英国边界:卡车上挂着生猪肉阻止穆斯林扒车 [英国媒体]

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:易燃易爆炸 转载请注明出处

A trucker was filmed with FOUR parts of a pig dangling from his 18-wheeler’s bumper at Calais


A LORRY driver bound for Britain hung pork off the back of his truck to stop Muslim migrants climbing into the back.



A clip posted on YouTube seems to show a German truck waiting at Calais with at least four parts of a pig attached to the rear bumper.


Islam strictly forbids the eating of pork but the rules on handling the meat are less clear cut.


But the trucker was taking no chances using the unusual measure to deter potential stowaways.


The lumps of meat are seen fastened to the bottom of the 18 wheeler’s rear door.


Hundreds of Syrians who have fled the country under attack by ISIS have hidden themselves aboard trucks to illegally enter the UK.


Drivers can face imprisonment or heavy fines if they are caught with illegal migrants hidden amongst their cargo.


The video on YouTube was posted by user Garry Brock and titled “Antimigration wagons protection in Europe”.

这个视频由用户Garry Brock上传,标题为“欧洲货车反移民的保护措施”

The news has come as French police struggle to prevent migrants gaining access to the Eurotunnel in their attempts to cross the Channel to Britain.


French authorities have come under fire for imprisoning migrants in a bid to clear up “the Jungle”, a camp where many migrants have gathered waiting for their chance to enter the UK.


The head of France’s prisons watchdog slammed the government saying they had “abused” rules on migration and were committing “serious breaches of fundamental rights”.


In response to the crisis in Syria the UK government has this week voted to extend their current bombing campaign in Iraq across the border into the country.


Today The Sun revealed that senior figures at the Ministry of Defence had warned against the Prime Minister’s claim that there are 70,000 moderate Syrian troops fighting ISIS, comparing the claim to Tony Blair’s infamous “dodgy dossier”.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:易燃易爆炸 转载请注明出处

[url=]Bigyin[/url]14 hours ago
Should stick some around the engine as well. The smell would be lush. He'd have all the English chasing him like the bisto kids mmmmmmm haha

应该把猪肉黏在发动机周围,那样味道会很大。英国人会追着它跑就像bisto kids 那样(bisto 是一种调味粉的牌子,加入肉里面,会让肉非常的香。bisto kids的广告如图。)

[url=]michael williams[/url]15 hours ago
Well done that man.........meanwhile in the uk a man is in court charged with offensive and racist behaviour for leaving 4 pigs heads at the entrance to his local community centre when it was hired by Muslims for a gathering........limp-wristed British law.


[url=]jbird65[/url]15 hours ago
Get on there, all trucks coming into this country should be made to carry some !


[url=]nitraM[/url]15 hours ago
Righteous!...........Get a few rashers on the engine block as well, so they can smell the porky goodness coming.


[url=]JEG[/url]16 hours ago
Use Pig's Heads and Trotters.

