这是美国空军隐秘的,时速4600英里的侦查机吗?阴谋论者声称,神秘的“高超音速飞机”在佛罗里达空军基地被谷歌地球图像所捕获。英国网友:错,在每一个层面上都是错的。因为美国根本没有任何秘密项目,对吧?! 爬出你的地下室,动动脑子。我们招募世界上最优秀、最聪明的人才。他们都想住在美国,这就是他们来的原因。更别提我们花费同比世界上每一个国家都多2倍的军事预算。
Is this the US Air Force's secret 4,600mph spy plane? Mystery'hypersonic aircraft' is captured in Google Earth images of a Florida airbase,claims conspiracy theorist
· US Air Force is believed to be developinga spy plane that travels at 4,600mph
· Secretive hypersonic plane is beingdeveloped by defence firm Lockheed Martin
· Google Earth images show an object thatlooks similar to the artist's impression
· Pictures were taken by UFOconspiracy theorists from SectureTeam10
· Many have dismissed the latest footage,saying it just shows a high speed boat
The US Air Force is understood to bedeveloping a spy plane that travels at more than 4,600mph (7,400km/h).
Now, a conspiracy theorist claims he hasspotted an image of the mystery craft on Google Earth's view of Florida.
The satellite image appears to show anobject similar to the artist's impression of the secretive hypersonic planebeing developed by defence firm Lockheed Martin.
It comes a day after Lockheed Martin'ssecretive Skunk Works unit said it had already finished making the radicalhypersonic update of the long-retired Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird spy plane.
就在一天前,洛克希德·马丁公司秘密的臭鼬工厂说,它已经完成了对退休已久的3倍音速的 SR-71黑鸟侦察机的升级。
Images from Google Earth show an object thatlooks similar to the artist's impression of the secretive hypersonic planebeing developed by defence firm Lockheed Martin
The Google satellite images were compiledin a video by TylerGlockner, known for uploading images of UFO sightings to his YouTube channelSecureteam10.
Whoever created the craft has a 'mainfoothold in designing aircraft engines that are widely used in civilian andmilitary aviation', Mr Glockner claimed.
无论谁创造了这个飞行器,它都有一个“主要立足于设计出广泛应用于民用和军用领域的航空发动机”, 格洛克纳先生声称。
'What you're seeing is a very secretiveobject... I haven't been able to work out what it is', he said.
More than 400,000 people viewed the videowhich shows a series of screen shots from Google Earth.
'It is no public aircraft that has beendisclosed', Mr Glockner claimed.
'You can see that this thing looks like ahypersonic aircraft or spacecraft'.
The shape is similar to the SR-72hypersonic plane - which is set to be a strike and reconnaissance aircraft thattops Mach 6, writes Daily Star.
The strange footage was captured by TylerGlockner, known for uploading images of UFO sightings to his YouTube channelsecureteam10
The defence firm Lockheed Martin firm hasbeen working on the project since the early 2000s.
However, many people were skeptical of theclaims, with many saying the footage showed a high speed boat.
'It honestly looks like one of thoseracing jet boats', wrote YouTube user 'Kody Read'.
YouTube用户“Kody Read”写道:“它真的看起来就像一艘赛艇”。
'It looks like a powerboat I live next tothe ocean seen this shape before and it is next to swamp land and water', wroteanother user 'Jamie Lynn'.
另一位用户“Jamie Lynn”写道:“它看起来就像我在海边的一艘动力船,之前看到过这样的形状,它就在沼泽地和水的旁边。”
One user, called 'Leo Pokat' said it was a'UPO - unimaginable parked object'.
一位名叫“Leo Pokat”的用户说,这是一个“难以想象的东西”。
Earlier this week reports suggested theradical hypersonic update of the long-retired Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird spy planemight have already been finished.
Jack O'Banion, Vice President of Strategyand Customer Requirements, Advanced Development Programs for Lockheed Martin,let slip at a conference the unmanned aircraft has already been made.
洛克希德·马丁公司的高级开发项目,战略与客户需求副总裁Jack O'Banion,在一次会议中无意的说出无人机已经造好了。
Speaking at the American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum, he showed a slide of a digitalmockup of the craft, and said 'Without the digital transformation, the aircraftyou see there could not have been made.'
Mr O'Banion also said the aircraft willhave a 'digital twin' that knows every part on the aircraft.
'Talking about speed, you're talking abouthypersonics, aircraft that operate above Mach 5,' he said.
