史蒂夫·贝尔就特朗普和其性骚扰指控所作的卡通漫画 [英国媒体]



Steve Bell 13.12.17

(Distracting Attention-I'm moving on the moon like a bitch!)



Vintagebeauty 6h ago
He has demeaned the office of the president as much as if he had taken a dump on the Resolute desk.
I hope he is removed with as much dignity as he deserves which is none.


itz4kix  Vintagebeauty 6h ago
He has demeaned the office of the president.
Odious Creep's whole presidency has been personal with & based upon spitting in the eye of Obama B.
this ever since he accused Obama B. of not being born in the US & was proven wrong & so publicly humiliated...


Vintagebeauty  itz4kix 6h ago
There's that personal hatred for Obama then there's his general anti-Islamic dog whistling his attitude to women and his support for fascists and white supremacists. Then the Putin thing. Then his pushing people out of the way and his warmongering.


He has not one virtue.


fukinagashi  Vintagebeauty 6h ago 
Yes he has one - he's old he can't live forever............



Fishgirl23 6h ago
So we can expect Trump in the New Year how lovely. We must welcome him with an attitude that he will never forget. Truly a day to hold him in contempt. You can bet there will be a massive protest. So much so Maybot will think twice about cutting funding for policing. We should all protest en masses supplied with chlorinated chicken carcasses to lob at him. Be sure to wear your chastity belts too! Well that is one day leave that I shall be sure to book.


(译者注:Maybot--为最近出现的合成词,“机器人梅”,由May 和bot 组成,这个词出现在英国伦敦大火的报道中,May 指的是特蕾莎梅,bot 有机器人robot 的意思,这个词用于讽刺特蕾莎梅对于此次事件处理的冷漠与保守。)

jessthecrip  Fishgirl23 6h ago 
We must welcome him with the loudest and bigliest protest in history.


Nogbadthebadshat 6h ago
he say's hes never met any of these women.


One of them was a contestant on the apprentice there is literally a whole TV series featuring him meeting her.


MTavernier 6h ago
Alien: Take me to your leader.
Trump: I'm the best leader the best. A tremendous leader believe me. The dishonest media won't tell you how a great a leader I am. They're very dishonest people believe me. I'm the best leader since Abe Lincoln. I'm better than Abe Lincoln. Crooked Hillary! Lock her up! The FBI they're very dishonest people believe me. There was no collusion!


Alien: What the fuck...?!

外星人:他妈的…搞什么啊? !


gryff 4h ago (Guardian Pick)
It seems it is no longer just the Access Hollywood tape that is the issue - now at least three women are alleging sexual misconduct by Trump and he has unleashed a Twitter attack against Kirsten Gillibrand.


And of course there is the Alabama election today - with Republican candidate Roy Moore..


Not sure this going to go away easily.


cheers gryff :)


eileanmor 6h ago 
How did that....thing become President? Yes he has lots of money yes he lies through every orifice yes...he talks like John Wayne after a lobotomy. Oh hang on. THAT'S how he became President.



The prospect of our wretched government fawning over this creature should it be the next pollutant to wash up on the shores of Blighty is depressing and mortifying in the extreme. I guess I'll just hide for the duration and pretend we haven't lost the last shreds of self respect in the pursuit of 'Sovereignty' and 'the Speshul Relationship'.


Oliver Elkington 6h ago
 He is keen on space travel i hear can we send him on an extended mission to the moon so we can have less problems on earth please?


D4H4NI  Oliver Elkington 3h ago 
That's the first step to us polluting space too (well except for all the satellite rubbish etc.).



BlackberryBlossom 5h ago  (Guardian Pick)
If you ask me most of the antipathy towards Donald Trump seems to be rooted very firmly in the politics of envy. I suspect the source of some peoples' enmity is the simple fact that they resent seeing a self-made man on the make.


Unlike his detractors President Trump didn't go looking for handouts from the state every five minutes. No. On the contrary he was content to inherit a mere $300 million - and never asked for a penny more.


As for the suggestion that he is an unbefitting personage to hold the venerable and esteemed office - it might very well be one impertinence too many.

至于那些关于他实在是太不起眼以至于配不上那间庄严神圣的办公室的话语 --- 这仅仅只是一个无礼的诋毁罢了。

People can say what they like but Donald Trump has achieved as much in the first year of his presidency as most American Presidents could only manage in the first week of theirs.


What's more applying the withdrawal-method to a climate change agreement seems to me to be perfectly sensible (according to the Daily Mail 97% of scientists are wrong about global warming. A damning statistic I think we can all agree).


I am not an uncritical admirer of the man however. I have found the Americans - in general - to be a charming people; albeit lacking in sophistication by comparison to we Britons.


With that in mind therefore - as a point of friendly advice and no more - I would say that 
if President Trump wants to explicitly endorse far-right views in full view of the unsuspecting public then he should get himself a regular column at The Spectator; like everybody else.


I feel that there is little more which can be said on this matter quite frankly; and look forward to Donald Trump gracing us with his presence in due course.
