向北京出售机密的疯狂举动:亚力克斯·布鲁默尔(Alex Brummer)发表看法为什么英国将尖端技术移交中国人会被视为疯狂行为 [英国媒体]

Canyon Bridge(中国背景的私募股权基金)看起来像其他国际投资人,但是在这狂野西部回声名字的背后隐藏着的却是某种更邪恶的东西。英国网友:没有什么会让我吃惊。梅已经把英国卖给了欧盟。我相信她会很乐意把英国的产业卖给中国,或者其他任何一个提出报价的国家。


anyon Bridge looks and sounds like any other global investor. But behind the name with echoes of the Wild West is something far more sinister.

Canyon Bridge(中国背景的私募股权基金)看起来像其他国际投资人,但是在这狂野西部回声名字的背后隐藏着的却是某种更邪恶的东西。

An investigation by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US looking into Canyon Bridge's attempt to buy a key American chipmaker called Lattice found that the would-be buyer is not quite what it seems.

在美国外国投资委员会对Canyon Bridge并购美国关键芯片制造商Lattice的调查中发现,这个所谓的买家并不如其表面看起来那么简单。

The investment money behind Canyon Bridge is supplied by Beijing-controlled Yitai Capital a vehicle of the Chinese government. 

Canyon Bridge的投资资金来自由北京控制的伊泰资本——中国政府的媒介。

Theresa May vowed to take a tougher line with Beijing after becoming Prime Minister in a departure from George Osborne's open-arms approach

The US Committee robustly recommended to the White House that the bid for Lattice be blocked because among other things Lattice supplies chips used by US space agency Nasa. 


The fear was that a takeover by a firm under the ultimate control of Beijing could lead to vital military technology leaking to China's communist government. US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin duly acted and stopped the deal.

(美国)恐惧的是(Lattice如果)被一家由北京绝对控制的公司接管,这可能会导致重要的军事技术泄露给中共政府。美国财政部长Steve Mnuchin适时地行动并阻止了这次交易。

Theresa May may soon need to seek a similar ruling about the dangers of allowing innovative British digital chipmaker Imagination Technologies to slip into Chinese hands.

特蕾莎·梅可能马上需要寻求一个相似的裁定来阻止英国创新电子芯片制造商Imagination Technologies的技术落入中国手中。


When she arrived in Downing Street last year Mrs May made clear that it would not be business as usual when signing deals with China. She was determined to draw a line in the sand after former Chancellor George Osborne had gone kow-towing to Beijing in search of investment capital for Britain's big infrastructure projects.

当她去年入住唐宁街时,梅夫人明确表示,与中国签署协议时,不会像往常做生意时那样。英国前财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)前往北京为英国的大型基础设施项目寻求投资资本后,她下定决心要在这一问题上划清界限。

True to her word the Prime Minister announced an immediate review of the proposed Chinese investment in the nation's new nuclear facility at Hinkley Point in Somerset.


This followed warnings from the security services that allowing China an inside view of groundbreaking new technologies being incorporated in the generator could be a military and economic risk.


After a six-week review Mrs May succumbed to Whitehall's view that Chinese investment would show Britain was still open for business post-Brexit. Beijing was invited to go ahead.


Now Mrs May's pledge faces a renewed test. The concern is that if Canyon Bridge takes over Imagination China might seek to build a ‘back door' into the chips patented and made by the British firm. This could allow devices ranging from mobile phones to complex military systems to be hacked into by the Communist state.

现在梅的承诺面临着新的考验。人们担心的是,如果Canyon Bridge接手了Imagination,中国可能会寻求在这家英国公司获得专利和制造的芯片上建立一个“后门”。这使共产主义国家能通过含手机至复杂军事系统在内的设备侵入(这个国家)。


Another fear is that if China gets its hands on some of our most vital technologies and incorporates them into their own mass market micro-processors Britain could be sold back chips that include hidden components which send key data back to China.


This might not seem like a serious concern when the current ‘West-friendly' President Xi Jinping remains in charge. But there can be no guarantees about whether his successors will be similarly disposed.


In addition Imagination is seeking to do a deal with Canyon which aims to avoid a dramatic American intervention in the takeover. The British firm is proposing to strip out its advanced microprocessor operation ? which has defence capabilities and is US-based ? and sell it to American firm Tallwood Venture Capital thus avoiding scrutiny by Washington.

另外,Imagination 正寻求与Canyon的合作来规避美国对其接管结果的介入。这个英国公司提议剔除其先进的、基于美国的具有防御能力的微处理器操作,然后卖给美国Talllwood 风投公司以此来避免华盛顿方面的监控。

The UK arm of Imagination whose products include components for the Apple iPhone iPad and other devices would go to the Chinese.


As A result of a contract dispute with Apple ? one of Imagination's biggest shareholders ? the board of Imagination is anxious to sell and doesn't appear to have much regard to where the buyer comes from as long as executives and shareholders can collect the ?550million on offer.


So what can the Prime Minister do? The Competition Act gives Mrs May powers to look at deals on national security grounds although this has principally been aimed at protecting BAE and Rolls-Royce from foreign marauders.



A consultation is currently being carried out on the issue by the Department of Business but the snail's pace has left Britain's hi-tech companies under global siege.


In addition to the deal for Imagination there is currently a French offer for leading engineering and nuclear software developer Aveva.