The footage was taken from Palm BeachCounty Florida. Lots of people were sceptical of the claims, which many sayingthe footage showed a high speed boat
win2, Cooksville, 加拿大, 1 day ago
US is far behind China in supersonictechnology as first prototype crushed while China successfully tested muchfaster planes so Xi can say mine is bigger...
HubcapCollector, Mersyside, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
It sounds aboot right.
AceTurbo, Sarasota, 美国, 1 day ago
Wrong and wrong on every single level.Because the US just doesn’t have any secret projects do we?! Crawl out of yourbasement and use your brains. We recruit the absolute very brightest and bestminds in the world. They all want to live in America and that’s why they come.Not to mention we spend over 2 times more on military budget then every countryin the world combined PERIOD
错,在每一个层面上都是错的。因为美国根本没有任何秘密项目,对吧?! 爬出你的地下室,动动脑子。我们招募世界上最优秀、最聪明的人才。他们都想住在美国,这就是他们来的原因。更别提我们花费同比世界上每一个国家都多2倍的军事预算。
Barry Soetoro, Bohemian Grove, 美国, 17 hours ago
how can they fly at 4,600mph for hours atconstant altitude without constantly having to dip the nose down to fly overearth curvature? if it flies at 4600mph it gonna get 500miles higher after 30minutes when flying straight forwards. proves the earth is flat besides thereare no scientific experiments proving earth is moving. Michelson-Morley ,Michelson-Galeexperiment, (professor Michelson is 1907 Nobel prize winner) Sir George BiddellAirey's failure, Sagnac experiment , Nordmeyer-Bucherer, Trouton-NobleExperiment prove earth isnt movin
他们是怎么保持在固定高度、以4600英里每小时飞行而不需要时常俯冲的情况下来飞越地球曲率的?如果它以4600英里每小时的速度飞行,它将在30分钟后直线向前飞行500英里。这证明地球是平的,而且没有科学实验证明地球正在运动。迈克尔逊-莫雷,迈克尔逊-盖尔实验,(迈克尔逊教授是1907年诺贝尔奖得主),George Biddell Airey爵士的失败,Sagnac实验,Nordmeyer-Bucherer,Trouton-Noble实验都证明地球是不运动的。(注:上面几个是人名。这段翻译的蛋疼,我花费了好大的精力才压制了我的吐槽欲望)
Philip Littlewood, Tongeren, 比利时, 18 hours ago
You're kidding surely?
Dixie Belle, Alabama, 美国, 18 hours ago
Foucault's pendulum is a simple devicenamed after French physicist Léon Foucault and conceived as an experiment todemonstrate the Earth's rotation.
LordPete, Palmetto, 美国, 18 hours ago
You are quoting experiments performed moreor less a century ago. Don't you think it's possible that science has developedbetter tests in the last 100 years? And what about Foucault's pendulum, KemoSabe?
ItalianAmericanBoss,Texas, 美国,1 day ago
America the worlds only superpower, i dare anyone to attackAmerica. #ItalianAmerican
Rudolf Hucker,England and France, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Not really......Soon there will be three, and the USA will not beone of them
Pilot1806,Hampshire, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Super Idiots more like.
ItalianAmericanBoss,Texas, United States, 1 day ago
Rudolf the clueless, name me the other 3.
Lortaybill,Warrington, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Becareful what you are saying my friend. Your countries problemsare massive and mainly internal.
db,WOLVERHAMPTON, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Trillons of dollars spent every year to kill and wage war butprecious little to save, preserve and improve the quality of life for itscitizens.
atrako,Dublin, 爱尔兰,1 day ago
USA is well behind in supersonic ...
AceTurbo,Sarasota, 美国,1 day ago
Says the guy from Ireland?! Only thing remotely close to amilitary I¿ve ever heard of in Ireland is the IRA. And they are a militia. AndI have Irish Blood so don¿t misconstrue that for anything else. I love theIrish. Just not individuals who post foolish statements, they know nothingabout.
爱尔兰人你说啥?!在爱尔兰,我所听说过的唯一一件与军事有关的事情就是爱尔兰共和军,他们是民兵。我有爱尔兰血统所以别误会其他事情。我爱爱尔兰人,只不过不是那些发表愚蠢言论的人,他们什么都不知道。 (爱尔兰共和军:曾为爱尔兰独立,现在为统一北爱尔兰而战斗的组织。爱尔兰共和军是1919年由旨在建立独立的爱尔兰共和国的民族主义军事组织“爱尔兰义勇军”改编而成,是反对英国政府的武装组织,长时间通过暴力活动实现政治诉求,故被许多国家视为恐怖组织。)
atrako,Dublin, Ireland, 23 hours ago
says a guy from the most violent nation on earth ..shooting..killing each other at the rate of three September 11 per year ...then exporttheir violence overseas ...reality is China is years ahead ..Russia is catchingfast ..soon you'll be the only country left behind with trump in their handsLOL .
