警察因发布一张支持农民的英式早餐照片而受抨击——因为这冒犯了素食主义者 [英国媒体]



Police officers in rural Wales have been blasted for posting pictures of their cooked breakfasts online - because it's 'offensive' to vegans. 


The North Wales Rural Crime Team has long been praised for its pioneering use of social media to raise awareness about rural offences.


But one Twitter user was not impressed when the force posted a picture of their fry ups.
Furious follower Diana commented: 'Speaking as a tax payer I'd prefer them to be less sextive when answering questions and perhaps not post breakfast pics that offend vegetarian/vegan followers - pretty thoughtless considering the job title they have.'



One Twitter user was not impressed when the North Wales Rural Crime Team posted a picture of their fry ups blasting them for being 'offensive to vegans'


The force was enjoying a cooked breakfast as part of the Farmers' unx of Wales (FUW) Farmhouse Breakfast campaign

Farmer Jono Dixon replied: It's pathetic...The vegans are ruling the roost. They are nothing more than a menace. 

农场主乔诺·迪克逊(Jono Dixon)回复说:“还真是可悲啊.....素食者正在占主导。他们不过是个威胁而已。

'We as carnivores or vegetarians don't dictate about there preferred diet so its time they stopped trolling and whingeing about everyone's daily diets #moveon.'

“不管是肉食者还是素食者都不能决定我们个人偏好的饮食,所以是时候让这些(素食主义者)停止发布挑衅的帖子、抱怨人们的日常饮食了# 行动起来。”
(#:表示响应一个话题、广播,如在自己的推特上加上#valentines day表示跟这个主题相关的内容。)

The picture of a large pile of sausages bacon eggs beans and toast was posted by the crime team in support of the Farmers' unx of Wales (FUW)'s Farmhouse Breakfast campaign.
The initiative encourages agricultural workers to get together over a cooked breakfast to consider the pressures facing the food and drink industry.  


The initiative encourages agricultural workers to get together over a cooked breakfast to consider the pressures facing the food and drink industry. Pictured: Another police post of a fry-up from Christmas Day 

Soon after the force's photo was posted the team announced it would no longer be responding to comments on social media.


Rural Crime team leader Rob Taylor said the decision was nothing to do with the vegan backlash - but was instead the result of an 'overwhelming' number of replies.

农村犯罪调查小组负责人罗布·泰勒(Rob Taylor)说,这一决定与素食主义者的激烈反应没有任何关系,而是由于“压倒性”的评论回复数量。


He said: 'We regularly get 1m interactions each month and in August alone we had 1.9m.
'We just can't answer (all inquiries) any more as it's a huge commitment.
'Over Christmas we had too much general interaction with people from various walks of life bombarding our feed with questions and we couldn't cope.'  

他说:“通常我们每个月会有100万次的互动量,单是八月我们就有190万次的互动量。因为评论量太大,我们无法回答(所有的询问)。“在圣诞节期间,就我们食物的问题,我们与来自各行各业的人们如连珠炮般地进行了太多次一般性互动,我们已经无法应付。 ”

A furious follower called Diana was not happy with the police's breakfast pictures 

Announcing the decision on Twitter a force spokesman said: 'We have considered all options and from immediate effect we will cease responding to comments and questions until further notice.' 


But between Christmas Day and New Year's Day there had been no pictures posted of any breakfasts.
Uploading an image of a meat-free fry up today the team tweeted: 'At some point you have to draw a line under it...'


Referring to the incident the team tweeted a picture of a meat-free breakfast with a line of ketchup underneath it saying: 'At some point you have to draw a line under it...'

Mr Taylor has continued to deny the decision was down to the vegan backlash slamming reports as 'fake news' and 'completely untrue'.  


The incident comes days after a chef was forced to resign for posting about vegans on social media.

这一事件发生在一位厨师因为在社交媒体上发布有关素食者(的信息) 而被迫辞职几天后 。

Laura Goodman 47 ranted on Facebook about how she spent hours preparing a special menu for a party of vegan and vegetarian guests at her Italian restaurant.

47岁的劳拉·古德曼(Laura Goodman)在脸书上大声抱怨她花费了好几个小时在她的意大利餐厅为某素食派对和素食者来宾准备一份特别菜单的。

But she lost her temper when one of them ordered a Margherita pizza topped with mozzarella on Saturday night.


The chef who co-owns the Carlini Italian in Shifnal Shropshire drank wine before going on Facebook to tell how she 'spiked a vegan a few hours ago'.
She has now apologised after it emerged police are investigating death threats made against her. 



Happy Harry LA LA Land United Kingdom 12 hours ago
DO NON VEGANS get Offended by Pictures of a SALAD?


Biggestvern London United Kingdom 12 hours ago
I just looked in the mirror and it looks like I'm very offended by salad


Sarah Spain Spain 12 hours ago
I am a vegan and I am not offended. These are not vegans that are offended these are snowflakes who happen to eat vegan food. Utterly pathetic.


apensioner Bristol United Kingdom 11 hours ago
The police need a proper breakfast to be able to chase a baddie a vegan on salad would run out of steam after a few steps. I despair at this modern PC cr@p we put up with in the UK.


Stan Still Milton Keynes United Kingdom 8 hours ago
All joking aside this case highlights the MASSIVE problem we have in the UK. ONE person complained and they caved - how about ignoring the tiny minority of unhinged whiners and just getting on with our lives? These people NEED to be ignored not pandered to.


lila2222 antic Antarctica 8 hours ago
yes I feel bad for the poor vegetables! being uprooted from its poor home and decapitated just so vegans can eat! i am triggered!


how sweet it is to be loved by you United States 12 hours ago
everything is offensive these days.


ianochick68 Los Angeles United States 9 hours ago
^I've always wondered something about you vegans and vegetarians. My mouth waters when I smell meat being cooked. Do your mouths water when you mow the lawn?


Dam05 sussex United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Being a vegan is a choice don't make us none Vegans feel sorry or have to hide because you can't handle our choice


fimfim Wales United Kingdom 12 hours ago
It is inclusive - they could eat the beans and toast! Smh


ChefCass Washington DC and London. United States 10 hours ago
But then the bean farts would be offensive...
