[ 英国 每日邮报 ] 梅姨右边拎着奶粉罐站着的人是谁啊? [英国媒体]


Welcome to China Auntie May!Chinese social media users go crazy for PM and her 'very handsome' husband butonly want to know one thing: Who is the man on the right and why is he holdingbaby formula?


Theresa May flew into Chinawith her entourage on a three-day trade mission


But a group picture at an airport sparkedbewilderment on Chinese social media


One British businessman was picturedholding two cans of baby formula


'Auntie May' and her 'very handsome'husband have received a warm welcome


Chinese social media users have workedthemselves into a frenzy over the arrival of 'Auntie' Theresa May andher 'very handsome husband' Philip - but were puzzled by a picture of abusinessman standing near to the Prime Minister holding baby formula.


Mrs May has been given the affectionatenickname usually reserved for Beijing's key allies as she flies into thecountry on a three-day trade mission.


But her visit sparked curiosity on Chinesesocial media.


Eagle-eyed users of Weibo - similar to Twitter -spotted a member of the business delegation travelling with the Prime Ministerwas holding something in a picture taken after the party landed in Wuhan today.


Chinese social media users have gone crazyfor 'Auntie May' - and acted with bewilderment after one of the businessdelegation was pictured holding baby formula


And MailOnline can reveal the businessmanis Ross McMahon, CEO of Cumbria-based Kendal Nutricare, whichspecialises in formulas
And MailOnline can reveal the man is RossMcMahon, CEO of Cumbria-based Kendal Nutricare, which specialises in formulas,including infant and adult.

据每日邮报透漏,该商人为罗斯麦克马洪,Kendal Nutricare(奶粉公司)的CEO,总部位于坎布里亚郡,专为婴儿与成人(奶粉)的研发。

Last week they signed a blockbusterfive-year contract worth £85million with a Shanghai company. They expect tocreate 25 extra jobs through the deal.


Social media users erupted over theformula.


Guancha.cn, a Chinese online news site,posted on Weibo: 'UK Prime Minister Theresa May and her husband Philip Maybring 'the whole England' over: HSBC, BP, Standard Chartered, Aston Martin,London Stock Exchange, etc. But what is the one at the far right holding in hishand?'

中国《观察者网》在其官微发文表示:英国首相特里萨·梅(Theresa May)和丈夫菲利普(Philip)可能带来“整个英国”,包括汇丰(HSBC)、英国石油(BP)、渣打银行(Standard Chartered)、阿斯顿马丁(Aston)。等等,那个人手里拿着什么呢?

Web users commented: 'Bring some milkformula for his cousins in China?'
Another said: 'Is the formula from theUK?'
One wrote: 'It's better to have a presentwhen you first visit.'


Mrs May is in China on a three-day trademission and has received a warm welcome. Her affectionate nickname of 'Auntie'is usually reserved for Beijing's key allies


A user typed: 'It must be productendorsement.'


And another said: 'Baby formula personalshopper.'


The pictures were shared by other users onthe social media site and tagging local news media including China'smouthpiece, People's Daily.
Mr McMahon said:  'I'm delighted thatour Kendamil infant formula has received approval from China FDA, enabling usto continue exporting our products.


'I look forward to working with colleaguesin China, and to helping to create further employment opportunities here inBritain.'


And Mrs May's husband, Philip, has alsoreceived a glowing reception.


According to the BBC,the Chinese have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the 'First Gentleman'and the the Xinhua News Agency is reported to have said, 'like most femaleleaders' spouses, the 'First Gentleman' is known for his modesty.'


Mrs May, pictured today with her 'veryhandsome' husband Philip, has been in China on a trade mission
While popular news website The Paperdescribed Mr May as 'very low-key, stays away from the media and the public eye'.

今天,梅夫人和她“相当帅”的丈夫菲利普(Philip)在中国进行了贸易访问,而该报称梅的表现 “非常低调,远离媒体和公众视线”。

Both of the outlets wrote extensivebiographies on the Prime Minister's husband, and said it was 'unfortunate' theywere unable to have children.


But it added: 'What is most importantis that for 40 years he has been by her side, loved her, supported her anddefended her.'


And Weibo users described himas  'a very handsome gentleman' and said their marriage is 'reallybeautiful'.


Mrs May is on a trade mission to China andthis morning it was announced British beef would be back on the menu for theAsian country for the first time in decades.


On a visit to Beijing, the Prime Ministerused talks with Li Keqiang, the country's second most important politician, tosignal her determination to boost trade with the giant economy.


commentlurker,herts, United Kingdom, 21 minutes ago
85million for 25 jobs......


Destructivedave, Cambridge, UnitedKingdom, 57 minutes ago
Lol her very handsome husband. She haseyes like tea bags and walks like a skeleton out of jason and the argonauts. Helooks like woody allens love child.


bob, China, China, 1 hour ago
Because under HK & China law, you are allowedtwo cans of baby formula into china Per trip. Perhaps it is a "joke"


Toxic Sister, Colchester, 1 hour ago
Mr. May looks Oriental in that photo.Perhaps, that is why they like him.


DaveResnam, Canford.Posher thanSandbanks., United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
The Remainers must be hating this visit.


Wayne Clarke, Swansea, United Kingdom, 2hours ago
Hi China. You can keep her if you like.She talks a lot, but dont worry she wont actually do anything... well she mightsack half your police but thats about it.


John Smith, London, United Kingdom, 2hours ago
I bet the Chin ks will clone the milkformula in no time and poor Ross McMahon's company will get ripped off.


