退休性工作者建立她们自己的协会 [日本媒体]


Retired sex workers establish their own association


TOKYO —Japan’s weekly tabloid magazines are full of stories about encounters with women of the night. But how often is it that you see one about the activities of such females after they leave the business?


Shukan Asahi Geino (Dec 1) devotes four pages to accounts of the “second careers” such women have taken up. And the material appears pretty solid, since it was gleaned from women who joined the “Nihon Fuzokujoshi Sapooto Kyokai” (Japan Female Sex Workers Support Association), which was launched in June of this year. (link to Japanese web site:http://ameblo.jp/fjs0601/)

Shukan Asahi Geino(12月1号)用四页版面介绍了这些女性退休后所从事的“第二职业”。而且这个报道看起来很可信,因为这些材料都是从日本女性性工作者支持协会那里获得的,该协会于今年6月份成立,网址:http://ameblo.jp/fjs0601/ 

“To work in this business can be a pretty lonely existence,” said Ayano, a 10-year veteran of the trade. (Her name is a pseudonym, as are those of most others mentioned in this article.) “It’s not something that one can easily tell to friends who work at regular jobs, or people you knew from your school years. And it’s not easy to befriend co-workers either. We set up our association with the realization of the need to connect with people on the side.”


The initial activities include arranging for lectures aimed at helping the members develop new skills, as well as a forum for communications.


“By knowing what other people in the same line of work are thinking, we can expand our own world,” explains Ayano. “Likewise for second careers. We all know the day will come when we walk away from this business, and having many gals come together gives us a chance to swap notes about our future.”


Many such women have their eyes on starting up their own businesses.


“Some girls say they want to teach the skills they’ve acquired to beginners,” says Ayano. “Others learn about aroma and herbs, and take up work as relaxation therapists.”



sensei258NOV. 23, 2016 - 07:09AM JST
This article offered so many opportunities for crude comments and jokes, but I passed.
Ms F fortunately found a new hubby
How much are you willing to bet that he has no idea he married a whore


WakarimasenNOV. 23, 2016 - 10:07AM JST
Given that the AV and prostitution world is a world for retired idol group members I am pleased to see that they then go on to being paid company, baking bread, marriage counselors, beauticians etc. They continue to be productive members of society.


Dan LewisNOV. 23, 2016 - 10:43AM JST
I'll never look at my nailist the same way again.


thetoleratedoneNOV. 23, 2016 - 12:11PM JST
Sex workers???? That is illegal here. You mean AV Idols. I have seen any evidence of the existence of sex workers in Japan.


jiji_bisousNOV. 23, 2016 - 12:59PM JST
@sensei… on the other hand, he may well know that his wife once supported herself as a 'sex-worker' to escape an abusive husband….


MsDeliciousNOV. 23, 2016 - 01:44PM JST
There is nothing wrong with selling your body in my opinion.


TessaNOV. 23, 2016 - 03:10PM JST
I am pleased to see that they then go on to being paid company, baking bread, marriage counselors, beauticians etc. They continue to be productive members of society.
Yes, they do, unlike their bonbon-munching housewife compatriots.


goldorakNOV. 23, 2016 - 03:41PM JST
There will always be a huge stigma attached to sex workers unfortunately which is a quite sad/hypocritical when you think it's not that rare these days to find men and women who have had hundreds of sexual partners.


commanteerNOV. 23, 2016 - 03:54PM JST
How much are you willing to bet that he has no idea he married a whore
You sound frustrated. And you might be surprised at how tolerant some other men are of their wife's past. Not all of us feel the need to marry a virgin.


clamenzaNOV. 23, 2016 - 06:00PM JST
There is nothing wrong with selling your body in my opinion.
Ms Delicious - so if you had a daughter who went into porn or prostitution, no problem at all?


bonesNOV. 23, 2016 - 06:19PM JST
So when a sex worker retires from sex work,do they also retire from having sex?


gokai_wo_manekuNOV. 23, 2016 - 08:31PM JST
Getting work after leaving the trade is not that difficult. In Kabukicho, there are alibi companies that create a resume for you, showing that you worked there as an office lady or something like that, using a famous address in west Shinjuku. Also, women (I don't know about men) in AV can "go straight" and work on national TV, like Ai Iijima. Producers love it because they know that their fans will follow them to national TV. Also, in Japan, "prostitution" involves insertion, and as long as there is no insertion, you can do anything you want, and it is not illegal.

辞去性工作以后再找工作并没有那么难。在 歌舞伎町,有些公司可以为你伪造简历,证明你在他们公司担任办公室职员之类的工作,使用西新宿区的一个着名地址。此外,从事AV的女性(我不了解男性方面的)可以“改过自新”,在国家电视台工作,比如饭岛爱。制片人喜欢这种做法,因为他们知道他们这些人的粉丝会跟着去看她们的节目。在日本,有插入才是“卖淫”,所以只要没有插入,你就可以为所欲为,并非是非法的。
