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ONE in five British Muslims sympathises with jihadists, claimed a headline in the Sun, a British tabloid. The number referred to a poll, taken in the wake of the attacks in Paris, which in fact suggested that 20% of Muslim respondents felt “some” or “a lot” of sympathy for “young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria.” Critics of what they judged a deliberate misrepresentation of Muslim feelings towards Islamic State (IS) quickly set up a Twitter hashtag, #1in5Muslims, that generated a torrent of tweets attacking the Sun. A typical example: “#1in5Muslims have to hear this BS all the time.”
So what do Muslims around the world really think of IS? The same poll showed that 71% of Muslim Britons have “no” sympathy for expatriate British fighters, a number not so different from the 77% of other Britons who felt that way in a survey conducted in March by the same polling firm, Survation. Other post-Paris polls of Muslims have yet to appear, but Pew, a research firm that publishes annual reports of attitudes in 10 Muslim-majority countries, concluded last spring that they were “overwhelmingly negative” towards IS. It found that 99% of Lebanese and 94% of Jordanians, for instance, held “very unfavourable” views of the group. Even in Saudi Arabia, a country whose Wahhabist creed is seen as a wellspring of jihadism, there is little indulgence: in a face-to-face poll in September sponsored by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think-tank, a scant 4% of Saudi respondents expressed any degree of support for the group.
guest-nenelil25 mins ago
Those kinds of poll are probably too biased to make any conclusions. If a Western newspaper ask to a muslim if he/she has some sympathy for IS he/she will probably answer 'no', because of the infamous reputation of IS. Besides, with internet and microsoft windows private settings you'd better be careful to what you say.
游客-nenelil2 5分钟前:
The Shareef dont like it3 hours 2 mins ago
Livingstone blames Blair for 7/7 deaths
Former London mayor says on Question Time ignoring warnings about Iraq invasion was reason for bombings in London
Source: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/27/livingstone-blames-blair...
The Shareef dont like it 3小时2分钟前:
来源:Source: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/27/livingstone-blames-blair...
guest-nejsnimNov 27th, 02:24
When the penalty in many countries for apostacy, or perceived apostacy, is death, it is difficult for many Muslims to speak out against their faith.
Instead of encouraging Sharia law to take hold in Britain, Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, and Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, the former Lord Chief Justice and former Master of the Rolls, should campaign for setting Britain up as a sanctuary for apostates (of all religions).
游客-nejsnim 十一月27日02:24
前坎特伯雷大主教Rowan Williams,以及前高等法院首席法官和主事官Worth Matravers的Phillip勋爵表示:相比于鼓励在英国控制伊斯兰教法,应该努力把英国建设为对(各个宗教的)叛教者的避难所。
BHARAT.P.Nov 27th, 00:51
Million dollar question
How do I tell if some one is sympathetic to IS (23%) - Or is not (67%?
I find it easy to work who a Muslim is.And for them it is decapitation if they hide their identity
And is it okay to protect myself from decapitation?
Any problems telling others what I think about each prophet? and each religion?
The Shareef dont like it 对 BHARAT.P. 的回答,11月27日,03:56
BHARAT.P. 11月27日,00:51
The Shareef dont like itin reply to BHARAT.P.Nov 27th, 03:56
"Million dollar question
How do I tell if some one is sympathetic to IS"
Paying you back in the same coin:
Million dollar question
How do I tell if some one is sympathetic to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) the oldest Hindoo terrorist organisation, responsible for killing millions of Muslims.
See details here: http://www.britannica.com/topic/Rashtriya-Swayamsevak-Sangh
BHARAT.P.in reply to Mansoor IjazNov 26th, 22:31
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Muhammad became increasingly hostile to the Jews over time as he "perceived that there were irreconcilable differences between their religion and his, especially when the belief in his prophetic mission became the criterion of a true Moslem."[14]
So now you are making the excuses. The New Caliph of IS has a ph.d in Islamic philosophy . What do you have?????
BHARAT.P. 回复 Mansoor Ijaz,11月26日, 22:31
根据犹太百科全书,穆罕默德在“察觉到犹太的宗教和他的信仰直接存在不可调和矛盾,尤其是在他担任先知时这个信念成为了判断一个真正穆斯林的标准”[14] 时,他对犹太人的敌意与日俱增。
所以你现在正在找借口。 IS的新哈里发拥有伊斯兰哲学博士学位。
Mansoor Ijazin reply to BHARAT.P.Nov 26th, 22:35
You choose a "Jewish Encyclopedia" as your source. I choose to quote the Prophet of Islam in his own words that are considered true by every historian of consequence in history. There is no doubt in those words and there is no Ph.D. in Islamic Philosophy that could teach any different. You are an apologist for a man who orders his "Islamobots" out into the world to murder innocent people. Shame on you.
Mansoor Ijazin 回复 BHARAT.P.,11月26日, 22:35
GomerWumphfNov 26th, 21:52
The problem is not "radical Islam". The problem is Sunni Islam. There are about 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims. If “only” 2% of Sunni Muslims are jihadists there are 28 million jihadists. From the so called “moderate” Muslims point of view the problem is that the Jihadists – ISIS, Boko Haram al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Shabaab, Taliban, et al, are exposing the Islamic plans for the world too early. The so called "moderates" would prefer to just continue massively out breeding the non-Muslim population and immigrating to non-Muslim nations until the Islamic population is large enough for Sharia to be imposed by vote. To the “moderate" Sunni Muslim when Sharia is the law of the land the ISIS like phase of operations to eliminate all non-Muslims can be carried out with victory assured. Islam is in reality just another totalitarian system of conquest and control. Muslims do not move to non-Muslim countries to assimilate. They do so to wage war. Notice that 70% of the so called “refugees” entering the EU are males of military age. Allowing them to immigrate is suicidal.