SW66Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2hours ago
Well done, Theresa and her great,supportive husband. Battered but unbowed!


Wayne Clarke, Swansea, United Kingdom, 2hours ago
Ha ha ha. For a minute I thought you wereserious.


John, London, 3 hours ago
If the DM had bothered to do the leastinvestigation ( google ¿China baby formula¿) they¿d know there was a hugescandal a few years ago with contaminated Chinese baby powder, so a ¿safe¿ UKproduct is bound to be well received.


Kay Lowrey, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 3hours ago
Bloody well done that Cumbria outfit.First China, then the world. We're already on the move.


Huang Long, Southampton, United Kingdom, 4hours ago
Strange - I use Weibo, WeChat and QQ on adaily basis and this really wasn't massive news today!


Kay Lowrey, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 3hours ago
Says you. Mine said different.


Olderbutnonethewiser, Halifax, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Strange how it's ok to do business withthis repressive, communist regime that suppresses freedom of speech and killsits own citizens.


Winston, Norfolk, United Kingdom, 2 hoursago
Calm down! we voted to leave the EU


WayneClarke, Swansea, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
You mean the EU?


null, 5 hours ago
May would be out of her depth running thelocal church or WI fete,let alone a trade delegation to China


null, 5 hours ago
May is so amateurish it¿s embarrassing


null, 5 hours ago
Great...Germany sells them BMW, Miele,Mercedes, Bosch, AEG and BREXIT Britain sells them baby milk and HPSauce made in Holland


epc, Ballymena, United Kingdom, 3 hoursago
And Brit beef and sausages - vow ! we area great country!


BigH-Carlisle, Carlisle, United Kingdom, 5hours ago
We really missed the boat years ago whenit came to trade with China ! That would be over 20 years ago when we lackedthe insight of how rapidly China was changing. The Germans having been tradingwith China for almost as long and was noticeable when I have visited China overmany years while still being part of the EU. Our problem has been ourideological mistrust of China and lack of knowledge of a country that haschanged out of all recognition from the past.


Yarmouth1234, Great yarmouth, UnitedKingdom, 6 hours ago
shame she can't come up with a winningformula for brexit


daniel maxwell, London, United Kingdom, 6hours ago
go live there no wants you here


Nulli Secundus, Oxford, United Kingdom, 6hours ago
can they keep her please


ittakestwo., Newcastle, United Kingdom, 6hours ago
How come the snowflakes aren't objectingto this visit?


Red_Squirrel, Teesside, United Kingdom, 7hours ago
Plenty of social media in China, 1 billionusers, probably is not monitored any more than in the UK, their state TV isbetter than the BBCalso.


Budgie, Norwich, United Kingdom, 7 hoursago
He got on the wrong plane. He is supposedto be with Kate and Wills.


GodSaveOurQueen, Worcester, UnitedKingdom, 7 hours ago
I've always thought she would make a goodAuntie.


lokoti, norwich, United Kingdom, 7 hoursago
There is no social mediain China! Lol


LilleyBeau, Worksop, United Kingdom, 7hours ago
No. There is no unmonitored social mediain China.


lynne bruce, DERBY, United Kingdom, 7hours ago
The woman must be nacked...she hasn'tstopped off late but still she's unappreciated for trying to do her best


Tom Moncrieff, London England, UnitedKingdom, 41 minutes ago
Her best involves keeping us in the EU foryears with no vote and huge fees. She is a liability. Get rid of her.


BigH-Carlisle, Carlisle, United Kingdom, 7hours ago
Wonderful place to visit and a safe placeto travel and language wise no problem as you find many chinese will want topractice their English with you.


madmanc, manchester, United Kingdom, 8hours ago
western made baby milk is in high demandin china after some loon was caught putting Formica in the milk being madethere.


crisser, Manchester or thereabouts, UnitedKingdom, 8 hours ago
Baby formula is is difficult to get inChina. The Australian supermarkets have a restriction on how many tins you canbuy, because they all get bought up and sent to China. Looks like thebusinessman has spotted a gap in the market. It's a pity, but we used to have.Royal Yacht to act as our marketplace and shop window abroad.


HRC, Geneva, Switzerland, 8 hours ago
They all look like schoolchildren.... I amnot too sure that those Clowns will be taken seriously by China..


Helena Handcart, eastbourne, 8 hours ago
This is a totalitarian regime with ashocking g guan rights record. .but betcha no screaming hordes ofpurple haired, pierced protesters will demand a ban on a reciprocal visit..

这是个极权主义政府,有着可怕的人权(bluebit注:g guan 瞎猜的)纪录。但是这里没有染着紫色头发、四处冲撞的抗议者去阻碍访问。

Kagey3, Yorky at heart, United Kingdom, 8hours ago
Massive shortage of baby milk in Chinawhich they've been buying it up all around the world . They have loads ofpeople being cu#aught in China for making fake milk out of all sorts of stuff


Jeanne, North Weald, United Kingdom, 8hours ago
By no stretch of the imagination can Mr.May be called handsome, he looks like Arthur Askey to me.

怎么看都不可能是个帅哥,对我来说他像亚瑟阿斯基(注:Arthur Askey 喜剧演员)

TVL178 Mike, Lake District, UnitedKingdom, 8 hours ago
East Asìans love Harry Potter. Maybe theysaw a likeness in the PM's husband ;-)


TVL178 Mike, Lake District, UnitedKingdom, 8 hours ago
It's good to see a Lake District productput on the map in Chìna. Hopefully this is a sign of positive future trade.

