中国宣称决不允许任何一方在家门口生事 [英国媒体]


China says it will never allow war or chaos on itsdoorstep


BEIJING (Reuters) - China will never allow war or chaos onits doorstep, Defence Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang told a monthly newsbriefing on Thursday, when asked about tension on the Korean peninsula.


[–]Sexymcsexalot 373 points 17 hours ago
"We will never allow war or chaos on our doorstep.That's why we're building bases and islands in the middle of the ocean"


[–]rossimus 79 points 11 hours ago
They said, while their neighbor launchesballistic missiles at its neighbors in an attempt to   achievenuclear weapons.


[–]juanml8212 points 8 hours ago
Thecatch with North Korea is that, if they want to test ballistic missiles, theyhave tofire them above one of theirneighbors. And if they fire east, the missile lands in the     
open ocean to the east insteadof landing in someone else's countryside.Sothey either test ICBMs capable of reaching the USA by flying them over Japan,or   theyrefrain from testing ICBMs capable of reaching the USA


[–]rossimus 12points 8 hours ago
They could fireit west over a compliant ally and land them in the Gobi desert.But you can't write saber-rattling propaganda if you do that.


[–]KingMolech 1 point an hour ago
Most of the launches still fail and explode unexpectedly,showering the Earth with burning debris. Nobody wants them launching over theirterritory.


[–]MrAmishPanda [score hidden] 53 minutes ago
Except, you know, people live in and commute through in theGobi desert.


[–]tigersharkwushen_ 116 points 13 hours ago
The best way to prevent war is to be as strong as possible.When you are weak, people pick on you. China learn that lesson from beinginvaded by Japan, Russian, England, the France, the United States, Germany,Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


[–]rossimus 72 points 11 hours ago
You know you're weak when the Austro-Hungarian Empiresuccessfully picks on you.
Laughs in Serbian


[–]ApocolipseJ 23 points 11 hours ago
... wait a minute
[–]OTipsey 2 points 10 hours ago
They won't be laughing when my glorious army destroys them


[–]czechthis0ut [score hidden] an hour ago*

You shouldnt laugh too loud, given that when they were donewith Serbia 57% of your male population (and 25% of your entire pre warpopulation) was under the earth or crippled, with the Serbian army next toanihilated. But im sure they were glad to help with the female surplus ;).


[–]SmellyDipShit 14 points 12 hours ago
Also German Empire. It led some of the most brutal uprivercampaigns. Germans ships would sail up into China and burn every village alongthe shoreline just for the lulz.


[–]ICanSeeRoundCorners 47 points 12 hours ago
Also from when they thought Tibet looked weak and picked onthem.


[–]BobbyTablesGhost -8 points 9 hours ago
The Yuan dinasty was really Mongol. But China thinks of Khanas Chinese anyway.


[–]lutgholein 14 points 9 hours ago
Kublai willingly decided to adopt the Chinese dynasticsystem. Limiting the definition of "Chinese" to ethnically Han wouldbe inaccurate. Something can be both Mongol and Chinese, they're not mutuallyexclusive.


[–]Abyssight 1 point 7 hours ago
You are really cheating with that statement by leaving thedefinition of Chinese murky. The term had very different meaning during Mongoloccupation of China than it does now. Chinese textbooks today like to pretendall the races in China had been Chinese for hundreds of years, but it certainlyisn't simple as that.
Although Mongols adopted the Chinese dynastic system, theyalso kept Han Chinese as the lowest two classes of citizens. Han Chinese rarelyheld high ranking positions. Their adoption of Chinese culture was limited, andcertainly paled against the Jurchens that conquered China few centuries later.No one living at the time of Yuan Dynasty would think of the Mongols and HanChinese as the same race of people.


[–]lutgholein 3 points 6 hours ago
The definition of Chinese is murky. The modern concepts ofChina and Chinese are a relatively recent construct. Of course Mongol and Hanare very different, but Han isn't the same as "Chinese". EquivocatingHan with Chinese is a shortcut that's convenient in certain usages, but it'snot technically correct. Sure, many Han people like to believe that they arethe sole embodiment of China and the Chinese, and that is incorrect. Similarly,some people like to restrict the definition of China or Chinese to only applyto People's Republic of China, that' politically motivated and also inaccurate."China" and "Chinese" are not very well-defined terms.Using them to exclude certain groups or entities is cheating too.


[–]weirdpython 13 points 11 hours ago
You mean when britain invaded tibet and china had to fightto protect it?


[–]Raithwall -3points 11 hours ago
Tibet will never be a province of China.


[–]annoying_know-it-all 24 points 11 hours ago
But the facts show differently.


[–]Pint_and_Grub 4 points 7 hours ago
China ending the cast and outright theocratic slavery systemin Tibet was a good thing.


[–]Mitrasena 1 point 5 hours ago
Can they return it now.


[–]Pint_and_Grub 1 point 5 hours ago
No, because the theocracy will inherently return to itsformer form and the geographic area as a whole will crash into poverty with thepower vacuum.
The monks were not the peace loving liberal mercy beggingmovement they are today in absentia. The monks without power to rule as theyplease will remain the nice peace loving mercy begging order of people we havecome to know and love.


[–]Mitrasena 1 point 5 hours ago
Agree with your conclusion about monks. But China shouldallow Tibetan people voice.


[–]C45 2 points 11hours ago
Building artificial islands were started by other claimantslike vietnam. Vietnam was also the first country to start putting service toair missiles on those man made islands.
Regardless China is working with ASEAN for a diplomaticsolution that will formalize a code of conduct in the south China sea soconflict risk is limited. This is largely the result of the US getting kickedout of the region due to incoherent policy and basically having disjointedgoals that don't align with the countries in the region. The "freedom ofnavigation" patrols are completely worthless to ASEAN countries becausethey know that China will not stop freedom of navigation due to trade benefits.The bone of contention is about resource sharing which China is the only partythey really can negotiate with anyway. The US is just butting in because theywant to curtail China's rise, which is seen as an inevitability to ASEAN sotheir infulence is diclincing as expected.


[–]Revydown 15 points 10 hours ago
If China was interested in sharing resources then why arethey fishing in other countries waters?


[–]finnhobs 31 points 18 hours ago
China is the only reason North Korea hasn't collapsed likeany of the regimes of the eastern bloc in 1991.
They are keeping the country alive because they areterrified of a refugee crisis on their border and US troops on their border.However, if North Korea bombs Japan or the US you can bet that US retaliationwill be swift and US troops will inevitably be there with nothing China can doabout it.
So it's better that they just act now.


[–]btcrypt 9 points 18 hours ago
It would be better for China to join with the US in an eventlike that, and show the world that it picks the side that wants peace ofprosperity for all, rather than death and suffering.


[–]finnhobs 14 points 19 hours ago
I think it's more likely that if NK attacked the US orallies, China would invade via the North and puppet the country just to preventthe US from putting their troops there.


[–]lout_zoo 8 points 18 hours ago
That'd be a decent solution. Meet China in Pyongyang and letthem administer the New North Korea through a puppet government while China andSouth Korea help them get up to speed. Sure it isn't ideal but it is the bestsolution available.
That or a coup whose leaders work with China and SouthKorea.


[–]heavydivekick 1 point 12 hours ago
The problem with China getting involved in a conventionalwar is that their land borders are a bit too far away to help out S. Korea. I'dimagine that if one could direct both the Chinese forces and the US/S. Koreanforces, it would still be hard to prevent some cities of SK from being shelled.While it would definitely end things much faster, it still might not be quickenough.

