网络谩骂泛滥必须遏制,但谁来决定这界限在哪里? [英国媒体]



Few would deny the importance of tackling online hatred or child abuse content. The internet after all has become a key weapon for those who disseminate and incite hatred and violence against minorities and for those who pose a horrifying threat to children. It is difficult though not to feel discomfort about three rightwing newspapers – the Sun the Daily Mail and the Times – all leading on the perils of social media.


The Daily Mail’s dramatic headline reads: FACEBOOK ‘RIPPING SOCIETY APART’: this from the newspaper that routinely whips up hatred against minorities and denounces those deemed opponents as “Enemies of the people” “saboteurs” and “collaborators”. There is another fear though. Where will the crescendo for online regulation end?


As the Times reports the government’s independent ethics watchdog is recommending fines or prosecution if social media companies fail to remove racist child abuse or “extremist” content. Many have noted the double standards of Facebook’s policy on removing content: deleting for example the famous Vietnam war image of a child burned by napalm while permitting all manner of misogynistic antisemitic and racist posts. Some form of action is clearly needed. But where is the line drawn?



It’s worth noting precedents from the past. In the aftermath of the Battle of Cable Street – when anti-fascists confronted Oswald Mosley’s fascist Blackshirt mobs under the banner of “They Shall Not Pass” – the Tories passed the Public Order Act. It introduced for example the need to get police consent before demonstrations and banned “political uniforms” from being worn in public. And yet this legislation ended up being deployed against the left including during the miners’ strike nearly 50 years later. Similarly we’ve seen sweeping anti-terrorism legislation enacted in the face of opposition from critics who raised concerns about civil liberties only to be dismissed as namby-pamby sandal-wearing terror-appeasing liberals. And yet such legislation has repeatedly been deployed against peaceful activists my own twin sister among them.


Another example: when the Tories were hit with a lobbying scandal in 2013 David Cameron introduced the so-called lobbying bill. It became known instead as the gagging bill: rather than targeting the wealthy individuals and corporations which the Tory party relies on it instead went after non-government organisations and trade unxs.


注3:2013年,英国广播公司(BBC)的《全景》节目和《每日电讯报》的记者讹称来自安德鲁斯公关公司(Alistair Andrews Communications),代表斐济对时任保守党党鞭默瑟进行游说工作,希望以4000英镑报酬,要求默瑟在国会代为发问,为斐济商业利益和重返英联邦一事进行游说。《全景》节目指出,默瑟总共收了为期两个月、每月工作两天、共4000英镑的费用。他事后在下议院提出了5次与斐济相关的质询和一项动议草案,但没有申报相关利益。默瑟事后发表声明辞去保守党党鞭,而且不再参加下次国会大选。


All of these crackdowns were sold with laudable intentions. But note what happened in practice. We already have rightwing commentator Toby Young – a poundshop Katie Hopkins though repeatedly wheeled out on television – who disgracefully compared democratic socialist movement Momentum to a far-right thuggish organisation like Britain First whose leading members have convictions for their criminality. A press that routinely whips up hatred and bigotry repeatedly portrays the left as the perpetrators of online abuse ignoring the open sewer of rightwing hatred online. You don’t have to wear a tinfoil hat to see how this could all end.


Yes we need action to deal with online hatred and abuse. But let’s make sure there are clear safeguards or history will repeat itself and peaceful opponents of an unjust status quo will suffer the consequences.

是的,我们需要采取行动来应对网络上的仇恨和谩骂。 但是,务必让我们看到清晰的保障措施,否则历史将会重演,已经承受着不公正现状的和平反对者们将遭遇更严重的后果。

The writer Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist


注4:锡箔帽(Tin foil hat):出自英国生物学家朱利安·赫胥黎于1926年所着的短篇小说“The Tissue-Culture King”。在这篇小说中,主角发现“金属箔盖”可以阻止心灵感应的效果。后来有人贩卖这种帽子,声称它可以抵挡电磁场对大脑的影响,或抵挡思想控制和读脑。该词现在等价于迫害妄想症,并常常用来形容阴谋论者。


hris135 15h ago
"A press that routinely whips up hatred and bigotry repeatedly portrays the left as the perpetrators of online abuse ignoring the open sewer of rightwing hatred online."
Let's face it though - a quick look at leftie twitter shows it is filled with hatred and bile no better than the right


spensmo  Chris135 15h ago
And that's exactly the false equivalence the gutter press exploits. Well done they need people like you to keep them in print and out of court.

