日本和白宫的不考虑重启TPP谈判吗? [日本媒体]


Japan, White House rule out re-opening TPP talks


POLITICS Nov. 11, 2015 - 05:45PM JST ( 20 )
Japan and the Obama administration have rejected calls from some U.S. lawmakers to consider re-opening a Pacific trade deal and said any renegotiation attempt could scupper the whole pact.


“Renegotiation is not an option,” Caroline Atkinson, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for international economics, said on a call Tuesday hosted by the Atlantic Council think tank.

“重新谈判不是可选项”,星期二奥巴马政府的负责国际经济的副国家安全顾问Caroline Atkinson在大西洋理事会智库主持的电话会议上说。

Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican who chairs the Senate committee responsible for trade, said negotiators might have to meet again on the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), if support was lacking in Congress.

Orrin Hatch参议员,这个掌管参议院贸易委员会的共和党人说,如果缺少国会的支持,12国的TPP谈判代表可能必须再次举行会议。

Japan, the second largest economy in the TPP, said the deal was like a “glass ornament” that would disintegrate if a part of it were to be renegotiated.


“There can be no re-doing of the agreement,” Economy Minister Akira Amari told a news conference in Tokyo.

经济大臣Akira Amari 在记者招待会上说“协议不可重来”。

Atkinson said many of the gains countries achieved during the negotiations, which took more than five years, had come indirectly, making it impossible to re-open individual issues.


“Every issue is tied to every other issue and every country’s outcome is balanced against every other country’s outcome on market access,” she said.


“It might be some area on agriculture that was of great interest for some country that they would balance against another area in manufacturing, and against what some other country was achieving in terms of market access.”


Hatch has criticized the deal for failing to secure longer protection periods for some medicine, while senior House Democrat Sander Levin has expressed concerns about worker protections in Mexico.  

Hatch批评延长药品保护期谈判的失败,而资深众议院民主党人Sander Levin则对墨西哥劳动者保护表示了关注。

Stuart haywardNov. 11, 2015 - 04:08PM JST
Any renegotiation attempt could "scupper" the whole pact.
scupper a hole in a ship's side to carry water overboard from the deck. an outlet in the side of a building for draining water.
Interesting word choice. Another reason the TPP is a bad idea, no flexibility at all, and if it turns out that any part of the agreement doesn't work well, you're stuck with it anyway.


cracaphatNov. 11, 2015 - 04:58PM JST
It's definitely not a win-win agreement hence the worry of the deal falling apart.


BertieWoosterNov. 11, 2015 - 05:41PM JST
How about reopening TPP talks WITH TRANSPARENCY?
So that us guys, who're going to be most affected by it, can get a word in?


JeffLeeNov. 11, 2015 - 06:29PM JST
This underscores the problem with the design of the US political system and its separation of powers. The president can spend long hours negotiating an international agreement and then have it overturned by the legislative branch, wasting everybody's time.
Washington should adopt the British parliamentary system.


zones2surfNov. 11, 2015 - 07:39PM JST
Washington should adopt the British parliamentary system.
Sure, why not. A simple amendment to the Constitution. No problem. Easily done.


HongoTAFEinmateNov. 11, 2015 - 08:37PM JST
Issue of whether there should be a pact or not aside, what gives the right for the US and Japan to potentially strike side deals? If the US is truly upset about the outcome of the negotiations, then its voters should throw out those politicians whom signed up for it. 
However, knowing the recent toxicity of US politics, I'm inclined to think that this has more to do with political point scoring (reading partisan politics) rather than the TPP agreement itself.


zones2surfNov. 11, 2015 - 09:25PM JST
Issue of whether there should be a pact or not aside, what gives the right for the US and Japan to potentially strike side deals?
Well, as the two largest members involved in the pact, with some of the most sensitive trade issues, they have taken the lead role, even for all of the provisions that are multilateral.
And, also, just an FYI, TPP itself is comprised of so many side letters, bilateral provisions, country-specific measures and the like, that it is not a "one size fits all" agreement. It is one complicated bugger of a deal. Take a look at the table of contents for the agreement.


HongoTAFEinmateNov. 11, 2015 - 10:03PM JST
@zones2surf Your comment is actually only half right. The long-term driving forces behind the TPP in its current incarnation have been the US and what was once called "the Cairns Group". To cut along story short, they were the countries that were stiffed when the Doha Round collapsed.
Moreover, Japan's own involvement in the TPP saga has been on and off. Tokyo was actually caught out by the fact that negotations moved forward. Hence the panicked scramble a couple of years ago to get a last minute seat at the table (I seem to remember a meeting in Thailand). Before that, however, Tokyo was the heavy hitter in the establishment of APEC, while the theoretical framework for both APEC and the TPP can be traced back to the Crawford-Okita Report of 1976.


zones2surfNov. 11, 2015 - 10:44PM JST
Ahhh, you must work for the USTR!! No need for me to educate you then.
And, of course, this was not a joint news conference. It was just both governments getting similar questions, them answering those questions, and Reuters bundling it together in one article.


american_bengoshiNov. 11, 2015 - 10:35PM JST
Don't approve the deal if the governments aren't willing to renegotiate. They negotiate the entire deal in absolute secrecy and then refuse to make any changes when the final framework is released. The complete disregard for the public is appalling.


theFuNov. 11, 2015 - 10:39PM JST
“Renegotiation is not an option,” 
Let me fix that: “Renegotiation will be extremely difficult, but, if necessary, we will do what THE people demand.”


ThePBotNov. 11, 2015 - 11:46PM JST
any renegotiation attempt could scupper the whole pact.
If it's not flexible, it'll break.


StrangerlandNov. 11, 2015 - 11:47PM JST
Hopefully it breaks. We're all going to suffer if it doesn't.


gokai_wo_manekuNov. 11, 2015 - 11:57PM JST
This is good. It means that the TTP will never see the light of day. Especially if a Republican is elected president of the us. Best for the world.


turbotsatNov. 12, 2015 - 02:38AM JST
theFu: Let me fix that: “Renegotiation will be extremely difficult, but, if necessary, we will do what THE people demand.”
C'mon. They're not gonna say that.


shonanbbNov. 12, 2015 - 06:31AM JST
It will not pass anyway.


timtakNov. 12, 2015 - 07:55AM JST
The Japanese press is claiming that while there are a lot of concessions on agriculture the TPP will not help the car industry at all.


fxgaiNov. 12, 2015 - 09:19AM JST
Don't approve the deal if the governments aren't willing to renegotiate. 
Approving the deal only to renegotiate it, doesn't make sense at all.
In order to renegotiate, the implication is that you have to give something up in order to get something else. 
Or you get nothing at all.
That's what is involved in negotiation.
The complete disregard for the public is appalling.
That's why there is the option to not approve the negotiated deal. Take it or leave it. Your public will judge the politicians who made the decisions.


Aly RustomNov. 12, 2015 - 11:05AM JST
They shouldn't have to negociate the whole thing. Just make ALL goods and products tarrif free in the zone. Make sure that all countries are abiding by human rights standards. Even allow more freedom of movement for the TPP nations' citizens. Then you would see real progress. 