ItalianAmericanBoss,Texas, United States, 1 day ago
Poor EU countries + has-been UK, nowhere the level of the Americain terms of military, #GetOnOurLevel. UK has-been country who sells of itsmilitary, now it looks like peasant country with no defence.
Emma,London, United Kingdom, 23 hours ago
you would be surprised at what UK/EU technology the USA uses ,sodont go blowing your own trumpet just yet
DSBS,Here, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
Get an education, you fool. If it wasn't for Britain paying youyank mercenaries to join-in with WWII, with technology blueprints, you wouldn'thave had radar, the atomic bomb - or the jet engine. So, any technology youhave now, you have because of the United Kingdom. You're welcome.
Laffing at you 1,DM, 美国, 23 hoursago
Funny, every US serviceman I talk to highly respects the UKmilitary. Huh.
homegrown49,manchester, United Kingdom, 23 hours ago
You didn't refuse our help in the 2 Gulf Wars, or Iraq orAfghanistan did you. The UK has been your closest coalition partner ineverything since WWII. I think your comment shows more about how you hate theBritish, than the state of our armed forces.
C 13th,Cheyenne, 美国,1 day ago
...The SR 71 flew much faster than 4600mph and we retired thatplane years ago...to say we are developing a plane today to fly at that speedis insulting...an old school F 15, F 14, or the F 22 can all reach speeds of atleast half that...if we have a new plane, trust me. its reaching speeds muchfaster than 4600 mph........even the TR 3B is old....and that sucker isFAST!!!!!
AceTurbo,Sarasota, 美国,1 day ago
No the SR 71 did not fly faster then that. It couldn¿t sustain theheat from that speed. Please do research before posting ignorant statements. Iknew that Answer 15 years ago. Pilots would melt as well as the glass andentire aircraft for that matter. Was a sauna inside the cockpit. But yes we canbuild planes that fast now very easily and are doing it.
Correction.,Bath, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
If they are still making spy planes then they're idiots givensatellites are far better. Perhaps it's the Daily Mail that is the idiot inthis case.
spinnguy,London, 1 day ago
You spend $10Billion+ on developing a secret Plane and you justleave it in a car park , Yeah right
Blot,London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
It's blocking those 2 guys cars from going home too
TLBerry,Bedford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I can absolutely guarantee that the US military are acutely awareof the pass over times of imaging satellites and would ensure that anygenuinely classified materiel is safely undercover.
Peter,London, 1 day ago
Is it a prop for a new sci fi film?
Chad,Charlotte, United States, 1 day ago
Maybe the garage if full of the wife's childhood furniture thatshe refuses to get rid of.
workslave,manchester, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago
hidden in plain sight..
cockycockney,london, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Why would you leave a top secrete airplane outside when you spentmillions on it? strange! think they run out of funding for a hanger lol?
Milkywaykid, London , United Kingdom,1 day ago
To let the paint dry;)
PB,Atlanta, United States, 1 day ago
Exactly. It's not the secret plane.
Dext,Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Whilst it might not be one of their many top secret projects, restassured the military have craft 30 years ahead of anything the claim to have
Stephanovic,迪拜 UAE, 1day ago
So why haven't they put them into production to create a fleet ofaircraft far in advance of anything that any other country has? What purpose isthere to having just a couple of vehicles that remain top secret? That's thefundamental flaw in your assertion.
Oneofthree,Pisov, 捷克Republic,1 day ago
And you know this how?
A. Wright-Burke,London Bridge, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
'rest assured' you're an idiot
In anutshell, northampton, 美国, 1 day ago
This is in a car park of an industrial complex next to Palm BeachRaceway. It's clearly not an aircraft it's the size of a large car. My guessis, it's some kind a racing car
PB,Atlanta, United States, 1 day ago
Or amateur car or movie prop, or pretty much anything but somemilitary secret. People who believe it is really don't know much about themilitary.
Grumio,Rome BC, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago
You are correct in a nutshell, next to Bee Line Highway 710.