美国海军最大“隐形”驱逐舰首航 [英国媒体]


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The USS Zumwalt launched from Bath Iron Works in Maine on Monday morning
The 600-foot-long destroyer cruised along the Kennebec River to the Atlantic on its first voyage
The ship, which weighs 15,000 tons, has taken four years to build at an estimated cost of $4.3 billion
Engineers will test the computer and power systems aboard the Navy's first 'all-electric' warship
The unique angular design is intended to fool radars into classing it as a fishing vessel  



ankofdad, Ottawa, Canada, 14 hours ago
The US military..........always a decade ahead of anyone else...............cheers

Nova Scotia Guy, Cole Harbour, Canada, 7 hours ago
"US Navy's largest ever 'stealth' destroyer heads out to sea"... hate to say it bout it's not stealth if I can see it.

David, UK, 37 minutes ago
Not quite Bankofdad - Did you notice who made the engines?

Bev Burrows, Hull, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago
Wow. That's a hefty piece of engineering! Must look amazing - and intimidating - if stood close to it. I hope it visits the UK at some point. I'd love to see it close up!!!

RV, USA, 13 hours ago
Brits: This is called a warship. Many warships together make a navy. Navies are military forces that operate at sea.

Mainlinefl, Miami, United States, 12 hours ago
Don - that was pathetic! you literally said that the UK has no navy because US companies don't pay taxes. Which is even funnier because a UK property is offering tax shelters.BWHAAAAA!!!



roderik77, Southend Essex, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
We in the UK don't have a proper navy, nor other armed forces, because we've had 50 years of socialist and left wing governments, of both parties, slashing our defences until we can barely defend ourselves. They've destroyed one industry after another, and funded a bloated bureaucracy whose only function is to make life a misery for the people. I believe we have ONE frigate guarding UK waters. Be warned America, if you let these left wingers into government they will rip the heart out of your society and bring you to your knees. Don't travel our path.

Craigvs, Tamworth, 15 hours ago
that is a beast

n3y0, Boston, 14 hours ago
I saw this ship fat BIW while it was under construction & then again after it was launched. Truly a magnificent vessel. Expect great things from this class.

David, Windsor, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
unfortunately there'll only be 3 of them.... :-(



Martin.mchugh3, London, 6 hours ago
USS Kickass more like. Looks a bit like the Merrimack. Go get em!

NO Name, California, United States, 12 hours ago
It's a shame we aren't funding more of them. The new Gerald Ford Class Carriers, our Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers, this new destroyer, and the LCS/Frigates as well as our subs will hopefully keep the US Navy superior to others. And the Aussies are finally getting helicopter carriers, the Brits are receiving 2 carriers in the near future and the Canucks are finalizing deals to procure Mistral class ships. It's gonna be good for the Anglosphere navies in the coming years.

Devonian, Exmouth, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago
Wel said. We're stronger together. It's a very dangerous world now so the more good kit we all have, the better.

Kbmartin9, Huntington, United States, 4 hours ago
Yeah, I'm really worried about the ISIS'S Navy.

Windschange, NY, United States, 8 hours ago
Send it to closest port near Syria...and unload, then come back. That would be a great sea trial.

labellemeow, albuquerque, 7 hours ago
Thinking the same thing.



Labyrinth, Hot Springs National Park, United States, 12 hours ago
It reminds me of an old ironclad. It's a great looking boat.

A.F.C., Neptune, United States, 7 hours ago
It amazes me when I'm thinking all the people at the bank looking at the ship will be gone one day and become history while the ship is going to serve many many generations. Life is the greatest experience on Earth and is worth every minute of its.

pursuetruth, florida, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
As the daughter of a retired U.S. Navy commander I have every confidence this ship will do it's job.

BeauHoss, Oakland, United States, 10 hours ago
Ship's skipper is actually named Capt. James Kirk. Carry on...

译注:詹姆斯·柯克上尉(Capt. James Kirk.)是《星际迷航》中的人物,他曾经担任第一部《星际旅行》电视剧和前六部《星际旅行》电影的主角,另在第七部电影担任配角。柯克曾指挥过两艘星舰。

fooseball, Richmond Hill, United States, 11 hours ago
PC crowd will be angry, looks too much like the Merrimac...........


Mike from PA, Nashville, United States, 11 hours ago
I checked specifically if it was sailing by Hampton roads.


译注:汉普顿锚地(Hampton Roads)位于弗吉尼亚州东南部,是世界最大的海军基地,占地36,000英亩,此处有大量军事设施。


USocnom, Oconomowoc, United States, 14 hours ago
What a waste of money. Just like the F-35. To far along to stop when they realized it is worthless. Do deep of draft for the original design. They shape of the bow is not a good for the open ocean. There is a reason they gave up on that hull design 120 years ago.

多浪费钱啊。就像F-35战机一样。 在他们意识到这东西毫无用处的时候,已经这方面走得太远了,以至于无法停止。应该深入研究下原始设计的草稿。这艘船的船首并不适合远洋。120年前人们放弃了这种船体设计,一定是有某种原因的。

PTC, Colorado, United States, 12 hours ago
Guess NorthGrum should'a put y'all on contract from the very beginning so you could inform them how this ship should have been built, experts y'all purport to be.

译注:诺斯洛普·格鲁门公司(Northrop Grumman)成立于1994年,是诺斯洛普公司收购格鲁门公司后组成的。这家公司是世界第4大军工生产厂商(2007年),世界上最大的雷达制造商和最大的海军船只制造商。

David, Windsor, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
USoconom - more tank testing was done on this design than any other US warship in history. Tumblehome design concerns are completely unfounded.



bravehorse, Cheyenne, United States, 10 hours ago
Ungrateful Britain always has something negative to say about the country, that kicked their ass in the Revolutionary War, and saved their ass in WWII.
Bee Gee, Derby, 10 hours ago
You mean the side that had to get France to bail them out in the Revolutionary war? The same country that sat back, let the world burn, let people get massacred until they themselves got attacked in WWII? Yeah..... the US doesnt exactly have a history of altruism, merely self interest.

