每日邮报:在中国的科技大佬会议中,有公司透露他们如何使用AI来监视人们而不被发现。 [英国媒体]


Inside China's 'Big Brother' technology conference wherecompanies reveal how they use AI to spy on citizens without them knowing


·  State-guided tracking technology has becomewidely accepted in China
·  This vast data collection could meanthey have an edge over US competitors
·  Face++ showed how it can  identifypeople using gender, hair length, colour
·  China Unicom discussed how it had dataon where foreign visitors had roamed
·  Conferencewas attended by Tim Cook of Apple and Sundar Pichai of Google

·  由国家引导,追踪技术在中国被广泛接受
·  这种大数据的收集可能意味着他们比美国竞争对手更具优势
·  FACE++公司展示了它如何利用性别、头发长度、颜色来区分人们
·  苹果的库克、谷歌的桑达尔·皮查伊也参加了这次大会。

Artificialintelligence companies have shown off their tracking technology at the WorldInternet Conference in China - giving a glimpse of how citizens are being watched everyday.


Companies such as China's facial recognitionstart-up Face++ showed how their technology is already being used to identifyand describe people.


For the first time, the 'Big Brother'conference was attended by top executives like Tim Cook of Apple, Sundar Pichaiof Google and Jack Ma of Alibaba.


One company present at the World InternetConference in Wuzhen was Face++ which uses its technology to identify people inthe audience using their gender, hair length, colour and clothing.  
The company's video network automaticallydetects potential criminals and alerts them to the police.
Founded in 2011, the company claims tohave already helped the police catch more than 3,000 fugitives.


Another company at the event, ChinaUnicom, showed how it could break down the vast amount of data it has onsubscribers, writes New York Times.


China United Network Communications Groupor China Unicom is a state-owned telecommunications operator and the world'sfourth-largest mobile service provider by subscriber base.
The company openly discussed how it haddata on where foreign visitors had roamed on networks.
It also showed attendees how it maps theway people commute to and from work.


Another company - state-owntelecommunications company China Telecom - showed how it can measure trash ingarbage cans and spot fire hydrants that do not work.


Face++ plans to expand its business fromsoftware to hardware by developing more products with built-in AI, such assmart surveillance cameras that can capture faces better and faster, said XieYinan, Face++'s marketing and public relations director last month.


'Wewant to enhance these 'eyes of the city' and make them intelligent,' Mr Xietold Reuters.
'So that 'footage of the city' become'data about the city',' he said.


'It's just like in the films. The policeno longer need to manually look for someone from thousands in the camera. Thevideo network automatically detects and alerts them to situations so thatgreatly enhances their efficiency,' Mr Xie said.


Jack Ma of Alibaba (pictured) spoke during theconference


Apple CEO Tim Cook told the gathering as theconference opened Sunday that his company was proud to work with Chinesepartners to build a 'common future in cyberspace'

苹果CEO库克在周日开幕的会议上对与会者说,他的公司很自豪能与中国合作伙伴一道建立 “网络空间的共同未来”。

Face++ does not release specific revenuefigures but Mr Xie said it has been growing at about 400 per cent annually andthe company is expected to break even this year.

Face ++并没有公布其具体的收入数据,但谢一南称该公司每年大约成长400%,公司将在本年度实现收支平衡。

It's also targeting an initial publicoffering, although it has no time frame.


Last month Face++ announced it has raised$460 million ($343m) in its latest capital raising, including pulling in moneyfrom China's national venture capital fund.


During the opening speech Wang Huning, amember of the Politburo Standing Committee, said China's approach to theinternet is more about openness than censorship.


The high-profile attendance of the leadersof Apple and Google at a Chinese conference promoting Beijing's vision of acensored internet highlights the dilemma for Western tech companies trying toexpand in an increasingly lucrative but restricted market.


People look at Xiao Qiao robots during the fourthWorld Internet Conference in Wuzhen. Another company at the event, ChinaUnicom, showed how it could break down the vast amount of data it has onsubscribers


Apple CEO Tim Cook told the gathering asthe conference opened Sunday that his company was proud to work with Chinesepartners to build a 'common future in cyberspace.'

