维基解密公布的最新文件显示中情局利用电脑编码隐藏其黑客攻击源头从而嫁祸给中俄 [英国媒体]


Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity' 


WikiLeaks has published hundreds more files today which it claims show the CIA went to great lengths to disguise its own hacking attacks and point the finger at Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.


The 676 files released today are part of WikiLeaks' Vault 7 tranche of files and they claim to give an insight into the CIA's Marble software, which can forensically disguise viruses, trojans and hacking attacks. 


WikiLeaks says the source code suggests Marble has test examples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi (the Iranian language). 


It says: 'This would permit a forensic attribution double game, for example by pretending that the spoken language of the malware creator was not American English, but Chinese.'


This could lead forensic investigators into wrongly concluding that CIA hacks were carried out by the Kremlin, the Chinese government, Iran, North Korea or Arabic-speaking terror groups such as ISIS.


Sandwich of Logic
The DNC claim their server is hacked by Russians. The FBI request the server and to this day the DNC have refused to give it to the FBI to investigate. Wikileaks release documents that the CIA are in fact the ones who are leaving Russian fingerprints on servers.... You really don't need to be a genius here people. 


Who released the DNC documents? Seth Rich comes to mind.


They already released this. The ties between Russia and Wikileaks are well established. They are backing their President. And by their President I mean Russia's and not my President, as I am a US citizen and he does NOTHING for me.


IDoubtIt -> FooFooB


See. It was the CIA all along. The only collusion was between the MSM, The DNC and the Hillary campaign. Apologies accepted.


Wow. This damaging. This kind of work by the CIA is expected. But this information is damaging. Obama did say he will have a transparent government. I believe Obama's people is behind this. 


Makes sense to me. Do a dirty job and leave a dirty trail to other dirty people. And wipe the servers with a cloth like Hillary. 


Michael of NJ
When it comes to the CIA we don't even know what we don't know.


Newman Newmanz
CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBS, NYT, WAPO, and others won't be covering this with interest.


justsomedude -> Newman Newmanz
Yikes, talk about being too lazy to check. Bet you're the sort who also failed open book tests. Perception is reality.


City Life
What? No Trump tax return? Obviously, Wikileaks is a Republican shrill machine.


Enough to start wars, irresponsible CIA.


This is exactly what the CIA wants you to believe. Nothing better than to get your enemies to over-estimate your abilities. Cute how they consistently hoodwink wikileaks into pedaling their disinformation.


Adam Bompadre -> mo1010
OR....it could be true, which means it was probably the CIA and not Russia who was messing with our election. Now that's a sobering thought! Usually the information in the press portrays the CIA as a bunch of bumbling idiots, which is more likely the disinformation. I am more inclined to think, especially in light of Snowden, that between the NSA and the CIA we are light years ahead and clearly have the best intelligence apparatus in the world. Getting them to obey the rule of law....well...that's another issue entirely.