(注:gutter press:直译为“污水沟般的媒体”,引申义为黄色的、低俗的报刊)

Emptyskies  spensmo 15h ago
"ignoring the open sewer of rightwing hatred online."
I would suggest you look at some of the threads on Brexit Tony Blair or Trump. Pointing out that some of both the Right and the Left indulge in hate speech is not a false equivalence it is just an honest observation.


Bangorstu  Gary Cross 15h ago
Except it's all over this website BTL. And this is a worldwide platform.


Physician heal thyself.


Oh and then there's the Canary spreading lies about Laura Keunsberg on Facebook complete with comments along the lines of "well whereas I don't think she should be murdered like Jo Cox she's only got herself to blame if she is"....


randombloke  Chris135 15h ago
The left doesn't consider their own as abusers because they consider their hate to be "punching up" usually on the basis of some fixed trait of their victims such as gender or race.


Gary Cross  Chris135 15h ago
I have had no experience of this "leftie twitter" but I suspect what's said on "leftie twitter" stays on "leftie twitter". 
It's hardly disseminated by the most powerful news and media platforms in the country as right wing bile so often is.



EternallyUnimpressed  Gary Cross 13h ago
"I have had no experience of this "leftie twitter" but I suspect what's said on "leftie twitter" stays on "leftie twitter"."


I'm afraid you're wrong. Left wing pressure groups use twitter as a platform to get their message across and stir up trouble. They do it fairly effectively and often with the help of journalists too. Then you have the fact that ideas which have their origins on the left but which are by no means held by everyone hold sway in the workplace. Falling foul of them can cost you your job often with raucous approval from twitter and the left wing press 

恐怕你是错的,左翼势力把推特当做他们传播讯息并挑起矛盾的平台。他们做得相当有效而且时时有记者推波助澜。 然后你面对的事实是,这些源于左翼、不被所有人所信奉的想法在工作场合占据了统治地位,和这些想法产生冲突将让你丢掉工作,而这些想法在推特和左翼媒体上获得了强烈的支持。

There's the case of Tim Hunt 
Dr Matt Taylor
These three are all related
Sexist memo
A recent incident in Canada involving a teaching assitant
Then you have the fairly famous case of a University of Toronto professor nearly losing his job


(译者注:Tim Hunt——英国皇家学会知名科学家、诺贝尔奖得主蒂姆·亨特博士因发表“科研歧视”言论遭到“炮轰”被迫辞职;他在韩国召开的世界科学记者大会上,表示他支持实验室“异性隔离”制度:“我来告诉你和女孩混在一起会发生的麻烦:当你们同处一间实验室时,往往会发生三件事:你爱上了她们;或者她们爱上了你;如果你批评她们,她们会哭。”

Dr Matt Taylor:因在采访时穿着一件印有卡通女人用射线枪射击图案的衬衫,被IMOM说这件衬衫是在“贬低女性”而遭到恶意抨击(Internet Manufactured Outrage Machine网络愤怒制造机)

Sexist memo:一名谷歌员工詹姆斯·达莫尔(James Damore)因发表一篇涉嫌性别歧视的备忘录而被谷歌解雇。在备忘录中其抨击了谷歌的性别平等政策,认为在编程这项工作上男女有别,而显然男性的效率比女性更高,公司不应该那么积极提升员工多样性。

Canada involving a teaching assitant:助教琳赛·谢泼德(Lindsay Shepherd)因给学生播放了一段有争议的视频而受到指导教授的处罚。那个视频是安大略省公共电视台播放的一个讨论性节目,讨论的内容是有关使用中性的性别代词代替特指男性或女性的代词。

case of a University of Toronto professor:多伦多大学教授约旦·彼得森(Jordan Peterson)曾上传视频公开批评中性代词的使用和高校中滥用的“政治正确”而陷争议。)

I think that these are all reasonably good examples of how the press employers and those on twitter have gone on witch hunts or even after the livelihoods of those whose views were considered improper. As has been pointed out above and below the line restricting freedoms of expression can have unintended consequences. Most who advocate it have honourable intentions but the consequence are often anything but. This kind of thing is concerning isn't it? 

