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Multinational corporations doing business in China face a losing battle when it comes to keeping copies of their products off the market, with anti-counterfeiting investigators either collaborating with producers of the fake goods, or copying the goods themselves, according to a report.
The Associated Press said it had found that anti-counterfeiting investigators were widely involved in copying products of their own western customers so they could claim bounties for “seizing” them.
The western companies subcontract anti-counterfeiting work to private investigators paid on commission. More seizures mean higher fees, creating powerful incentives to cheat in an industry with little oversight.
As counterfeiting has flourished in China over decades, a lucrative, parallel industry has blossomed to fight it. Counterfeiting today is a multibillion-dollar business in China, which produces nearly nine of every 10 fake items seized at US borders.
One of the world’s largest consumer goods companies hired an investigator to track down counterfeit anti-dandruff shampoo in China, the AP said. But instead of finding real counterfeiters, the investigator, Wang Yunming, set up a factory to produce counterfeit shampoo himself, which he then “seized” and billed to the firm as a successful raid, according to two employees involved in the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of losing their jobs.
vicepopeeric 32m ago
The Associated Press said it had found that anti-counterfeiting investigators were widely involved in copying products of their own western customers so they could claim bounties for “seizing” them.
"Tax the rat farms", Lord Vetinari, Ankh Morpork
“向老鼠农场征税”,Lord Vetinari, Ankh Morpork
Damien Holland 1h ago
A classic case of no one watching the watchers.
ArturoLindop 1h ago
Ha ha ha, China again: http://rantsaboutchina.page.tl/.
quarrytone 2h ago
It really is the Wild East out here, reminiscent of roaring 20's Chicago or 1900 America where there was even a law saying foreign intellectual property didn't have to be honoured and could be copied.
Harry Bhai 4h ago
No wonder China became rich so fast.
Chaps 4h ago
I've heard that they've built some fake islands in the South China Sea. A fake navy has been set up to extort fines from passing shipping.
OldJacobi 5h ago
I've got a fake tanning advisor. Should I be worried?
habuta 5h ago
Calling everything "fake" does not really explain what is happening. Some of these goods are parallel products. Like the article says, they are produced in the same factory using the same equipment and materials as the original but without the oversight/knowledge of the factory owners or company that commissioned the product. In other words, instead of producing 10,000, you produce 11,000, or sell the substandard ones that were supposed to be destroyed etc. These products are then sold by a parallel sales organisation. Part of the reason that these things are happening is because international companies are skimping on oversight. They send people out once a year to audit the place and that is it. They do a quick scan of the company, tick a few boxes and then flee back to the safety of somewhere else in the world. They save money on management and then expect customs officers, police and the general public to catch the "fake" goods. It's much cheaper than actually running a well managed organisation.
Then again, there are "real fakes", but that is not what this article is about.
把每件东西都称作造假并不能真正解释正在发生的事。有些货品是平行产品。就像文中所说的,他们是在同一家工厂使用同样的设备和原料所生产的产品就跟原装货一样,只不过工厂主或者委托的企业没有进行监管或者说不知情。换句话说如果你计划生产10000件产品,实际你会生产11000件,或者说把那些本来是要销毁的次品拿出来进行销售。这些产品通过平行销售渠道卖出去。因为跨国企业监管不到位所以发生了这种情况。他们只是一年一次派人去各地审计一次然后也仅此而已。他们飞快的检查一下公司,在一些盒子上面作记号然后逃回世界上其他安全的地方。这比那些采用高效手段运营的管理良好的公司省钱多了。最后在强调一次,这是”真的假货 ”(A货:原材料和工艺同品牌商一致的无授权产品),但是这篇文章中没有提及。
Omniscience habuta 5h ago
The same multinationals who pay peanuts for products and then expect the Chinese factory to magic the production to include expensive components.
LouSmorels 5h ago
The reason the largest banknote in China is the 100 Yuan note is because authorities are worried about it being counterfeited!
Even corner shops have machines for identifying fake bank-notes!
Ejectorseat 5h ago
In the end the world will be brought down to China's level. This is the price we will pay for cheap goods.
Tatsurmon 6h ago
No one believes in chinese communists. Even Chinese people do not trust the dirty communist party.
wang zhuowei Tatsurmon 6h ago
I am Chinese. To be exact , the communist party of China doesn't gain the trust and belief of the young. Therefore, they blocked all the information resources, such as YouTube, Facebook and Google. They propaganda the "fake" one instead. Poor Chinese!
Damien Holland wang zhuowei 1h ago
Thanks for sharing, friend.
leonorp 6h ago
isn't it time to move manufacturing out of China?
现在是时候把工厂从中国搬出来了 。
ElpieKay leonorp 6h ago
no, they are not ready yet.
MoralityforRent leonorp 5h ago
Are you ready to take up those jobs?
SMERSH1984 MoralityforRent 5h ago
I thought the Western "working class" is eager to claim "back" those jobs which have been outsourced by "evil" "neo-liberals", "multi-naitionals" and other "unpatriotic gobalizers", if I listen to their "saviours" from the old left and the new right fringes.
如果我聆听那些来自老左派和极右翼(new right fringes 不确定特指什么。。) 的救星的话,我想这些西方的“劳工阶层”热衷于宣称需要要回那些他们曾经被“恶魔”“新自由主义者”“多民族主义者”和其他“无爱国主义的全球化者”外包出去的工作岗位。
BillBarilko 6h ago
Hilarious stuff!!
Oh Those Madcap Chinese-who knew?!
HHeLiBe BillBarilko 6h ago
Perhaps but not so funny if it involves safety equipment or baby formula.
Beekeeper49 7h ago
This is a very serious issue when it comes to building materials and safety equipment.
In Australia we have regulations about building cladding not being flammable. Chinese manufactured cladding that looked similar, had a similar name etc, but it was discovered to be highly flammable when a multi-storey apartment building caught fire. Unfortunately the same cladding had also been used on other buildings including a major hospital in Melbourne.
All goods imported from China need to be tested and checked by an independent body, because it is not good enough to rely on importers to themselves do the right thing. We have a similar scandal right now about Chinese alternative medicines, which have allegedly been found to contain dangerous metals and traces of endangered animal species.
ID8616980 Beekeeper49 5h ago
Does this apply to Chinese nuclear power stations?
quarrytone ID8616980 2h ago
The world nuclear industry is regulated and controlled to world standards. Isolated if you will. They wouldn't have got the technology without stringent oversight, and their many patents also double checked.
They use a later generation safer technology than France, more expensive, but less dangerous in the event of catastrophic accidents like an airline falling onto the site.
MingBaakMei 7h ago
Any organisation wishing to investigate matters in China is well advised to go through an western-owned overseas security company as an intermediary rather than deal with a Chinese 'security' company direct. That way the chances of a 'rip-off' are lessened as inside knowledge of the security industry within China comes into play.
As far as the business world is concerned they should realise China is still the 'Wild West'. Stealing, in all its various forms, is considered the norm, so a successful heist is not only applauded, but quickly emulated.
valdez 7h ago
Fake anti-counterfeiting agents, obviously.
LePouple 7h ago
Counterfeiting products which rely on their place of 'origin' or their fashionable brand: beau travail!