46岁小学老师因“指导12岁男孩手淫并给他们的性器拍照”而被捕 [英国媒体]



n elementary school teacher has been accused of teaching his male students to masturbate before urging them to take photos or film themselves in the act.


Joseph Kimerer Jr. 46 was arrested in Lafayette Indiana on Friday over multiple masturbation incidents with various students dating back to at least 2014

Joseph Kimerer Jr. 46 was arrested in Lafayette Indiana on Friday over several masturbation incidents dating back to at least 2014.

46岁的Joseph Kimerer Jr周五在印第安纳州拉斐特因可追溯至2014年的几起自慰事件被捕。

Police said Kimerer had multiple victims ranging from 12 to 13 years of age while he was a fourth grade teacher Amelia Earhart Elementary School.


Many of the alleged incidents took place during school hours including during private baseball lessons.


The most recent incident occurred on February 26 according to police. 


Kimerer is accused of asking the boys to masturbate in the bathroom and then later describe it to him. 


He also allegedly asked the students about their penis sizes.


Police said Kimerer had multiple victims ranging from 12 to 13 years of age while he was a fourth grade teacher Amelia Earhart Elementary School (pictured above)

Police said Kimerer used code phrases to refer to the masturbation so he could contact the boys at home to ask if they carried out the sex acts. 



He allegedly asked the students to dexe text message exchanges during which he asked about their penis sizes. 


Kimerer who was arrested at his home has since been charged with 13 counts of sexual misbehavior with minors including attempted child exploitation and child solicitation.


Lafayette Schools Superintendent Les Huddle said police were immediately contacted and Kimerer was removed from the school after they learned of the allegations. 

拉斐特学校的负责人莱斯·赫德尔(Les Huddle)说警方马上联系了他,他在知晓这些指控后将Kimerer从学校开除。

Huddle said the school is currently in the process of firing Kimerer following his arrest.

赫德尔说学校在Kimerer 被捕后闹得沸沸扬扬。

'We understand that these allegations will be very troubling to anyone who might have an association with Mr Kimerer' he said.


'The allegations are of the utmost gravity in that they implicate unprofessional conduct by a teacher towards a student. 


'While this report is alarming we want every parent and student to know that we will continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students at Earhart Elementary and for all schools within the Lafayette School Corporation.' 


Kimerer's bail was set at $500000.   



azza-expat-France Arles France 11 hours ago
It makes you feel sick to think a teacher who had access to children could be so sick and twisted in the head i do hope they make sure he's locked away for a very long time.


uthinkicare Hawaii United States 11 hours ago
He definitely won't be. There are many many pèdophìles in this country that are never charged or they get away with a slap on the wrist probation or a very short sentence and they're back on the streets to hurt and kìll more children. This country has many twisted male judges and defense lawyers that are pèdo sympathizers.


Successguy38 Baton Rouge United States 10 hours ago
Sick and gross looking man. Lock him away forever!


somewhere Arkansas United States 10 hours ago
We trust these teachers...what a tragedy


vonee alpine United States 10 hours ago
Parents be leery of 'coaches' who want to spend too much time with your child. Coaching attracts these creeps like moths to the flame. Look how long in went on for over 200 gymnasts..


New Hope American Redoubt United States 10 hours ago
And he thought a 12 year old boy wouldn't tell anyone? Absolute idiot absolute sick idiot.



Ozark Missouri United States 10 hours ago
Leftist filth have infested our schools and every other corner of society.


janebug 922 unx United States 9 hours ago
And Trumpy wants to give them loaded guns?


Cassandra2 Seattle United States 8 hours ago
There is nothing political about this. Perverts exist within every political party in existence.


Arthur Fraynb0rg Vortex United Kingdom 8 hours ago
He seems to be missing a neck


Bwana Atlanta 10 hours ago
At first I thought what is wrong with these sexual predators employed by the schools? Then it dawned on me that it is no different than the mass murderers. Our schools are the most vulnerable public places in the country. It is a smorgasbord for female and male sexual predators. How many are getting away with it as we speak? Look at that coach from Penn State and the decades he got away with it. It is downright scary.


damocles sword Stockton California United States 11 hours ago
I don¿t think any 12 year old boy needs coaching in that task.


Bert Snerdley Connecticut Yankee United States 11 hours ago
"He allegedly taught boys to masturbate..." Aren't most kids self-taught?
