美警告英:若脱欧那与美国的贸易将面临阻碍 [英国媒体]


US warns Britain: If you leave EU you face barriers to tradingwith America


Trade representative Michael Froman says UK would face same tariffs andbarriers as China, Brazil or India in the event of Brexit


The union and European flags outside the European commissionbuilding in London.Photograph: Neil Hall/Reuters


The United States is not keen on pursuing a separate free trade deal withBritain if it leaves the European Union, the US trade representative, Michael Froman,said – the first public comments from a senior US official on the matter.


Voters are due to decide by the end of 2017 whether the UK should remain in the EU, and opinion polls showrising support for leaving the bloc.


Froman’s comments on Wednesday undermine a key economic argument deployed byproponents of exit, who say Britainwould prosper on its own and be able to secure bilateral free trade agreements(FTAs) with trading partners.


The US is Britain’s biggest export market after the EU, buying more than $54bn(£35bn) in goods from the UK in 2014.


“I think it’s absolutely clear that Britain has a greater voice at the tradetable being part of the EU, being part of a larger economic entity,” Fromantold Reuters, adding that EU membership gives Britain more leverage innegotiations.


“We’re not particularly in the market for FTAs with individual countries. We’rebuilding platforms … that other countries can join over time.”


If Britain left the EU,Froman said, it would face the same tariffs and trade barriers as othercountries outside the USfree trade network.


“We have no FTA with the UKso they would be subject to the same tariffs – and other trade-related measures– as China, or Brazil or India,” he said.


Washingtonhas just sealed a trade deal with 11 other Pacific nations and wants to wrap upnegotiations with the EU on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP) by the end of next year.


The US is Britain’s second-largest exportmarket for vehicles outside the EU.


If Britain is not part ofthe EU and therefore not part of TTIP, British cars exported to the US,such as those made by Jaguar Land Rover, would face a 2.5% tariff and could beat a disadvantage to German and Italian-made competitors.


British exports of fuel and chocolate could also be at a disadvantage if TTIPabolishes tariffs on those products.

英国的燃料出口和巧克力出口也会处于劣势,如果TTIP确定取消这些产品的关税的话 。

RobotOwl freespeechoneeach

31 Oct 2015 00:36
Anti-EU anti-US sweetbejeez. Do these Daily Mail/DailyTelegraph a**holes all think we all live in Hobbiton-Under-The-Shire?!


RobotOwl Julesaitch
31 Oct 2015 00:33


RobotOwl RobotOwl
31 Oct 2015 00:30
Don't you go calling me 'comrade', mr politburo secretary. Youmust be some baby-eating commie to use that sort of phrase. Go away..

你难道不是应该叫我‘同志’吗,政治局的秘书先生。你们肯定是一些使用类似语句的无知的共产党员。走开. .

NeoCartesian JongeMatador
31 Oct 2015 00:23
Be fair. They are killing Jewish kids and old ladies in thestreet. You can see where he's coming from, and I don't blame him.


NeoCartesian ShrekII
31 Oct 2015 00:20
Nice little anti-semitic aside about Starbucks in your lastpara, you clever little racist you!


NeoCartesian ShrekII
31 Oct 2015 00:17
Fuck me. He's wittering about Israel.


31 Oct 2015 00:16
That settles it. Let's get out.


Guillermo Sulvale
31 Oct 2015 00:10
Blast us, whatever became of the Special Relationship?


Guillermo Sulvale synchronicfusion
31 Oct 2015 00:09
So the United  States will lose sovereignty over itself andbecome a satellite state to another power?


poechristy Adamnoggi
30 Oct 2015 21:30
Nothing of great import happened until the US United the Alliedresponse to Germany
With that statement,you insult the thousands of soldiers andcivilians who were killed by the Nazis before the US and the Russians were forcedinto the war.
Shame on you.


Adamnoggi poechristy
30 Oct 2015 21:18
You are in way over your head. "It is entirely feasible"is a nothing statement. Britainstood alone -helpless while Winnie held out his hand. Nothing of great importhappened until the US United the Allied response to Germany Make no mistake UK foughtbecause of fear, morality had nothing to do with it.


theothermatt Inspai
30 Oct 2015 20:44
Those are reasons to trade, not to trade preferentially.


poechristy Adamnoggi
30 Oct 2015 19:43
Britain stood aloneagainst Hitler for the first third of the war. That is a simple fact-it may notfit your agenda, but there it is. It is entirely feasible that without Russia'spact with Hitler his 'Blitzkrieg' policy may have failed and the horrors thatfollowed could have been averted.


McIckle EssoBlue
30 Oct 2015 19:31
Except we are not children and do not require parenting fromanyone, we are adult enough h to make our own decisions.


john berry JudeUSA
30 Oct 2015 19:09
Hey Jude, how are you going there bud (Is that how you say it).Did you do any research?


30 Oct 2015 18:53
Generally think we would be better off staying in the EU,whatever the renegotiation terms. I would prefer more control over our bordersthough.....