我认为这些都是新闻媒体和推特上的某些人做的政治迫害的事情,甚至为了生计故意迫害别人的合理例子。 正如我上下文中所指出的,限制言论自由的措辞可能会产生意想不到的后果。 大多数提倡(限制言论自由)的人本意是好的正直的,但结果却往往背道而驰。 这种事情才是我们应该担心的不是吗?

Anyway Owen is right about restrictions being best avoided but it seems that he is wrong about them tending to impact more on the left.

Eternally Unimpressed  Gary Cross 13h ago
Correction in the case of Hunt and Taylor they weren't even expressing views they were the victims of twitter's mobs for their jokes and choices of clothing. That is deeply deeply sinister stuff.

修正一下亨特和泰勒的例子,他们甚至没有被给予辩解他们的笑话和服装选择的机会,他们是推特暴徒疯狂抨击下的受害者。 这其中有非常非常邪恶的东西存在。


OttoMaddox 15h ago
It pains me to say this as someone who agrees with most left-wing political positions but so many of these articles just seem to be progressives who believe people on their side should be able to engage in inflammatory comments and even outright abuse while targeting even relatively harmless speech on the other side. As he has pointed out organisations are already deciding what is and isn't suitable he just disagrees with the outcome. The unspoken answer to the question in this piece is that people like him should be able to decide


Owen himself should know how vicious some of the speech on his side is but I don't remember him ever taking a stand to condemn it. He doesn't have to lump it in with the worst excesses of the right to do so just give a sign he believes it's unambiguously wrong.



BlackberryBlossom  Humza 14h ago 
“look at what's happening to Thornberry and Rayner. ”


Thornberry was forced to resign from Labour's shadow cabinet in 2014 after the papers decided she was an enemy of the people. She is currently shadow foreign minister; and is widely admired.

索恩伯利(Emily Thornberry)在报纸报道她是人民的敌人后,于2014年被迫从工党影子内阁中辞职。她目前是影子(内阁)外交部长,广受赞誉。

Rayner was criticised for misrepresenting the issues affecting Haringey council. Which seems fair enough.

雷纳(Angela Rayner)因误报问题影响妨碍到哈林盖区议会而受批评。这结果很公平。

If those are the worst examples of Momentum-supporters' behaviour then it would leave you without a point.

如果这些是讲明(左翼草根运动) Momentum支持者行径最糟糕的例子,那你就没什么好说的了。

Also Owen has been highly critical of Corbyn - not entirely with justification; and had even called for him to resign. I don't recall there being any major furore - people disagreed although some were probably disappointed. Either way their judgment was subsequently proven correct - as Owen acknowledged.

而且,欧文对工党领袖科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)很是挑剔——且不是全都有理由;甚至还号召让科尔宾辞职。我不记得有过因人们不满——而引起的大轰动,虽然有些人可能会很失望。不管怎样,他们的判断随后被证实是正确的——正如欧文所承认的那般。

swinklbauer 15h ago
Sadly it is Momentum and left wing Labour MPs who are the champions of Online abuse. Again since you agree with them you only complain about the other side. Hypocrite.



Billy Gerant 15h ago
Dangerous ground Owen!
Picking on one person to illustrate your point when so many left wing politicos have been found guilty of anti-semitism and hate inspiring rhetoric.
All this does it illustrate how dirty politics has become and how desperate people are to score the cheap points.


LordMorganofGlossop  DT48 14h ago
I've seen posts on the Guardian comments section wishing death on old people in the UK because of the way they (tended to) vote on Brexit. Not good and not helpful!


What happened to old-fashioned liberalism free speech civility and respect for opposing views in this country? It's probably related to subjectivised politics of where the political is personal and vice versa at least on social media.

