英国还有必要向印度建高铁提供援助吗? [英国媒体]


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Britain's aid programme to India was condemned last night after the country announced a new £10billion deal for 200mph ‘bullet trains’.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday confirmed the purchase of the high speed ‘Shinkansen’ trains from Japan.


A new 325-mile railway will link Mumbai on the country’s west coast to Ahmedabad to its north. It is expected to cut journey times from the eight hours to around two.



Rof, Wafflecoat, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Why do WE send them £300 million?...................WE are stupid,next easy question.

pramesh, london, 2 hours ago
It's a bribe for business deals which are worth billions, and lets not forget their help in the wars..India has repeatedly said, it doesn't need the aid....Keep them sweet, We may need them in the future...They are overtaking China !

pramesh, london, 11 minutes ago
We are going to need trading partners outside of the Eu, when we decide to leave,,,India is the next growth explosion, after china, which is losing it's status rapidly..


Arfur Foulkasayke, The north, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Should be fun when the passengers try sitting on the roof of that


JohnakaJJ, Farnborough, 4 hours ago
Just so long as we get some good video clips appearing on YouTube, it should be a laugh.


My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Splat !



Franky49 essex, Essex, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
It's because we are stupid. We keep bothering in Tory's / Labs next time vote UKip

Robin The Boy Wonder, N.Ireland, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Getininvolved you are probably right but just call it what it is a bribe instead of aid because its just annoying.

alfaQ, Toronto, Canada, 36 minutes ago
Getinvolved - the bribe didn't work for the new jets india tendered for as that contract went to the french rafale who can be trusted over the brits anyday

 Getininvolved- 这个援助对印度的新飞机项目并没有什么用,合同最后落到法国人手里,谁还信任英国呢?
seen it before, wales, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
What next, a million for new plumbing for ISIS?

denada, Troy, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Our benefits system already takes care of that

colin shorey, lichfield, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
In a few years we will be sending aid to help the people and developed the country."Destroy what there is then loads of profit in rebuild cost"


Scott Webb, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
£279 million in aid in one year to a country with it's own space programme...

每年向一个拥有太空项目的国家提供2.79亿英镑援助. . .


Monalisa Oak, London, 4 hours ago
Oh dear me, don't you know it is the only way to try to get India's interest in buying British goods! Japanese do not have to bribe to get the business from India, because they are on the forefront of "bullet trains" with good safety records!

scooboy, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Yep they have a space programme, and we are barely able to afford a fireworks display on Guy Fawkes night.

kaiserchief, Leeds, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Being a child of second Indian generation. I agree with DM. As a tax payer I would like to see this money spent and reinvested in the UK. In my world it's pretty simple maths, invest in your own people, your own infrastructure, your own communities. This is absolutely scandalous! I am utterly annoyed and disappointed with this government.



Monalisa Oak, London, 4 hours ago
No dear, you do not understand the underlined object of giving aid to "poor" India, it is to bribe the government to make trade deals with its former masters! Sadly, India is now looking for "quality" "reliability" and much more in what they invest money in! And this great nation has nothing specific to meet that impoverish nation! Japanese can offer what India wants so it spends billions of dollars to get Japanese know how and technology to improve their infrastructure!

Getinvolved, Heartofthecountry, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Monalisa - Your argument makes no sense giving aid money to the 'poor' does not buy you bribes. India's elite who make all the economic decisions are so desensitised to the poor they dont give two hoots if you pay for a well in a rural state. So my patronising dear take your wishy washy statement rethink it and try harder next time.



MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Yet they still want the diamond back they gifted us.

ddson, Durham, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
After THEY stole it.

Monalisa Oak, London, 4 hours ago
No dear, that diamond was acquired by your former colonial power by deception and cunning way, so it should go to the rightful owner of that most precious diamond that was no other than slum dwellers nation like India!


nicciw, Coventry, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
They also have a space programme and a nuclear programme whereas we can't even keep our rivers from flooding. Welcome to broken Britain.

nicciw, Coventry, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
You wait months to get seen on the NHS whilst at the same time the Government squanders money on a country that has a space programme. What a joke.

BARGET, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

不不不,完全不是个笑话 一个大大的耻辱


IDontBelieveIt, Earth, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
because 'Davy' is a emm fool

Monalisa Oak, London, 4 hours ago
No dear, it was your British goods, which is difficult to export to India, so giving that "impoverish nation" much needed bribe to make them deal with this great nation!

Geddis, Gateshead, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Has India no shame? Educate, house and feed your poor with the money you so clearly have. We can barely do it ourselves, never mind India.

HappyChappy, SouthEast, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Come on, India has no interest nor any appetite for internal reform of its so called culture. Tribal justice will continue, poverty will continue and the rich will get richer - oops, that sounds like us!

jssagu, London, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Billions of 'poor' Indians rely on the train service for work and to travel around...

Nitor, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
I would love to see them clinging to the outside of those at 200 mph lol.



common-sense-surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Maybe instead of a Stop the War protest march around London, we should have a "Stop Squandering our Tax Money" march! Sheer lunacy...

 也许与其在伦敦搞一个反战游行,我们应该搞一个“反对随便使用纳税人的钱”游行。真是太蠢了. . .
The Silent Minority, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Makes me sick especially when the government cuts cancer drugs because they are too expensive. India can clearly look after herself, now Britain look after your own.

Ian, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Can't wait to see people trying to sit on the roof of that thing

Juggernaut, Edmonton AB, Canada, 3 hours ago
You SOB ! you made me choke on my coffee in Starbucks ! Lmfao

你这个son of bitch! 你让我在星巴克呛了一口咖啡!LMFAO

thundercat, saxmundham, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
Nope, but they will have a bloody good try, just think, they will go and meet their maker at 200 miles per hour.

OUT_of_the_EU, Leeds, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
It's a disgrace. Stop all this mandatory aid - give aid when needed, not as a matter of course. India does not need aid!

这是一个耻辱。停止强制性援助 - 在需要时才提供援助,而不是当作理所当然的事情。 印度不需要援助!


Vinni, Littlehampton, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
For an environmental catastrophe only......and we have our own currently in Cumbria where readers are hoping THEIR contributions are matched by Osborne. Shameful and humiliating.

这只是环境的灾难 . . . 我们也有我们自己的问题,现在坎布里亚郡的读者都希望自己的贡献能与奥斯本相配。(译者注:奥斯本:英国财政大臣,推动了英国加入亚投行)这是可耻和耻辱的。
Helen54, York, 3 hours ago
Charity surely begins at home..where is the money the government promised to give Britain for the contaminated blood campaign. ...our own people..have to beg for money they rightly deserve..for something that our own government did to its own people. ...

慈善应该先在家里做. . . 英国政府承诺给英国污染血液运动的钱在哪里 . . . 由于政府的所作所为,导致我们自己的人民不得不乞求他们有权获得的金钱. . .

SG4E, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Countries like India get the money because this stupid government has boxes to tick! And they have a need to look more liberal and caring than anyone on the left. How is every government so desperate to give OUR hard-earned money away instead of spending it making OUR lives better - which is what we elected them to do!

像印度这样的国家得到了钱,因为愚蠢的政府需要做出一些决定!而且他们有需要来显得比左派更自由和关爱。每个政府怎么都绝望地想要把我们的血汗钱撒出去而不是用这些钱改善我们的生活 - 而且是我们选举他们在这么做的!
