". they are taiwanese and not chinese. ma still doesnt get it and he is the prez?
yoshisan88OCT. 26, 2015 - 10:40AM JST
Taiwan who just sit back and do nothing that's why more Koreans died during the Occupation.
Not all Taiwanese just sat back and did nothing. There were a number of rebellions and uprisings. Below is an extract from wikipedia:
'Guerrilla fighting continued periodically until about 1902 and ultimately took the lives of 14,000 Taiwanese, or 0.5% of the population. Several subsequent rebellions against the Japanese (the Beipu Uprising of 1907, the Tapani Incident of 1915, and the Wushe Incident of 1930) were all unsuccessful but demonstrated opposition to Japanese colonial rule.'
5SpeedRacer5OCT. 26, 2015 - 10:48AM JST
Why is history so controversial? I encourage everyone to look at basic data in forming their various judgments. Have a look at what Japan's contemporaries were doing in Africa, Hawaii, and the Philippines while Japan was doing the imperialist thing in Asia. National Geographic in the 1930s did a long article about Italy's war with Ethiopia, and the spin on it is absolutely amazing in light of what people believe now about history.
As far as I know, Indian people grudgingly acknowledge that British Imperialism helped them prepare somewhat for integration to the modern world.
People might want to have a look at population and nutrition information for Korea during the time of Japanese occupation. Whatever ugly things might have occurred, one might conclude that by and large, people were better off in many ways, perhaps because of stability, protection, access to markets, etc. Would Taiwan have really been better off it had not been for the Japanese? Wouldn't someone else have exploited them worse?
Does that sound like a terrible way to view history? Well, we are basically giving China a pass today in terms of human rights, etc. simply because it is raising living standards for its people.
Daniel NeagariOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:52AM JST
And the Japan bashers and haters will have a feast with this article.
The president of Taiwan and its people, as far as I know they have the picture clear. Japan did bad stuff during the occupation and there were a lot of problems in the colonies, but they were a bunch of good things too. Remember, aside of China and the Koreas, other countries occupied by Japan during early to mid 1900s have a relatively good relationship with Japan and are mostly friendly.
...buuut... be assure some guys lurking these neighbors will be showing their profound and meticulous knowledge in order to re-bunk and rebuff
Victory NipponOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:57AM JST
Triring Japan did all that for themselves they took everything away from Korea they didn't do that for the Korean people.
HansaramOCT. 26, 2015 - 10:59AM JST
Remember, aside of China and the Koreas, other countries occupied by Japan during early to mid 1900s have a relatively good relationship with Japan and are mostly friendly.
True,but that because they move on from the past, not because Japan did good thing during the occupation.
Daniel NeagariOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:03AM JST
Did you even understand English?... or you are answering me taking what I said out of context to fit your reality?
That is lame
GWOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:05AM JST
I think this infrastructure stuff you have to remember that Japan didn't do this for charity it was for JAPAN first! That it may have helped Taiwan/Korea etc was secondary.
Not saying they didn't benefit in ways but it wouldn't have ever been done except Japan saw it benefiting themselves, just saying
HansaramOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:12AM JST
@Daniel Neagari
You claim there are other good things brought by the Japanese during their occupation in other countries. For Taiwan, maybe. Other countries, not true.
yoshisan88OCT. 26, 2015 - 11:18AM JST
Since I am in Australia, I will use it as an example. There are many Pacific Islands in the South Pacific (Fiji, Samoa etc) which are not as modern as Australia. Therefore, it will be OK for Australia to send its navy and occupy their islands by force. Plant cash crops and build whatever you want. And if there are people voicing their opposition you just silent them by force. At th same time all the islanders should abandon their heritages and adopt the Australian culture like giving their children Australian name.
Japanese did help to modernise Taiwan. However, Japan did it out of self interest. Not beacuse they really wanted to give those Taiwanese a better lives.
I am not a Japan basher. I actullay believe there is nothing wrong with Japanese MPs visiting Tokyo's Yasukuni war shrine since it is Japanese culture to pay respects to their ancestors and the shrine also commemorates others died in service of Japan. However, we cannot justify one's wrongdoings by highlighting the other good deeds (out of self interest) one has done.
CrazyJoeOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:34AM JST
Japan and Taiwan are like two rejects floating in the Pacific ocean seeking to console each other.
TriringOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:45AM JST
Actually Japan DID modernize Taiwan and Korea to give them a better life so to ensure better PRODUCTIVITY. Japan gained but the local people gained immensely as well with higher life expectancy rate, access to modern medicine, modern agriculture, universal access to elementary education, etc. It boosted the life style for all within those regions. This in returned with better productivity boosting trade between Japan and those colonies and since Japan did not confiscate land from the original owners, they gained greatly as well. Not like what western colonist did.
SenseNotSoCommonOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:52AM JST
As far as I know, Indian people grudgingly acknowledge that British Imperialism helped them prepare somewhat for integration to the modern world.
The British helped Indians to integrate into their reality, that's all.
Our modern world would have been very different without the East India Company, a cross between Halliburton and Blackwater if you like.
Their wholesale opium growing resulted in famines in India, and wars with China over the right to (lets call a spade a spade) enslave millions of addicts, simply to address the Britain's trade deficit with that country.
MrBumOCT. 26, 2015 - 11:57AM JST
I agree with most of your post, except the part about Yasukuni. If you look into their history and politics that are inextricably tied to the place, you'd know it's not just any old Japanese shrine. If it was just about culture, tradition, and paying respects, they could go to other shrines that leave out politics.
AlphaapeOCT. 26, 2015 - 12:04PM JST
This reminds me of a scene from Monty Python's "Life of Bryan" when the resistance group was making up their list of grievances against Roman occupation and then one by one they started listing the good things the Romans had brought to Judea to include the aqueducts, sewers, etc. until finally when they thought that they had listed the good things and were ready to continue with the complaints against Rome, one of them said that the Romans had brought peace to the region. It was supposed to be a comedy, but true. Looking through the Old Testament, you saw one group after another pillaging Israel, until we get to the New Testament after Rome had taken over, and you never read about constant warring in the area.
这让我想起 Monty Python's 主演的“布莱恩的生活”中的一个情节。当抵抗组织制作对罗马占领不满的清单时,他们一个接一个开始列举罗马人带给judea(地名,曾被罗马占领)的好处,例如下水道、引水渠等等。直到最后他们想不到还有什么好事情,他们开始准备继续列举对罗马的不满。他们其中的一人却说,罗马给这篇地区带来了和平。这本该是个喜剧,但却变成了现实。纵观圣经旧约,你可以看到一批又一批的人抢掠以色列,直到罗马接管了这片区域同时给我们带来了新约。你将永远不会了解这块地区曾有持续不断的战火(在新约上)。【 Monty Python's英国六人喜剧团体】
Yes like Rome, Japan may have had a heavy hand in occupying Formosa as it was called back then, but as a true Historian, you have to consider both the good and bad when documenting the past so that one can fully understand what the thoughts and ideas of both parties were back then, not just some one sided view of either Japan being too bad and the Formosans nothing but peace loving people who couldn't shake them off, nor was Japan truly being benevolent in their colonization.
是的就像罗马,日本曾经强硬地占领台湾( Formosa葡萄牙殖民者对台湾的称呼,意为美丽),他们称其为当年。但作为一个真正的历史学家,你记录过去的时候必须同时考虑到好的方面和坏的方面,那样才能让别人全面了解,当年双方的想法到底是什么。而不是一些片面的说法,例如日本太坏了,台湾人无非是群爱好和平的人没有人能动摇他们,也不是日本人在殖民统治中很仁慈这种说法。