中国的世界第二高桥即将建成 [英国媒体]


Now that really is a HIGH-way: Engineersput finishing touches to Chinese suspension bridge that will be one of theworld's biggest


Engineers are finishing off a suspensionbridge in Chinathat will become the world’s second highest when it opens on Christmas Day.


Workers are applying waterproof materialsand asphalt to the Qingshui River Bridgewith a fortnight to go until traffic is permitted across.


The bridge, which cost ¥1.54billion(£158million) and took two years to build, will be 1,332ft (406m) tall and witha span of 3,707ft (1,130m).


It has been built in rocky terrain toimprove transport links between the provincial capital of Guiyang and neighbouring counties.


It will shorten the distance from Weng'ancounty to Guiyangfrom about 100 miles to 23 miles, construction director Gao Heng said.


The only bridge taller than it will be the Sidu River Bridge - also in China,but in Badong, Hubei - which has a height of 1,627ft (496m).


Another major Chinese bridge underconstruction in Baoshan, Yunnan, will be 8,104ft (2,470m) long whenit is completed next year.


The world-famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California,is 746ft (227m) tall and has a span of 4,200ft (1,280m).


Elisabeth, Paris, France,5 hours ago
Incredible, but I for one would be tooterrified to cross it!


DesertSquidDessert, North Pole, Samoa, 5 hours ago
A monumental engineering feat. Would Idrive on it? Not for all the tea in... Well shoot.


Joe, Nirvana, United States,5 hours ago
WOW! Beautiful Bridge...what a kick it would be to traverse it...


Roger, Bristol, 1 hour ago
In the UK it would be discussed for 10years before going through the planning stage for another 5 years and then takeanother 5 years to build and estimate cost of £500 million and when eventuallycompleted would have cost £2 billion. We use to be the greatest in the worldfor construction projects but now rate equal to 3rd word countries due to thepeople we have in power who haven't a clue.


Martin, Newmarket, 2 hours ago
£158 million - that's an absolute bargain!


Zee Chen, Bay Area Ca, United States, 6 hours ago
That looks amazing. I hope it does notattract jumpers like the Golden Gate where Ilive.


Johnnie, Walker, 2 hours ago
Hat's off to those crane operators....


mr zen, cheshunt england, 2 hours ago
CHINA, forgingahead as a future world leader.


Bert Puttocks, Dunham Massey, United  Kingdom, 1 hour ago
No chance, stealing ideas and making poorcopies will not make Chinaa world leader. The only reason Chinadoes well is cheap labour, zero health and safety and no environmental laws.


DVUK, London, United Kingdom,1 hour ago
£158 million , for a bridge which usuallycost 10 time more to built with current standards and it MADE IN CHINA, would Itake a picture of it, YES, would i drive on it, NO.


arron, yorkshire, United Kingdom, 37 minutes ago
ill bet a few drivers and passengers willbe clenching their buttocks going over this, but well do china !


Serving Bloke,England, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
And how many workers died during itsconstruction?


Kojak Baby, Paris, France,1 hour ago
Until it collapses like everything elsethey build


arron, yorkshire, United Kingdom, 38 minutes ago
name a few ?


MIKE, chelmsford, United Kingdom,45 minutes ago
built by the chineese no thanks


martin, singapore,Singapore,41 minutes ago
Made in China. Is it of good quality?


bazooakbrown, west chester, United States,6 minutes ago
In the US it would take two years just toget an architectural drawing, 5 for the permit, another 8 to 10 years to buildwith 25 to 35 percent devoted to cost over runs. By then it would be obsoleteor in need of remedial repairs.


The Spelling Police, Oxford E.D., United Kingdom,13 minutes ago
I expect they'll be paving it with glassnext.


anwar_kalman, jakarta, Indonesia,1 hour ago
Amazing of China construction , they buildanything for open and reach all their land , fortunately they have beauty land, river , historic and abundant human resources


lilly2, none, United States, moments ago
absolutely incredible! I hope they get abrilliant wage those men on that bridge!! It is literally terrifying!

