“我很抱歉杀了他们,但我别无它法”:遗书揭露某老师在杀害自己的妻子和3个儿子后自杀 [英国媒体]



The deputy headteacher who murdered his wife and three children before killing himself said he was sorry in a note found at the scene. 


Alan Hawe 40 slaughtered his three sons Liam 13 Niall 11 and Ryan 6 in the family home by cutting their throats an inquest found. He also murdered his wife Clodagh 39 with an axe before he killed himself in August last year.


Alan Hawe a deputy principal his schoolteacher wife Clodagh and their three children Liam 13 Niall 11 and Ryan six were found dead in their home near Ballyjamesduff Co Cavan Ireland on the morning of Monday August 29 2016

Clodagh Hawe is pictured with sons Niall 11 Ryan six and Liam 13 in Venice. All four were killed by Alan Hawe before he killed himself

But in a note found at the home in Ballyjamesduff in Co Cavan Ireland and published by the Irish Daily Star Hawe wrote: 'I am sorry for how I murdered them all but I simply had no other way.' 


The note which was addressed to his parents and siblings as well as his wife's mother and sister also explained: 'I am sorry for my brutality but I had no other way.'  


Hawe also reportedly requested that he not be forgiven for his actions.


Details from the five-page letter had previously been given to members of the jury but were not read out at the inquest. 


Mary Coll (right) told the inquest how she had coffee and biscuits with daughter Clodagh Hawe and her husband Alan hours before he killed her butchered their three children then killed himself


It was found at the scene of the murders on August 29 alongside another note that was taped on the back door of the house which read: 'Please do not come in. Please call the gardai.'


Hawe also explained in the note that it was easier for his sons to be killed than for them to be subjected to the trauma of his own suicide.


He even left instructions that he be cremated with his ashes thrown out to sea and he specifically requested he not be buried as a Catholic.


Hawe also spoke of his career worries referring at one point in the note to how his students perceived him. 


Professor Kennedy (pictured) told the hearing that he believed that at the time Mr Hawe carried out the murder-suicide he had progressed from long-term depression to a severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms

Professor Harry Kennedy clinical director at the Central Mental Hospital was asked by Coroner Dr Mary Flanagan to review Mr Hawe's suicide note and reports from his therapist and GP.


He said: 'The counselling notes from March to June last year indicate that Alan Hawe was troubled.'


Professor Kennedy told the hearing that he believed that at the time Mr Hawe carried out the murder-suicide he had progressed from long-term depression to a severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms.



'When people act in the course of severe mental illness such as very severe psychotic mental illness their judgment is severely impaired' Professor Kennedy said.


The inquest concluded yesterday with Hawe's death being officially recorded as suicide. The three children and Clodagh were unlawfully killed by Hawe.

After it was closed a solicitor for Mary Coll and Jacqueline Connolly Clodagh's mother and sister said Hawe targeted his wife and eldest son first for fear they may fight back.


On the steps of the courthouse lawyer Liam Keane said the killings were premeditated and calculated.


Flanked by the grief-stricken Mrs Coll and her surviving daughter Jacqueline he said: 'It is clear from the evidence presented at the inquest that Clodagh and her boys were killed in a sequence that ensured that the eldest and most likely to provide effective resistance were killed first and they were executed in a manner that rendered them unable to cry out for help.'



Kelly Cheshire 14 hours ago
¿No other way¿? Yes there was. You could have spared the lives of your wife and children. The fact he could write notes with specific requests about not being forgiven suggests he wasn¿t as troubled as he wanted his subsequent actions to look.


Oh Seriously Glasgow Southside United Kingdom 14 hours ago
How on earth can a parent do this to their own children. I just can't imagine the fear those poor children who had defensive wounds felt to see their own father doing this. I feel truly disturbed by this.


Sam Crimps London United Kingdom 12 hours ago
he truly believed he was so important and that his death would be so unbearable that he had to take his wife and children with him - some seriously deluded people out there - people move on and deserve to live their lives regardless of your suicidal decisions.


Kal Manchester United Kingdom 14 hours ago
To kill yourself is your own choice but to kill anyone else because of the way you are feeling is unforgivable.


despicableme123 Bournemouth United Kingdom 12 hours ago
What haunts me is that his children and wife knew exactly what was happening in their last moments and tried without success to fight back. I can't even imagine that kind of terror. And I can't fathom ever ever wanting to harm an innocent child let alone slaughter them in this manner. Absolutely heartbreaking.



Kate Knottingley United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Easier for his children to die than deal with his suicide? The poor children were given no choice and it was a horrific way for them to die!


Piña collider Grub Town Netherlands 13 hours ago
I find it amazing how important people actually think they are yes the kids would be heartbroken but life does go on!


Candles99 Lands End United Kingdom 12 hours ago
This is so horrendous but the fact of what he did so they couldn¿t scream out is beyond words. There is none. They were such a beautiful family and the boys look such respectable little men. So very sad.


Eljacludeb1965 Southampton United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Whatever state I was in I could not kill my Family! Sad story!


Ptolemy Preston United Kingdom 14 hours ago
You would if you were mentally severely ill.....you have no rational control over your mind and your inner thoughts....such is the wretchedness of mental illness in general and severe long term depression in particular depression is so frequently trivialised yet to suffer from it is a life-sentence of misery and unhappiness which there is no release from only a daily slight relief from prescribed drugs....while they work. Depressive illnesses need to be recognised both by society at large and Governments as a very real and dreadful affliction with every possible help given to those who suffer.