That is in addition to American bids for two of our cutting-edge financial technology firms Worldpay and Paysafe.


A leaching away of technology expertise is particularly serious for the UK since most of the research that has produced our leadership in smart chips and software comes from our great universities with Cambridge leading the way.


World-beating technologies supported by British taxpayers through the universities are in great danger of being lost because of a failure by the UK Government to act.


Allowing China to gain control over Imagination ? on top of its already intrusive presence in our nuclear energy network ?would represent a significant technology transfer to a potentially hostile state.

让中国接手 Imagination——除了其已经侵入扰乱了我国的核能供应网这点之外——这还将会导致我们将重要的技术转移到了一个潜在的敌对国家里。

What is even more terrifying is that China could use this foothold to close the technology gap with the West and make some of our most sensitive military and nuclear secrets vulnerable to hacking and spying.


American has shown it will not stand for this creeping attempt to open doors to Western secrets. Nor should we.



hamragging Park Rapids MN United States 23 hours ago
With a few exceptions since the end of WW2 British politicians have been very industrious in selling off Britain to the highest bidder to the extent that the country is owned by just about all others EXCEPT the British people.


soulbeliever666 doghole United Kingdom 16 hours ago
How can you possibly want stay in a situation where they are bribing companies out of the UK and ripping us off? E.U are na zis dressed up


LofADay___ London United Kingdom 7 hours ago
And demolishing UK businesses with red tape and gloablism.


Annied Belfast 1 day ago
Theresa can't wait to sell Britain to China.


Mighty Right the Right Place United Kingdom 21 hours ago
We rightist pensioners welcome our new Chinese owners. Sell everything if it means a few quid extra on my pensioner benefits. That's why we vote Tory.


Thomas Love Dortmund Germany 18 hours ago
Very true. One must be having a laugh at these many deranged British politicians these days. British politicians responsible for the Brexit are now selling themselves off to China and Trump. The UK elected a government which is unable and far too uneducated to ever be taken seriously by anyone around the globe. Apart from Trump and China and that speaks volumes.



Are you local yorkshire Sudan 15 hours ago
right wing thought power is a rarity


ivotedout North United Kingdom 21 hours ago
Here we go again the UK sells off prime assets to the enemy.


Thomas Love Dortmund Germany 17 hours ago
This is proof as well as serving as a wake-up call for all Britons that the Brexit is the most dangerous thing that could happen to the United Kingdom since it was founded. Unfortunately Brexiteers are too stubborn and close their eyes to the facts. If the UK wishes to survive as a country with a certain quality of life for its citizens it better forgets the Brexit because only the British people will suffer and will have less value for their hard earned money. The EU is going to survive without the UK as much as the UK is going to survive. Only very poorer than before the Brexit.


Tom Swansea United Kingdom 22 hours ago
It's downright dangerous having the country run by a pushover.


john.banyan. haslemere United Kingdom 1 day ago
Yea Yea how many times has this paper and Brummer said this and remember he is a conservative only for May Osborne and Hammond to flog off anything that isnt nailed down - Its just rhetoric and lies - The Tories would sell their own mother if they thought they could make a fast buck.

对啊对啊,这篇文章和布鲁默好多次提及这点了,记住他是保守派人士,只为首相特雷莎·梅、财政大臣乔治·奥斯本和外交大臣夏文达服务,帮他们把搞不定的事情摆平 - 这就是花言巧语和连篇谎言 - 托利党人(保守派)只要觉得他们有可能搞到一笔快钱,他们连自己的老妈都能卖了。


Mighty Right the Right Place United Kingdom 21 hours ago
Pipe down Marxist we rightist pensioners want the whole lot sold off.


effervescing Cebu City Philippines 1 day ago
It is truly crazy the British governments approach to this and similar situations. Worse yet there would be more or less nothing to stop the wholesale move of this technology and jobs to China. Think they'll have zome kind of clause stopping that. May I remind you Kraft and Cadbury.


Ken somewhere in time Åland Islands 22 hours ago
Nothing would surprise me. May has already sold out Britain to the EU. I'm sure she would be happy to sell out British industries to China - or any other country that makes an offer.


Cassie13 Oxford 22 hours ago
She ha already with much of the UKs industries controlled by Indian companies.


Thomas Love Dortmund Germany 17 hours ago
Than it should not surprise you either that the Brexit sure ain't gonna help the UK in protecting their country alone. The EU was made for exactly such incidents because only in a unx as well as with a single currency the EU will be a game player in economical world of today. Brexiteers need to realize that the Brexit will not help the UK in any way. The British people mostly future generations are going to have a future which is anything but bright.



ivotedout North United Kingdom 21 hours ago
I thought risking UK assets was against the Official Secrets Act! Why is May not removed of her security vetting?


FsASTSyd1 St.Neots United Kingdom 20 hours ago
Suspect that quite a few of our "wonderful" leaders would not get even the very lowest security rating.


I miss old England Jebasole United States 23 hours ago
Not necessary to give them technology information. They steal what they want or make massive campaign contributions to politicians to sell it to them.


JohnIV London United Kingdom 21 hours ago
China is a massive problem still and seeks our destruction and weakness by trying to do what we do better than us. They are using North Korea to determine how the US and West reacts when faced with military problems. Basically most of what they sell whilst cheap is rubbish. I have lost count of the number of items made in China which do not work properly or at all.
