日本抗议中国军舰在争议岛屿附近海域出现 [日本媒体]


Japan protests presence of Chinese military ship in waters near disputed islands


TOKYO—Japan on Thursday protested to China after a Chinese military vessel was detected in waters near disputed islands in the East China Sea, calling on China to avoid actions that could interfere with improving bilateral ties.


The Chinese frigate was seen in waters contiguous to Japan's territory around the islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, the Defense Ministry said. It did not enter Japanese territorial waters.


A foreign submarine was also detected in the same area on Wednesday as well as on Thursday, it added, without identifying the nationality. Both had left the area by Thursday afternoon.


Japan and China have long been at loggerheads over the tiny, uninhabited islands. They are controlled by Japan but claimed also by China.


"We want to strongly urge China not to do anything to interfere with improving bilateral ties," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference.

日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)在新闻发布会上表示:“我们强烈敦促中国,不要做任何干扰改善双边关系的事情。”

Kenji Kanasugi, director-general of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, met with Chinese ambassador Cheng Yonghua at the Foreign Ministry to express grave concern about the move, the ministry said in a statement.

日本外务省在一份声明中说,外务省亚洲和大洋洲事务局局长石兼公博(Kenji Kanasugi)在外务省召见了中国驻日本大使程永华,对中国此举表达了严重的关切。

The Chinese ambassador responded to the protest by reiterating China's stance on the islands, the statement added.


China routinely rejects Japanese criticism of such patrols, saying its ships have every right to operate in what China calls its territorial waters.


China's defense ministry said in an online statement that a Chinese missile frigate had responded to two Japanese ships entering its claimed waters but that the ships had now left.


China firmly opposes and is strongly dissatisfied with Japan's actions, which had hyped up China's actions and "mixed up right and wrong", the statement said.


© Thomson Reuters 2018.

©汤姆森 路透社 2018年

Matt HartwellToday  08:07 am JST
Use it or lose it. They play the same game in Doklam. While on the surface that confrontation between India & China was resolved diplomatically by China cancelling its road building leading directly to the site, all that has resulted is road building slightly further afield, not far. Not to mention new helipads and now what appears to be a permanent camp of around 1600 Chinese soldiers in the area. They have essentially stolen that territory from Bhutan just by camping out there.


Use is ownership in China's eyes. Never make the mistake of retreating from the Senkaku islands if you actually intend on keeping them as part of Japanese territory. You need around the clock 24/7 patrols ideally, even if the vessels are relatively modest, you must maintain a permanent presence.


OssanAmericaToday  09:43 am JST
Build something on the Senkakus. Anything. China is now bringing in the PLAN instead of their Coast Guard. No reason JMSDF and even US 7th Fleet shouldn't be patrolling those waters.


AkieToday  11:03 am JST
Japan made huge mistake to provoke the red dragon by nationalization of private lands. Japan should remedy it with good will, or will be too late. Abe should use wisdom to deal with the problem, though he isn't the one to make the trouble.


GoodlucktoyouToday  11:14 am JST
They were in international waters. Abe needs something to threaten Japanese into changing the constitution so he can go to war


SaqqaraJan. 12  02:00 pm JST
Much of the rhetoric’s coming out of China seems ridiculous at first. But they are stubbornly following a plan confident that who ever can show the most resolve will eventually win. Terra forming the geopolitical field.


tinawatanabeJan. 12  03:17 pm JST
a Chinese military vessel was detected in waters
Why don't you say "a Chinese submarine was detected by Japan"?  LOL


elephant200Jan. 12  03:33 pm JST
Those waters were international waters and they were practice their navigation freedom in high seas! I don't understand what a profound reason does japan is blaming!


nandakandamandaJan. 12  03:58 pm JST
There have been Chinese ‘fishing’ boats and coastguard ships so far.


This frigate and the submarine (now known to have been Chinese, but hard to tell when it was underwater) are the first military vessels to sail so close to these islands, a clear escalation for 2018 and an indication that China will be pushing this to a confrontation or if unopposed, a de facto conclusion.


AsakazeJan. 12  10:46 pm JST
Stay calm, but firm, Japan!! Chinese will use every opening. Don't give them any.


AkieToday  01:27 am JST
It was sad that Noda, one of first Japanese student delegation visiting China, nationalized the private land. Japan was tricked.


Abe, on the other hand, the first Japanese PM proposed strategic mutual beneficial relationship with China, couldn't handle the situation with strategic beneficial way. Japan was played.


Abe, calm and firm are all good, but you also need independent policy and wisdom.


Abe has to be firm in maintaining golden 3000 years relationship with China.


HalwickToday  09:28 am JST
First fishing boats and coast guard ships, then a frigate and submarine. Wait till China sends one of their aircraft carriers. Then what?


(By the way, how far are these islands from Okinawa?)