苹果公司CEO库克在周日开幕的会议上对与会者说,他的公司很自豪能与中国合作伙伴一道建立 “网络空间的共同未来”。

His and Google CEO Sundar Pichai'spresence along with other business leaders, diplomats and other experts, someanalysts say, helped bestow credibility on Beijing's preferred version of aninternet sharply at odds with Silicon Valley's dedication to unfettered access.


Beijing's restraints also extend toWestern companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook, which have largely beenshut out from the market, leaving it to homegrown internet giants like Tencent.


Apple has a large production base inChina, which is one of its biggest markets, though domestic smartphone makersare catching up.


Jack Ma or Ma Yun, chairman of Chinese e-commercegiant Alibaba Group, listens to a speech during a sub-forum of the fourth WorldInternet Conference


BarrySoetoro, Bohemian Grove, United States, 1 day ago
same will happen in the west after theystage more trror attacks.


WantstheTruth,Nowhere Really, 1 day ago
Won't be long before the Americans stealit and use it then


HKer,Hong Kong, China, 1 day ago
Don't shoplift in China. No where you arenot being watched.


initalyperora,Florence, Italy, 1 day ago
Big Brother isn't watching you, he'stelling you what to do and what to think.


gsmns,Space city, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Be under no illusion our own governmentand tech giants are working to perfect their own electronic prison for us.


Looisham,London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Media always like to suggest China isworse than the UK/West restricting citizens internet use and spying on them -not true.


David,UK, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Once facial recognition software is tiedup with live CCTV feeds, overlaid with smartphone location software and ANPR,privacy for all but Luddites dressed in Bhurkas riding bicycles will be a thingof the past. Make no mistake, technology is advancing rapidly.


Mister123321,Encarnación, Paraguay, 1 day ago
how is this any different form the west?with their smartphones and smart appliances that can be used to spy on peoplein their homes?


eddie,Tunbridge Wells, 1 day ago
Important article. A glimpse of things tocome


Merlinsword,Camelot Flightpath, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Huawei is an espionage agency posing as acell phone supplier, according to CIA


mobilemaz,somewhereinthewoods, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Person of interest - it starts beingaccepted because they can make the street safer and catch criminals - then itmoves on to lesser crimes and then transgressions, then just because you have disagreedwith something the leaders have said or done, dropped an apple core,.....slippery slope.

疑犯追踪 --- 这些东西逐渐被人们接受,那是因为它们可以使街道更安全,能帮助抓捕罪犯,从而可以减少犯罪率,只是因为你不同意这些大佬的所说所做,你就开喷了。。。真是荒谬至极。

FIRSTMAN,Paradise, Liechtenstein, 1 day ago
Rumor has it that last week the formerAmerican President, 0b.ama asked to represent the technology in the US.


Zoran,Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1 day ago
The reason why the giant IT companiesdon't pay tax is because they are working for the day when we pay taxes tothem.


Zoran,Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1 day ago
Watch the megalomanic dictatorialtendencies of the big IT companies emerge as they cosy up to China and begin torealise their dream of ruling the world.


leapingwolf,Hyperborea, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
At least they are "open" aboutwhat they do unlike others that emanate from Silicon valley...As far as I'maware, only Mozilla takes privacy as something to be respected..The others seeit as something to harvest in the form of data...


RAGEWOMBLE,Brighton, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
If you've got a smart phone then bigbrother is watching


jo, london,1 day ago
Well in the bible it does say how thedevil will roam the earth looking to accuse people. Now we know how. Believersand non believers alike maybe it is time to pull out the plug on tech. We werefitter before it and had real fun. Bye bye.


Sleutels,London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
But all 1.3 billion look the same.


bobcbcc,aberdeen, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Unlike in the UK the most CCTV populatedcountry in the WORLD


Orwellistan,Orwellistan, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
The real dangers come from Westernagencies and Google and Facebook, these damn companies pay no taxes and spy andblackmail everybody, your sharing all your personal daya with them, data they routinelymisuse


Curious Citizen2,Los Angeles, United States, 2 days ago
Big hats, wigs and dark glasses, thatshould do it.