GomerWumphf,11月26日, 21:52
The Shareef dont like itin reply to GomerWumphfNov 27th, 04:01
Some say the problem is Christian Zionism; what say ye?
BHARAT.pNov 26th, 21:11
The whole article is written to get sympathies for the general population of muslims.
Unlike them, we do not need to behave in a savage like manner.
But - let us look a bit of history, and that will tell us where they get their principles from
' When Mohammed was telling all and sundry about the voices he had heard, an older Jewish lady would make many anti- Allah statements against Mohammed.
His answer was simple
' Who will rid me of this woman?'
and the next day the woman had been murdered
A great example to set for his followers. and that is why you get a massive 23% IS sympathizers in this poll.
BTW most young people only have mobiles now. Impossible to poll anymore - and I would imagine that there is probably a support rate of over 35% among those young people
That is only a guess - however at least I am being honest unlike the Islamic troll here
The Shareef dont like it 回复 GomerWumphf,11月27日, 04:01
BHARAT.p 11月26日, 21:11
不像他们,我们不需要在 上表现的像一个野蛮人。
BHARAT.pin reply to BHARAT.pNov 26th, 21:53
It is also impossible to sympathies with some brings out stupid excuses - such things as colonialism or rebellion against others ( for incredibly stupid reasons)
At the moment - they have are fighting all non_Islamic peoples
What all this tells us that ' The clash of civilizations' is a very good novel.
However I have to repeat what Lee Kuan Yew said to Steven Huntington ' It is not Buddhism , or Taoism or Hinduism or Christianity who are the cause of the problem here - It is Islam and it's violence-sympathizers.
And as far as I am concerned - anyone who makes stupid excuses like - colonials or rebellion against the Russians or Indians or Americans - is ignoring the truth - and is more then likely to be one of those 23% who sympathies for IS
Would you ever get 23% sympathizers for Any other religious group terrorists???
Well There ain't terrorists using any other religions except in Islam
At least now I know where those IS recruits come from.23% of Europe's population is millions of people. 80% of Islamic countries population - now we are talking about billions
BHARAT.p 回复 BHARAT.p,11月26日, 21:53
这些告诉我们:”文明的冲突“是一本极好的 小说。
然而我必须重申李光耀对 Steven Huntington说的一句话:”并非佛教、道教、印度教或基督教造成了这个问题——而是伊斯兰和它的暴利同情者。“
BHARAT.pin reply to BHARAT.pNov 26th, 22:00
I tried to edit - impossible
BHARAT.p 回复 BHARAT.p,11月26日, 22:00
guest-imoaaaaNov 26th, 18:12
Only 20-30% Muslim support is nothing to celebrate!
Sunni's and Shiites each have their own violent radical Islamic groups they sympathize with.
If they focused as much time and money building schools and pursuing modern education we'd all be far better off - especially them.
Enough medieval knowledge and behavior
游客-imoaaaa,11月26日, 18:12
BHARAT.pin reply to guest-imoaaaaNov 26th, 20:28
And yet they love to forget history. They will blame the west for for all their troubles.
If Syria's rebels is financed by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, should we start collecting money to finance the rebellion in Yemen? and the other one in Baluchistan?
Personally, I think that we need to help them annihilate each other
BHARAT.p 回复 游客-imoaaaa,11月26日, 20:28
The Shareef dont like itin reply to BHARAT.pNov 27th, 04:05
Don't get too cocky.
The Islamic State has well publicised plans for Hindoo India also.
See here for details http://www.deccanchronicle.com/140701/world-europe/article/islamic-state...
Free The West From The LeftNov 26th, 16:05
The left still doesn't get it. To a Muslim, no matter where he lives, Islam will always come first, then the clan, followed by family, last country. They will always support a Muslim over a non-Muslim, no matter what. Citizenship doesn't mean a thing to these people, unless it involves freebies like welfare or healthcare. The left may love Muslims, but Muslims despise them just like they despise the rest of us. Time to wake up.
The Shareef dont like it 回复 BHARAT.p,11月27日, 04:05
详见 http://www.deccanchronicle.com/140701/world-europe/article/islamic-state...
Free The West From The Left,11月26日, 16:05
guest-ioeslanin reply to Free The West From The LeftNov 26th, 16:26
You are wrong: It is not out of love for the Muslims that the left oppose their demonization; it is out of liberal principles. The left knows very well that the Muslims are conservatives and that they will oppose many liberal values (same sex marriage, for example), but principles go first.
"Islam will always come first." The same applies to Christianity (have you forgotten the clerk?) .
"Citizenship doesn't mean anything for this people".False: there are Muslims serving in the American military.
Are you a prejudiced person?
游客-ioeslanin 回复 Free The West From The Left,11月26日, 16:26
BHARAT.P.in reply to guest-ioeslanNov 26th, 23:04
Don't know about him, but I am against people who sympathize with terrorists
That is 80% of Muslims in Islamic countries and 23% in Europe
Are you prejudiced against the same?
BHARAT.P.回复游客-ioeslan,11月26日, 23:04
daley1686Nov 26th, 14:51
Foolish. The only ones whose opinion counts are Sunni Arabs in Syria, Iraq and surrounding states. ISIS is more of a nationalist than a religious movement. Other Muslims have other worries.
daley1686,1月26日, 14:51
8XaAQiuY73Nov 26th, 13:23
Of course there is little sympathy. The evidence points again and again to the fact that members of IS are not highly educated in Islam, and are instead pursuing violence for glory or out of disenchantment with Western life in general https://youngeuropeansnetwork.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/what-causes-domes...
8XaAQiuY73,11月26日, 13:23