战利品猎手射杀稀有雪豹,这只死去的大型猫科动物的照片激起了公众的愤怒 [英国媒体]

Hossein Golabchi将这只大型猫科动物扛在他的肩膀上面露微笑,从照片上可以看到它的后腿中了两枪。在美国一名战利品猎人射杀了一只稀有的雪豹,并且嬉笑着与雪豹的尸体拍照。有人已经发起了一份请愿,要求将他送上法庭。

Trophy hunter who shot rare snow leopard prompts fury with photo of killed big cat


More than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for Hossein Golabchi to be brought to justice

超过10万人签署了一份请愿书,呼吁将Hossein Golabchi送上法庭

Hossein Golabchi smiles with the big cat draped over his shoulders, which appears to have been shot twice in its hind leg thepetitionsite.com

Hossein Golabchi将这只大型猫科动物扛在他的肩膀上面露微笑,从照片上可以看到它的后腿中了两枪。

A petition has been launched to bring a US trophy hunter to justice after he shot a rare snow leopard and was pictured grinning with the body.


The picture shows Hossein Golabchi, who is also known by his nickname “Soudy”, smiling with the big cat draped over his shoulders. 

照片显示以“草皮”的绰号为名的Hossein Golabchi肩膀上扛着这只大猫面露微笑。

The animal appears to have been shot at least twice in hind leg.


The American hunter, originally from Iran, is believed to have killed the animal in central Asia.


More than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for Mr Golabchi to be brought to justice. It has a goal of 110,000 supporters.


Baby snow leopards explore new surroundings


The Care2 petition was launched by Amanda, from Tera International (Tiger Exotic Animal Ranger Awareness), on 23 October, International Snow Leopard Day. 


“There’s nowhere in the entire Western hemisphere (and the rest of the world) that allows anyone to go into Central Asia to ‘trophy hunt’ a snow leopard,” the petition reads.


“It is illegal to own their body parts or their beautiful fur and importing their remains into the United States is a federal offence.


“This long-time and prolific trophy hunter of rare cats must be made an example of or these magnificent cats will vanish forever.”


In an update, Amanda wrote: “I want to personally thank everyone around the world for helping this go viral.


“Snow leopards have never been numerous. The thought of a wealthy American specifically seeking one out to destroy its life is unfathomable. It also damages the communities around the snow leopard.


“He needs to be the example and needs to be in prison. Thank you, Amanda.”


There are thought to be between 3,500 and 7,000 snow leopards left in the wild, with 600 to 700 in zoos around the world, according to Defenders of Wildlife.


Exact numbers are hard to determine due to the leopard’s shy nature, it also noted.


Mr Golabchi could not be contacted for comment.


This picture was taken in late 70's early 80's, before the snow leopard was known to be extinct! Give me a break. The guy is almost 72 year old now and he is in bad physical shape..


Thats odd. The snow leopard has been on the endangered list since 1972. And the animal was reported shot in 2008.


Clearly American need their guns to shoot defenceless people and animals, no other reason as it is so rare to see them actually used for defence.  In fact having one in the house means it is more likely to be used against you.  But these people think killing is no.1 and everything else comes 2nd.


This is a very old picture. The leopard was taken before anyone knew it was engendered.. Go find facts. He is an old man now... Why you do not go after those who made Tasmanian tigers extinct.. 


Wow!  What a treat to see a picture of a true American hero, killing something unable to defend itself. Par for the course I think. I'd love to stick the barrel of a rifle up his *ss and pull the trigger, that would wipe the smile off this gross little mans face. 


Real narratives
Why is it about wealthy American males having to shoot a rare defenseless animal to show off their manhood? Is it because of their lack of size of their organ?


This is a very old picture. The guy is now an old man.. This was taken before anyone knew the leopard was extinct.


Lets hope that Golabchi has a slow  , lingering and very painful death.


What a f*cking c*nt!


Here is the bio for the shooter. Please add to it if it is missing anything.


Evil nasty person hope he is hounded out karma will get you...


Did he fight/kill the poor animal bare handed. If not, he's a real pussy. A freak !


steen gees
a plain idiot !!


Winston Grey
Man really is a curse on this planet.  Don Jr. and Eric the clown prince are probably gearing up as we read...
Or have they already got "theirs"?


Anyone in or around Augusta Georgia should consider whether or not to use Golmar Construction and Development Co, the company owned by Mr Golabchi, as these people are devoid of compassion for anything beyond their own pocket.

任何住在佐治亚奥古斯塔或者周围的人都应该考虑是否再使用Golmar Construction and Development的服务,这家公司的老板就是Golabchi,因为这些人对自己钱袋以外的东西毫无同情心。