安全法案后安倍重新关注经济的支持率回升 [日本媒体]


Public support for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has rebounded since his government rammed through unpopular security legislation, according to polls published Monday, as he refocuses on the struggling economy.


In September, the Diet in the officially pacifist nation passed the contentious security bills, opening the door for Japanese troops to engage in combat overseas for the first time since the end of World War II.


The legislation was met with strong public resistance and pounded the popularity of the conservative Abe, who swept to power in late 2012 on a ticket to kickstart the long-laggard economy.


But on Monday, a weekend poll conducted by the leading Nikkei business daily and TV Tokyo found that support for Abe had rebounded eight points from October to 49%—a level last seen this summer as debate raged over the then proposed security legislation.


The survey, which polled 1,365 households at the weekend, came as Abe turns his focus back to an economy that fell into recession in the third quarter.


A similarly sized weekend poll by Kyodo News agency meanwhile said Abe’s approval rating rose 3.5 points to 48.3% from a previous survey in October.


Recent summits with South Korea and China also helped boost Abe’s approval rating, as he moves to soothe longstanding diplomatic frictions, Japanese media said.


marcelitoDEC. 01, 2015 - 10:51AM JST
The voters here are just hopeless, extremely short memory and extremely easily swayed by a few empty promises and headlines. Of course , having the opposition in complete disarray with no alternative to Shinzo does not help either.


MrBumDEC. 01, 2015 - 11:32AM JST
I'm almost certain the rebound is attributed to a "Well, there's less protesting now, so I guess he sorted it out somehow" mentality in a lot of people.
He's done nothing of note in the short time since he plowed through with his unpopular security legislation. I'd like to see a poll on how many people are actually paying attention someday.


Peeping_TomDEC. 01, 2015 - 09:23AM JST
And you read the head-line:
"Public support for Abe rebounds after security law"
All in black and white; even a blind person could see it.
You don't like it, your opinion is irrelevant; conversely, the Japainse love him so much they keep on re-electing the git, no matter what.
I have a Japainese laying down right here; she's happy.


Christopher GlenDEC. 01, 2015 - 12:18PM JST
Are people really that stupid?

